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Old 03-19-2005, 04:48 AM   #13
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Maple compared to African Mahogany: Mahogany will have an approximate 20% increase in low frequency resonance over the Maple drum, mid and high frequencies will be the same from a reproduction point of view.
Maple compared to Birch: Birch will have about a 10% loss in reproduction of low end compared to Maple and about a 20% increase in the high end, with the mid range remaining about the same. So the Birch kit will definitely be a “harder” and “brighter” sounding kit.
Beech is in between Maple and Birch. All other Maple colored woods used in laminated shells are basically there for either structural integrity or looks and do not have the desired qualities (meaning density and grain structure) of the above.
Mahogany has earned an undeserved bad reputation due to the use of inferior grades such as Luann on low cost drums for appearance reasons. But Mahogany is a very rich sounding and warm tone.
Oak is a very bright cutting sound and stick attack and presence are very pronounced.

This is straght from the prof sound tuning gude.
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