don't you people lie to yourself
This is the opinion we've been waiting to hear.
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Album Rating: 4.0
this must be trollery.
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Did they ever say what the hand gestures on the album covers mean?
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"white-guilt-ridden side-cuck El-P"
Best use of cuck in years.
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If people have a problem with the review sounding too much like a political rant, then they should listen to the actual album it addresses.
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Album Rating: 2.5
"Starting off with negative assumptions and attacks against the audience and fans isn't really a good way to lead into a review."
It's my signature style tho
@cavalry yeah exactly
The hand gestures / cover is supposed to represent someone being robbed at gunpoint and handing over jewelry, hence "run the jewels". Nothing like being preached to by people who romantacize armed robbery
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This reads less like a review and more like a vindictive rant from a Trump supporter who's pissed they can't deport Mike or El-P.
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Album Rating: 2.5
Idk El-P sounds like a pretty Mexican name to me. Probably a pseudonym he used to cross the border illegally
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Yeah this entire review is a nightmare to read it's just a nonsensical rant by and angry alt righter
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Album Rating: 2.5
You sound a lot angrier than me tbh
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What if I mention gun control?
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*autistic screeching*
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Album Rating: 2.5
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You shouldnt be able to buy groceries if you're on the no-fly list
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Album Rating: 2.5
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Album Rating: 2.5
Dozens of US congress men shouldn't be able to buy groceries
Seems legit
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Album Rating: 2.5
havent listened yet but your writing is kinda bad, both grammatically and stylistically
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Album Rating: 2.5
hes a moron
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Album Rating: 2.5
my version was more tactful
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Album Rating: 2.0
I don't care about politics on lyrics, how ever dumb or contradictory they are, but this sounds so tired, so uneventful, so 'done with it', so on cruise mode that it just bores me to sleep.
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