Namnambulu   Distances
Release Date: 2010

 Ratings (2) Give your Rating

3.5 greaty87arrow | October 10th 19

The songs themselves are good. The lyrics often weak, too often he sings about love, to get
someone back. The vocals are technically good, but often the singer is over-singing. Futurepop
doesn't need to be extremely emotional vocals-wise, it doesn't really fit. I know maybe 20
futurepop artists I like more, but the album will grow, at least many of the songs.

Favourite songs: Pause (I like how he sings on that song), Deception


0.0 bloc | September 7th 10

Namnambulu is definitely an act that has just more than its foot in the door when it comes to futurepop. With countless albums and ep's the duo has been producing numerous singles and they are quite the role model for other acts. However, Distances shows a bit of laziness in the fact that there isn't really much on this album. You'll get a bunch of futurepop songs that are really just hit or miss (depending on the listener) but luckily that signature Namnambulu sound is still there. Fortunately, my personal favourite track Deception remains as one of my favourite songs of 2010.


4.5 superbAcanthus | April 20th 11

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