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Old 06-26-2007, 11:59 AM   #25
o b s
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Originally Posted by Riouken View Post
Yeah but I think it was you who were syaing about the tuning up would be waste of time and such. Well, in comaprison to just playing on your fretboard, using a capo is a big waste of time too.

If he jsut has to hit Low F then I still say jsut play the fretboard. No gadgets required and it's probably more fun fretting a note instead of jsut hitting an open string
I use a lot of open string transition notes in my playing, having the root and fourth on the E and A strings is a lot more useful in the highly diatonic music I want this for than having the open maj7th and third. Note choice is extremely limited (basically, just the root and fifth and the songs are 90% 1-4-5 with the occasional relevant minor) so having those notes on the opens frees me of unneeded movement and allows me to add interest in other ways rather than just hopping up and down the neck finding notes. A lot of the songs are unfamiliar to me too, so I have to watch the guitarist and follow his chords, regardless of how much I practice I'll still be more accurate and better on the quick changes when using a capo. It basically frees me of unnecessary technical complication and lets me concentrate on playing.

That took way too many words to explain.
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