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Old 01-02-2013, 12:50 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 3
How do I get everyone to show up to band practice?

So I've had a band for about a year, but we've been inactive for most of the time. This is because we can't all three make it to practice every week. I have a great drummer, a pretty decent bass player, and I'm pretty good at guitar and vocals. But we have made very little progress due to our un-organization.

Lately, I have been taking measures to become organized. I have arranged for a band Skype meeting twice a week before practice. This has been helping, but we can never all make it to band practice. My drummer says she is always busy, but I doubt that she can't squeeze in an hour or two into her day to practice. My bassist lives in a strict Mormon household with 12 people living there. They don't care that he's in a band, but they constantly go on trips, go to church, and have chores to do on their ranch. It's very difficult to find a time when he can get a ride out here and practice.

We are all 16 and go to highschool. Do you guys have any advice as to how to get this band organized and practicing every week?
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