'ahhh eli man I loved the game, my goty 2011 no doubt. such a great foreshadowing of whats to come, so good'
Thank god
finally someone who isn't all Skyrim hurrdurr best game ever
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@MetallicOpeth, I played through to obtain 100% trophies i spent a LONG time keeping it stealth to avoid alerting any devices or killing anyone. I think I became so engrossed and on edge that the music passed me by. Most likely, it subliminally added to my feelings of tension. Will def check this out and good review btw
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Album Rating: 4.5
"finally someone who isn't all Skyrim hurrdurr best game ever"
Skyrim is preeeeeeeetty damn overrated. It's -gorgeous-, sure, and huge, but the gameplay isn't even that good. It will probably blow your mind if you've never played that type of game before though.
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Playing this game now. Fucking love it. The soundtrack is brilliant.
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Game rules.
Soundtrack rules.
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wow this actually sounds pretty sweet.
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Still have this game sat upstairs and it needs completing, might have to soon.
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sick game, been playing the original which has cool music as well
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Album Rating: 5.0
This soundtrack is just as extraordinary as the game. Loved it.
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Mad respect for reviewing this, I must have spent 30 minutes on the title screen before even starting this up. Square never phones in the music.
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Album Rating: 5.0
I've always been a lover of game soundtracks, but this soundtrack almost stole the show of the game. It sucked me right in.
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Metroid Prime has always been a favorite of mine. At one point I had a remaster of it that was done by this young asian guy I knew online, the clarity and soundstage it added was phenomenal. I need to look for it again.
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Never listened to this, curious
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Album Rating: 5.0
just dropping in to say this album is still incredible
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