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Strum 01-10-2007 07:39 PM

here's some thoughts
We're all aware that this is the arse end of the forum, but that doesnt mean you have to treat each other like arses. Jaylink is experienced in life and music, yet you all wish to push him away instead of absorb the information he has to offer.
I personally find it hard to have a laugh or decent topic conversation in this place anymore due to the childish moral that lies within GD

maybe some of you might want to concentrate on being nicer people, if you find that to be too difficult then maybe you look at your own life and concentrate on it's problems instead of picking on the issues of people that you don't even know

Africa 01-10-2007 07:41 PM

Hersh ah penny frum mah shtetle bank.

telemore 01-10-2007 07:42 PM


/not really. i agree, and as long as tnp is down, this is my home. i would like there to be more of a community, but it's an internet forum and as long it keeps getting viewed as the arse end of the forum - it's going to have the same attitude.

I Am a Hat 01-10-2007 07:42 PM

yeah teasing eachother is good. if you're cool with the poster it usually comes across. but being chodes is something we must phase out. we need an anti-chode movement

Amit 01-10-2007 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=Dimes Make Dollars;14000009]I lash out because people make fun of my Jewish heritage. I try and I try but everybody just wants to despise and spit on my people. I am fully willing to embrace Jaylink but even Jaylink himself is infused with the putrid stench of bigotry.[/QUOTE]


not to mention his nonsensical and illogical ad hominems :-(

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=Dimes Make Dollars;14000009]I lash out because people make fun of my Jewish heritage. I try and I try but everybody just wants to despise and spit on my people. I am fully willing to embrace Jaylink but even Jaylink himself is infused with the putrid stench of bigotry.[/QUOTE]

Right DMD =doesn't know his azz frm a hole in the ground. My grandfather was a Lithuanian Jew, and My great Grandmother was austrian-Jew buried alive in Germany

Africa 01-10-2007 07:44 PM

In all honesty I havn't disrespected JayLink and I think he's cooler than some adults.

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 07:45 PM

Strum, you make a very good point. But I am fair game on the netz, because of who I am. I choose to vist here, because I like the site & most of the people.

I think if the majority of these boys ever met me in person, they would react very differently, than just talking trash behind a keyboard.
I think it is a great group & I try to respect everyone here, but they do get carried away with me don't they?

Alf™ 01-10-2007 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000065]I think if the majority of these boys ever met me in person, they would react very differently, than just talking trash behind a keyboard.[/QUOTE]

I think you would act very different also, rather than calling everyone that gives you flack, little skinny emo kids.

Amit 01-10-2007 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000065]Strum, you make a very good point. But I am fair game on the netz, because of who I am. I choose to vist here, because I like the site & most of the people.

I think if the majority of these boys ever met me in person, they would react very differently, than just talking trash behind a keyboard.
I think it is a great group & I try to respect everyone here, but they do get carried away with me don't they?[/QUOTE]

for me the problem comes from when you make up insults based on ridiculous tenets

LoL look how many posts you have omg you must have no life or friends

one could easily say

look how many pounds you have omg you must have no life or friends LoL

Africa 01-10-2007 07:48 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000065]Strum, you make a very good point. But I am fair game on the netz, because of who I am. I choose to vist here, because I like the site & most of the people.

I think if the majority of these boys ever met me in person, they would react very differently, than just talking trash behind a keyboard.
I think it is a great group & I try to respect everyone here, but they do get carried away with me don't they?[/QUOTE]

Hurtful humor and sarcastic know-it-all rebuttal gets you rep++++ here I think.

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 07:48 PM

[QUOTE=Dimes Make Dollars;14000054]well here's the thing Jay. I think you are a nice jolly young man, and that's cool, there should be more people like you. However you don't have to make up celebrity encounters and whatnot just to be cool on the internet, because that was your downfall. That was your Waterloo, you see.[/QUOTE]

Bur DMD, you see, I Have been in the music biz for 20 plus years, and I am not making up meeting celebs. I lived in Hollywood for 15 year at 1545 N. Las Palmas right by the Bookstore & Baptist church. so, you should repect the fact that I share my life experiences and visit here often.

Amit 01-10-2007 07:50 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000090]Bur DMD, you see, I Have been in the music biz for 20 plus years, and I am not making up meeting celebs. I lived in Hollywood for 15 year at 1545 N. Las Palmas right by the Bookstore & Baptist church. so, you should repect the fact that I share my life experiences and visit here often.[/QUOTE]

there is a distinction between sharing when it is relevant and bragging for the sake of it

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 07:50 PM

[QUOTE=Alf™;14000079]I think you would act very different also, rather than calling everyone that gives you flack, little skinny emo kids.[/QUOTE]

Honestly Alf, NO ONE gives me flack in real life. I am well respected & well thought of in many communities. The only place I choose to take shi is here.
Trust me, when I meet people in my travels, I am always very respectful of everyone. But you guys can dish it out, you should be able to take it. Not so easy sometimes huh?

Amit 01-10-2007 07:51 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000113]Honestly Alf, NO ONE gives me flack in real life. I am well respected & well thought of in many communities. The only place I choose to take shi is here.
Trust me, when I meet people in my travels, I am always very respectful of everyone. But you guys can dish it out, you should be able to take it. Not so easy sometimes huh?[/QUOTE]

except you can't dish it out in a manner which is interesting or even mildly funny

hell your insults don't make sense most of the time

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 07:52 PM

[QUOTE=Atman;14000110]there is a distinction be

Atman, a huge part of my life is my celebrity. I only brag here when teased relentlessly. I have worked hard to become someone & leave some type of a mark in this world. I have a long way to go, but no matter what. I will always believe in myself and my talent. If' that's bragging so be it.

