Thread: Beat your kids!
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Old 05-24-2006, 01:12 PM   #27
DBoons Ghost
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I'm glad it worked out to your benefit.

I sorta feel the same way both of you do. I wasn't abused as a child in either school or at home. I got beatings when I deserved them. It hasn't made me a monster or anything.

Violence tends to beget violence though. Just because a select few of us who were "properly" disciplined physically understood the hows and whys doesn't mean the few that don't aren't gonna come out of an abusive household ok.

Thats what I suppose I was trying to say.

I tend to justify the really harsh beatings that way, but he didn't have to beat. A good smack is all you really need. There were times when I didn't deserve the beating I got, but I took it. It wasn't just me though. Whenever my mom did something he didn't like, he gave her the same.

So, I dunno.
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