Street Spirit/Fade out is better than Exit Music/for a song. Anyhow wow Radiohead and Thom Yorke are one of the best ways without substances or mowing grass (lol Hank Hill) to experience music out of this realm.
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Album Rating: 2.5
Maybe if you are 13.
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Album Rating: 4.0
I'd tentatively back that, Exit music is amazing the first few times you hear it but after that it needs to exist in context, whereas street spirit is just always great
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Album Rating: 2.0
this is about as fun as mowing grass [2]
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Album Rating: 3.5
The fact that so many books still name Radiohead as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" art rock band ever only tells you how far art rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all time are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all time. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Art rock critics, instead, are still blinded by commercial success. Radiohead sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Art rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Is this a freshly baked copypasta
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Album Rating: 3.3
is a crusty classic alas
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i like radioehad
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Album Rating: 2.0
smae just not this album
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At least I tried to bring a new take. A couple songs are duds but Pablo Honey wasn't a master class either. I'll stop whispering in a moment but I don't know how to follow this without some research. I need an airbag.
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Album Rating: 4.5
when you first listen to radiohead- this is amazing
years after- not as interesting as others
old age wisdom- this is amazing
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Album Rating: 4.0
When released - It’s a bit too reigned in stadium rock but definitely decent
After OKC - Without question has some absolutely classic tunes on it
2010s - Rock is dead
Old Age Wisdom - This is amazing
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I always liked the rock side of Radiohead more, but Kid A has some of the best songs ever. So where does this leave me who still likes Pablo Honey era and not just b/c I heard Creep.
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Album Rating: 4.0
It leaves you stuck 30yrs in the past like myself.
I’ve never left.
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Album Rating: 4.5
zak will always set you right. and yeah punker i get it for sure. this was my favorite once upon a time. something about the stripped down simplicity of this draws me back.
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I like Thom Yorke solo stuff tons and newer radiohead too that I hear. It's just I got the Bends, AGAIN. Tell my family I won't be home tonight. The Bends.
Also that album art was so goofy back then.
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Album Rating: 4.5
goofy but instantly iconic! honestly one of my favs lol
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I didn't really get into Radiohead till the later 90s but I was always wondering why does this band have a knockoff crash test dummy on their cover of an album. I didn't know what it was. Hehe.
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Album Rating: 4.5
If it’s 3 o’clock in the morning and someone suggested a ‘waffle house’ would be doing the killing.
Fucking waffles. Absolute nonsense.
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Normal I don't get the waffles references. Leggo.
Just, you do it TO YOURSELF!
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