Album Rating: 3.0
Is this worth getting? So much disappointment surrounding this album... I really hoped it would be amazing.
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Yeah i listened to a track off of fiction, and i downloaded it. I'll be listenin to it soon.
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
I still pre-ordered the double LP haha, I don't mind supporting the band still.
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Album Rating: 2.5
Let down of the year amiright?
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hmm idk, I was kind of expecting this seeing as DT have, to be fair, basically been doing the same thing since Damage Done so they were bound to slip up eventually. Also the preview tracks were a bit suckish
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Album Rating: 2.5
Ok, so I just gave this a listen out of curiousity. It was decent for the first few tracks then the rest just seemed to mesh into one long boring track.
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Album Rating: 1.5
However, the overall package comes off as both uninspired and lackadaisical, and shows noticeable cracks in Dark Tranquillity’s established, concrete sound.
Noticeable? The cracks give way to canyons that completely suck anything good on this album into it.
Great review, this is a piece of shit from start to finish. WAYYYYYYYYYYY too nice on DT, but I completely understand your stance since you love this band to no end. I just can't forgive mistakes like this. Talk about 'WOW THAT WAS BAD'.
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
I honestly don't think it's bad Karl, if I did I would have rated it so. I think a 3 fits this perfectly, no more, no less. There were no moments when I said "WOW THAT WAS BAD", but then again there were no moments when I said "WOW THAT WAS AMAZING", the only potential exception could be Iridium.
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i wish Iridium ended at 5 minutes instead of trailing off with keyboards and stuff. i mean its cool but come on every DT closing track since At Loss For Words has done that....
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
i wish Iridium ended at 5 minutes instead of trailing off with keyboards and stuff.
Agreed, it's the only thing keeping that track from being perfect.
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jus wondering who else agrees that this is the worst Dark Tranquillity album?
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Tied with Projector.
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oh man i quite like Projector ThereIn and The Sun Fired Blanks are awesome
imo its one of their lesser albums, but definitley not their worst (talking about Projector)
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Album Rating: 3.2
Hell no, that's not possible because Projector is their best album.
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Haha knew you were going to come in and say that Trey.
I think The Gallery is their best followed by either Damage Done or Fiction.
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imo: The Gallery > Damage Done + Character + Fiction
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Character > Damage Done = Fiction
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Album Rating: 3.0
They weren't going to be amazing forever.
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Album Rating: 3.0
I quite like your avatar, Scoot.
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Album Rating: 3.0
Yeah, so far it's gotten a pretty good response.
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