nice 5s bro
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Album Rating: 4.0
I thought you were being sarcastic at first but you have Airiel, Bark Psychosis, Kitchens of Distinction and Wipers rated highly so maybe you're not being sarcastic.
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Album Rating: 4.0
He wants to fuck you, dude. You’re so oblivious .
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no sarcasm i like them :]
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Album Rating: 4.7
those are nice 5s
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"However, when you make an album as historically important as Funeral - probably the first or 2nd most important indie rock album of the 21st century, in objective measures - being a good person or not is extremely irrelevant."
trust me it's way more relevant than you think
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Album Rating: 4.0
The last 6 years of discourse have been terrible backwards progress in terms of music communities and how to discuss albums considered among the greatest of all time. Take me back to the late 2000s and early 2010s when morality was a complete non-factor in the way people talked about critically adored art.
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idk its kinda killed brand new discussion here so id say thats a net positive
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Album Rating: 4.0
saw them in ‘10 at the ryman with a few buddies and my first gf but we’d broken up bc both goin to diff colleges, and she started bawling during crown of love which was like my least fav song on this album and it was just very awkward lol
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Album Rating: 2.5 | Sound Off
i dont remember listening to this
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Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off
Not sure if it's nostalgia, but the chills I get from this album, especially on the first few songs, is unparalleled. There's something magical about this album. Only song that I don't really feel anything is on is Rebellion, and that's an incredible achievement in my eyes.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Why does the riff from Wake Up feel so similar to the song of the same name by RATM? Coincidence — or aliens?
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Album Rating: 5.0
never been to ireland but it looks like seeing this badboy played in its entirety has pushed me into doing so
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Album Rating: 5.0
20 years of this meisterwerk
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Album Rating: 5.0
gorgeous from start to finish
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Album Rating: 5.0
This is perhaps my favorite album that I might never listen to again.
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Album Rating: 4.5
haha, we all have ones like that
a lot of my 4.5s I think 'objectively that's a 5' but then realise I haven't spun it in years and there's a barrier to ever finding the time to spin it whenever I think of the album
tbh this is probably destined to become one of those 4.5s
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Album Rating: 5.0
This did recently fall out of my top 10 so I feel.
Still top 20 or maybe even 15 though. One of the very rare and special albums where I can remember the exact day I first listened to it - January 7, 2012. Established itself as a personal classic not long after that
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Album Rating: 5.0
I can’t remember exactly when Dyl but I had a similarly impactful early experience with those one. But it so encapsulates a certain time of my life and I’ve lost so much goodwill for the band that it’s hard to think of when I’d really ever want to listen to it as a whole.
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Album Rating: 4.5
I’m jamming this approx. once every 5 years, and it always gives me the chills of mental time travel. There’s only a handful of albums that can do this to me.
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