Album Rating: 4.0
This is at worst a 3.5. And that's being pessimistic.
This album gets by on 3.5 by managing to store individually strong singles and string them together as an album. The lyrics are actually worth reading, unlike most of the music in this genre. Simple but catchy, great production, and clever. Memorable. It's a 4 ish.
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
this would be a good place for anybody to start:
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Album Rating: 4.5
Whole concert here: my advice-keepvid it while it last's. or at least watch it.
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I'm with Conrad, I don't know how anyone could possibly dislike this.
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Album Rating: 4.5
I'm not a huge lcd fan but this shits all over there other albums. Someone great is one of my favorite songs ever.
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Album Rating: 4.5
also not too hard to dislike lcd. Personally I hate most of his vocals and the beats don't always make up for it
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
I love all 3 of their albums. (fanboyish avatar alert)
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Album Rating: 4.5
not enough womp
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
what a wonderful avatar, adam
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
the brooklyn vegan took some incredible shots
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Album Rating: 4.0
always thought it was "face like a Dad and an affable stance"
nevertheless, this review is incredible, well done
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EElctric shity
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
nevertheless, this review is incredible, well done
I am so, so flattered :3
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How come the only great post-punk albums of the last decade have all come from Brooklyn?
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Album Rating: 4.0
public strain tyvm
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
Honestly, the term "post-punk" is so incredibly loose that I don't even know what it really means. I've heard LCD Soundsystem described as post-punk, and I've heard Warpaint described as post-punk.
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a world inw hich lcd soundsystem and women are the same genre is a confusing place
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@tao I've read 2 books on post-punk and how it is normally described is
a.) well produced
b.) incorporating a variety of genres
but mainly this concept which is really quite hard to describe.
It's that thing where the the artist in one line pours his heart and soul into a line and then tosses it aside(normally, but not necessarily, with humour) in the next line.
I guess it is like emo. Once you listen to it enough you can tell. Because I can almost always notice it.
easy answer: It sounds like talking heads
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Album Rating: 4.0
Talking Heads are equal parts Post-Punk and New Wave and probably had equal hands in crafting both the genres.
If we're getting specific, I find it generally good practice to use Joy Division as the precipice of Post-Punk.
genre tags are vague as fuck though so take it for what you will.
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Ya I agree
post-punk blurs into new wave blurs into no wave blurs into indie rock would be a really really rough timeline.
Post-punk is my favourite genre though.
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