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Old 07-29-2004, 04:02 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by enjoi_baggy
When I read the title of this thread, I got really excited! But I was then let down to find out that it is the name of one of their albums.

Quite deceiving
As much as I love Metallica, that is funny

Kill 'Em All has great songs, but hearing them live now really does what they said they do in whiplash "Kicks your arse, whips your face, makes you really sore"... especially when it's crowded and you have sunburn.

The Eb tuning and Het's beefed up modern vocals add a bit of a thwack to it. Now i'm going to listen to some bootlegs of Four Horsmen (Best song on the album)...

Four Horsmen and METAL MILITIA are definatley the best on the album
11/10 for 1983
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