Haven't heard the album, but that's a great review. Synthetic, clear, to the point, unpretentious. Good job!
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I definitely have a soft spot for this band. I was hoping this reunion would have sparked another The Healing Process. Some of the moments on The Ills of Modern Man and Day of Mourning are great, but they're not the complete album that The Healing Process is. I'll be checking this out for sure though
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pig squeals improved a lot at least. Almost sound like legit slam gutturals in bad vibes
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Album Rating: 3.0
I don't really see any point in listening to any other deathcore after hearing exoplanet, ovdi and slice the cake
But I did really like day of mourning. Is this close?
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Album Rating: 3.5
Not quite as good but nearly.
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Album Rating: 2.5
not for me no
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Album Rating: 4.5
I don't really see any point in listening to any other deathcore after hearing exoplanet, ovdi and slice the cake
dude stop
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Album Rating: 4.5
What other bands have these vocalists recorded with they sound so familiar
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
"I don't really see any point in listening to any other deathcore after hearing exoplanet, ovdi and slice the cake"
this is mad ignorant fam. u better then dat
"What other bands have these vocalists recorded with they sound so familiar"
they both featured on a oceano song but i can't rly think of anything else tbh
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"I don't really see any point in listening to any other deathcore after hearing exoplanet, ovdi and slice the cake"
Even worse when you're missing the best deathcore release out there "The Price of Existence"
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Album Rating: 3.5
"they both featured on a oceano song but i can't rly think of anything else tbh"
he's obviously confusing them with someone else because no one fucking listened to that
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Giving out deathcore recs and no mention of Red Chord in this thread?
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Album Rating: 2.5
they're on a different plane for me tbh, i don't even really lump them in with deathcore that much
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Album Rating: 3.0
Because they're that good, yeah
Price of existence has very nice riffs but the sound of the drums and the guitars annoy me, and the pig squeals even more so. If the album had this is how it ends production it would be real sweet.
If you dont lump those bands with deathcore, then I guess my fav deathcore would have to be the red chord, animosity, glass casket, aversions crown, the boy will drown, thy art is murder. Everything else I know well enough to pass judgment on is shit bar some single songs (i even like district of misery by oceano, haha)
On topic though: the video for Bad Vibes off this is tons of fun if I've ever seen it - the pig squeal part where Steve does those hand movements is hilarious
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Album Rating: 3.0
Listened to the whole thing and yeah, it doesn't hold a candle to day of mourning. It's not bad, but nothing to write home either. I really liked Time Bomb, sweet song
Might up to 3.0 if I ever get to listen again and appreciate the intricacies
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Album Rating: 4.5
okay this rules hard
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Album Rating: 4.5
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Album Rating: 3.5
Not enough pig squealing and it isn't as consistent as their earlier work, but it's still pretty solid.
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Album Rating: 4.5
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Album Rating: 3.5
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