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Old 02-04-2008, 06:22 PM   #1
mullets suk
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Posts: 969
lesson: stop dog barking

Not a drum lesson, but a good lesson if you have a dog (or other animal) that barks/gets mad at your drums. For our purposes we’ll use a dog.

Use at owners discretion, based on YOUR dogs ear sensitivity the last thing i want to do is make a guide on who to make your dog deaf.

Like training all dogs one must use persistence, time and patients. It takes two people to do this, one behind the drums (persona A) and the other holding the dog by a choker leash with food in hand (person B).

First let the dog smell around your drums, if it doesn’t bark now, we are at a good place and skip you can skip this paragraph. If it does, then firmly tell it “no”, if it begins to bark just continuingly saying “no”. When the dog finally stops barking give it a treat. At this point take it away from the drums, let it do its own thing, a little while later (10- 60 min) take the dog back in to the room, if it barks repeat until it doesn’t.

At this point take the dog back about 10 feet from the drums, if it’s a dog with big ears (thus sensitive) take it farther back. Have person A gently play the bass drum, as it is of the lowest pitch. Play at a slow-medium quarter beat. Every time the dog barks person B should pull the lead and firmly tell it “no”. when the bass drum finally stops making the dog bark give it a treat, repeat as needed increasing the volume of the bass drum steadily.

Once you feel the dog is good with the bass drum add in snare, again quietly building up (both bass and snare), firmly saying no, and then giving a treat when barking stops. When you feel your dog is well, add in hi-hats and repeat. In the end add in fills and crashes,

NOTE: crashes will be the hardest to get your dog used to it, since it is the shrillest.

If you feel you need to move the dog back, and if necessary move behind a door. And move forward as needed. Every dog is different, but this is a good general guide. Repeat this process every day until your dog doesn’t bark, it may take anywhere from a day to a week, depending on the dog.

Also, make sure you do not yell at the dog, they can tell a difference between a firm no and a yelled no. the yelling will just intimidate them and it even make things worse.

If you see any problems with this lesson please tell me, I thought it was a nice little thing, i don't give much to this community so thought i should give something back.

Last edited by mullets suk; 02-13-2008 at 07:27 AM.
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