
Reviews 1
Approval 70%

Soundoffs 37
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 43
Album Edits 46

Album Ratings 1184
Objectivity 87%

Last Active 07-06-18 5:38 pm
Joined 10-04-10

Review Comments 10,671

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When your sword no longer shines, And your armor is covered in blood, You'll be king until the day, When I call on you to ride!,

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  • Dedes Yeah and they rule what of it bitch??? Lol they just hit me with those good sadboy hardcore vibes that have been resonating heavily lately. Also been back on a big Mis Sigs and Fall of Troy train, real mid 2000s metalcore vibes atm. Also hope your sickness clears up my dude, coughing and sneezing is w/e but I hate having those wicked cold migraines.
    December 9 12:05 AM
  • Dedes Lmao if ur talking discord I got locked out of my account years back and tbh I forget why or how??? Then I uhh just never found time to use it much again, life's been an equally beautiful and ugly rollercoaster and tbh I wish I could say the former rn lol how u doin dawg
    December 6 04:54 AM
  • Dedes Come back brother o mine
    December 1 02:58 AM
  • Hawks Miss u.
    November 6 03:45 PM
  • Dedes Jam Johnny Booth you coward hyd
    March 18 03:56 AM

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