Fat Boy 01-10-2007 07:52 PM

jay come to the UK and I'll call you fat irl

Amit 01-10-2007 07:53 PM

if you're a celebrity how come no one i know has ever heard of you or seen you on vh1 or any celeb news channel/paper

oh ok

black guy 01-10-2007 07:53 PM

if you're so famous how come i've never heard of you

edit - yeahhhh

Africa 01-10-2007 07:54 PM

The internet is serious business right now...

I Am a Hat 01-10-2007 07:57 PM

jaylink, if i told you you were bad at sharpening pencils you would care.

you react to EVERYTHING. even when you say don't take it things personally here and don't care if people are making fun of you, you constantly reply to everyone to defend yourself and qualify yourself. you make yourself such an easy target because you care on the internet.

thats why i warned you to cut down on that stuff

Strum 01-10-2007 07:57 PM

post #18 ITT deserves rep++ for being well constructed and from the heart

Alf™ 01-10-2007 08:03 PM

[QUOTE=Dimes Make Dollars;14000192]thx strum too bad no one else saw my thesis :([/QUOTE]

I'd rep you again if I could man.

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 08:05 PM

[QUOTE=Dimes Make Dollars;14000093]see Jay your other downfall is that you don't understand the internet. I will explain it to you because I am younger and of the internet generation. On the internet, everybody makes fun of everybody else, because it is understood that it's not serious and that nobody actually cares. Sometimes a person will make a thread called "Was Hitler Right?!!?!" and in that case they are truly a f[size=2]u[/size]cking idiot, and thus it is totally justified to make fun of them even if you see them IRL, perhaps even punch them in the face two times. You veered close to this territory when you pretended straight-faced to have met Oprah and Paris Hilton, even going so far as to claim that you were casual acquaintances with them. Hopefully you have realized the error of your ways, you see. It was your game seven and the ball rolled between your legs, you see.

also, you need to stop constantly going on and on about how great your band is and how famous you are. It is perfectly acceptable and in fact encourageable to want to share your life experiences, but you can do this in a more humble way and you will be taken more seriously. It is also understandable if you just want to brag, however it is akin to the young man who has just gotten laid for the first time and wants to tell everybody, even though nobody will care because two billion other people have also gotten laid. You have had success in the music business to some extent and that is nice, but we are on a music forum and the people we discuss have all had a lot more success than you have, thus your attempts to brag are off-putting and your experience would thus be much more well-recieved in a more restrained and humble setting, you see.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the intelligent words DMD, but sorry humble and restrained is not my way..
Sorry man, but I am proud of what I have and will accomplish.
I am an extrovert, a type a personality, ummm even though I am not from your generation, you don't have ownership of the internet, remember my generation created it.
I don't tell anyone on mx how to live their lives and what or what not to say. If you had a band, and you started getting exposure and doing awesome things in the biz, I would truly be happy for you and try to encourage you at all costs. That is one of the things that is sadly lacking at mx. compassion. and that's a generation thing.

telemore 01-10-2007 08:05 PM

what about my post? i think i made a valid point. >:l

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 08:09 PM


/not really. i agree, and as long as tnp is down, this is my home. i would like there to be more of a community, but it's an internet forum and as long it keeps getting viewed as the arse end of the forum - it's going to have the same attitude.[/QUOTE]

That is true Horns. If we don't police ourselves, anyone who comes by & looks at all this negative posting and put-downs, won't realize there is a lot of good on this part of mx.

Africa 01-10-2007 08:10 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000263]Thanks for the intelligent words DMD, but sorry humble and restrained is not my way..
Sorry man, but I am proud of what I have and will accomplish.
I am an extrovert, a type a personality, ummm even though I am not from your generation, you don't have ownership of the internet, remember my generation created it.
I don't tell anyone on mx how to live their lives and what or what not to say. If you had a band, and you started getting exposure and doing awesome things in the biz, I would truly be happy for you and try to encourage you at all costs. [B]That is one of the things that is sadly lacking at mx. compassion. and that's a generation thing.[/B][/QUOTE]

A generation of lost boys.

Light_Fantastic 01-10-2007 08:11 PM

[QUOTE=Light__Fantastic;14000301]I don't think Jaylink knows more about life than me or most people posting in the pit.[/QUOTE]

How old are you light?
It has nothing to do with if I know more or not. Hell, I am still learning about life and making mistakes. We are talking about my 45 years on the planet and my life experiences in music, family etc..

Aaron 01-10-2007 08:12 PM

People here try and impress each other. It's as simple as that, if people didn't put themselves in the spotlight by a) saying stupid things or b) being there too much [aka trolling] then everyone would have mutual respect.

Strum 01-10-2007 08:13 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;14000263]I don't tell anyone on mx how to live their lives and what or what not to say. If you had a band, and you started getting exposure and doing awesome things in the biz, I would truly be happy for you and try to encourage you at all costs. That is one of the things that is sadly lacking at mx. compassion. and that's a generation thing.[/QUOTE]

this is true

[QUOTE=Light__Fantastic;14000301]I don't think Jaylink knows more about life than [B]me[/B] or most people posting in the pit.[/QUOTE]

it's not about you it never is the day you understand that is the day you'll get off the internet and use those internet skills to land a good job or something

untill then i guess you'll never stop bitching or demanding attention

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