Album Rating: 3.0
You know what...Good review.
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Album Rating: 4.5
fuck you
thanks for the comments everyone else I appreciate it sincerely
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Album Rating: 3.0
I just can't win with you man. I really thought it was a good read and it didn't come across as a review with an ulterior motive.
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All of his latest reviews have been good reads, it has just been a matter of agreement for you.
You already know what i think of this revue Danny :-)
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Album Rating: 3.0
Nah, I just commented on the one's I thought made bad points. I guess I get worked up on ones I consider classics or near classics. I liked the Thrice - Beggars review even though I like that album.
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I guess that makes sense. I mean, if he made a 2.5 review for Crossbreed's new album (my album of the year) I would probably also find something that greatly displeases me and would get riled up for nothing.
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Album Rating: 4.5
I just can't win with you man. I really thought it was a good read and it didn't come across as a review with an ulterior motive. I just don't see why you, amongst other supposed "role models" (eletric city and cam and other bitches) feel the need to act like you're better than me in all areas of life (and yes you did this with your little list about yourself) when I simply stand up against a mainstream position. I know it's shocking and all but not everyone likes the same music as you people, there clearly are subjective faults of said music because of that and just because you don't agree does not mean you're touched by god
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Album Rating: 3.0
Don't worry that list wasn't aimed at you, it was a response to the guy that said I was probably a 12-yr-old with no friends that stalked little boys. Just wanted to clear that up. I got nothing against you, I was strictly talking about what I read in a few reviews.
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Album Rating: 4.5
well either way what I said still stands for the general people of the site
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Album Rating: 4.0
This < Horse Rotorvator, Musick to Play in the Dark (vol. 1) or The Ape of Naples (which also features my favourite version of Teenage Lightning), but still pretty awesome. Nice to see a Coil review, anyways.
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still haven't got into coil
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this along with Horse Rotorvator are my favorite Coil albums.
'Dark River' is just perfect, honestly
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Coil deserves a review like yours mate!
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Snow is epic
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Album Rating: 3.0
whoa this is like the only thread where I've ever got into an argument. Good times.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Almost 3 years. Damn sput. Anyways this album is so fucking creepy it's insane.
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bump, 6 years here
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dayum used to lurk back when coil had about 8 ratings or something for this record, I'm so happy to see they got a lot more love over time
Oh and incred record obviously (maybe second or third fave) as well as the beginning of freakin' Teenage Lightning
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Album Rating: 3.5
Windowpane is amazing
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