
Album Ratings 1
Last Active 05-21-14 3:54 am
Joined 05-21-14

Review Comments 14

12.06.14 "getting" Black Metal/extreme Metal 05.21.14 How To Recognize Good Guitar Playing?

How To Recognize Good Guitar Playing?

I'm trying to deepen my musical tastes, and my understanding of technicality in music. I play drums (so I have that instrument covered), and I can get by with most other instruments, but I cannot identify a unique guitar riff/solo from a generic/bad one. Can someone at least try to explain the differences without telling me to just learn guitar. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Rust In Peace
The World Needs a Hero

How is one Rust In Peace (which I do like more for other reasons) guitar hailed, while
The World Needs a Hero's is called rehashed?
Ride the lightning
Death Magnetic

I actually prefer Death Magnetic (even though I love both). Again, why is the guitar so
much better in the earlier one?
La Gargola
Hats Off To The Bull

I enjoy both albums pretty equally. How is La Gargola's guitar experimental while Hats
Off To The Bull is generic?
7Demon Hunter
8Demon Hunter
Storm the Gates of Hell

Like them both equally; why is extremist so much better (guitar wise).
9Guns N' Roses
Appetite for Destruction

Obvious which one I like better (GNR), but both have solos. What is different.
11Linkin Park
Hybrid Theory

Enjoy Recoil a lot more, but how is Hybrid Theory's guitar simple/generic?
13Bullet For My Valentine
Temper Temper
14Bullet For My Valentine
The Poison

Both have solos. The Poison is always thought to be significantly better (I can't stand
either though).
15Avenged Sevenfold
City of Evil
16Avenged Sevenfold
Hail to the King

Again, solos in both. One is beloved, one is hated. Why?
173 Doors Down
The Better Life
183 Doors Down
3 Doors Down

First album is thought to be their best (if you can call it a peak). What is the difference
(besides the grungier sound). Technicality wise.
19Any acclaimed rock band
20Any generic rock band

What is different?
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