My momma told me not to click on strange links from the internet
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Album Rating: 5.0
that link looks safe as fuck
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Album Rating: 5.0
beats sound like flylo+sgp YA FEEL ME
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The production on "AM // Radio" (featuring Wiki) gives me a El-P vibe, anyone else get that?
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Album Rating: 3.8
ye it's a good review sos though dont mean to be too critical about it, also your rating is probably right on
Ah no worries man, it's better when people say what doesn't work (:
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rather listen to doris again
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Loved the beat on Huey, felt like I was at a circus lol
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Haven't listened to the whole thing but I'm pumped he did a song with Wiki.
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doris was gud ill b checkin this
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Album Rating: 4.5
album is growing on me. Thought it was just "okay" but now I'm getting quite into the vibes here.
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I think he overdoes the bored delivery at times.
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Album Rating: 3.5
this is so good
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Which made it all the more refreshing when I heard Grief and Earl sounded fucking pissed.
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Album Rating: 2.5
sad to see that the label fucked him over with the release of this album
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Album Rating: 4.5
His NPR interview is very good
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Album Rating: 3.0
only listened this once so far (and it seems like a potential grower), but my initial impression was that the second half was way better than the first. i dig it, but kind of wish he'd go back to the lyrical wizardry of his older stuff (and i don't necessarily mean the horrorcore subject matter, but more like that song Dat Ass)
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Album Rating: 4.0
Yeah man I agree, Grief is particularly grim.
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no offense but this sounds like it was made in an hour
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Album Rating: 4.0
Well its only 30 minutes long so it's possible...
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