
Reviews 24
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 37
Album Ratings 261
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 05-17-15 11:44 pm
Joined 08-25-12

Review Comments 2,124

01.23.15 4 Best Songs Ever Made09.18.14 Made Irrelevant By Music.
07.31.14 I'm On A Boat!06.26.14 How To Be A Perfect Parent
06.22.14 The Best And Worst Reviews05.13.14 Best Albums Of The '80s
05.11.14 Fixing The Double Album.05.05.14 Ranked Lists List
03.29.14 I Am The New Andcas02.27.14 Bands I've Seen Live
02.09.14 Best Albums Ever01.01.14 Ultimate Pink Floyd Ranking
07.28.13 Thanks To Sputnik03.08.13 favorite female vocalists
03.07.13 Recs02.16.13 Die Hard Ranked
02.10.13 A List About Vinyls. Has That Ever Bee02.01.13 recently learned guitar tracks

Die Hard Ranked

Just saw the latest one last night. So now I can officially compare each one.
5Tom Waits
Bone Machine

A Good Day to Die Hard. Even though I snuck a 6er into the theater I still couldn't enjoy this movie. Bad script, bad directing, bad acting, and the worst piece of trash cinematography you will ever see. If this wasn't called Die Hard it wouldn't have even made it into theaters. A couple action scenes were cool though.
4PJ Harvey
Rid of Me

Die Hard 2. Actually a very good movie, but I have always hated to plot twist involving the different gun magazines. This does have my favorite ending out of any in the series.
3R. Kelly
Chocolate Factory

Live Free or Die Hard. A lot of people blast this movie for its PG-13 rating and invincible lead character but honestly this has some of the best action scenes out of any of the movies.

Die Hard w/a Vengeance. A movie with Sam Jackson that's even better than Snakes on a Plane. It exists.

Die Hard. I wish this list was more original and I could put a different movie as number one but there is a reason this movie has allowed 4 sequels.
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