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Old 11-01-2003, 02:37 PM   #21
For Percussive Effect
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Originally posted by Zoroaster

I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble, but your grasp of music theory is as primitive as a rock. You fail to even touch upon the surface of enharmonic intervals; an imperative in jazz, and how it can be interrelated with tritone substitution. I suggest that you comprehend musical theory in its entirety beforehand you elevate yourself to the status of "Theory Guru".

I have listened to your 'compositions' and I can only designate them with the term: pretentious. Your music is solely comprised of incoherent and dampening injections whose singular purpose is to impress upon the audience a sense of superiority. That, sir, is the mark of failure.

Wait, no one else gets it.

Zoroaster is either Android or someone pretending to be. It's something from Thus Spake Zarathustra (Neitzche) and from Mesopotamian legend.

It's a wanna-be TSZ. Sad.

To Zoroaster:
Don't be an ass. Seriously, he understands theory damn well for a 14 year old. Sure, his compositions aren't exactly Coltrane level, but don't be an asshole.

TO EVERYONE: Compare grammar structure and word usage to TSZ's posts. Big imposter here.

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