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-   -   People are stupid, and that's why I love them. (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264214)

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 10:51 AM

People are stupid, and that's why I love them.
Well, someone (multiple people?) asked me to post a follow-up to my thread about my first gig, so here it is.

I couldn't hear the other guitarist (or the singer) at all through the monitors, so a couple times I had to look over at him to make sure we were still playing the right part, but nobody noticed any mistakes. I couldn't believe it, because a couple times we had to almost stop playing to figure out who was out of time, but talking to people afterwards they all seemed shocked to learn I couldn't hear perfectly and made some mistakes. All the musicians I spoke to were stoned of their a[SIZE=2]s[/SIZE]ses and didn't notice anything, and the sober people couldn't tell a tight band from a bunch of n00blets, so from the fans' point of view, it went great :). We were the headlining act after 3 other groups, and were scared ****less watching the third band playing from backstage (they were an 80's metal tribute band, and were pulling out the big guns like Master of Puppets, the Trooper, and Fear of the Dark, and have been gigging longer than I've been playing guitar), but a lot of random people told us they liked us more because we did something new (a lot of them didn't know any of the songs we were playing) and could still get right into it. Our singer did a great job of getting the crowd moshing, and a couple times I was like ":eek:... people are loving this? How bad is the sound for them not to hear us screwing up???"

So yeah. Our set went great, I nailed the song that's been tormenting me with the Chord From Hell, and I was shocked/proud as hell when I went to talk to our lead guitarist after the show and people started asking me for pics. I had to stop myself from thanking the people for asking me for pics, because I was flattered as hell. Completely random people started coming up to me to shake hands/flash teh devil horns/compliment us on our set, and it was one hell of a morale-booster. Just about the only thing people noticed was during Only For the Weak when I switched guitars and someone unplugged the noise reducer pedal. I couldn't figure out why there was no sound coming out of the amp even though it wasn't on standby (the guitarist from another group lent me his Peavey XXX/Mesa cab halfstack :eek: :cool: ), so I joined in the song pretty late, and then ended up joining in and being lost like 30 seconds into it. But, seeing as how stupid people are, they didn't notice it and thrashed like madmen :). I couldn't hear the solo/vocals, so I didn't do the right rhythm guitar in 2 or 3 sections, but all people noticed was the 30 seconds I spent frantically searching for the end of my lead.

We ended up going drinking after, and completely random people offered to buy our lead guitarist drinks but not me :upset:. When he figured he'd drunk enough and didn't want any more, the singer started getting them, but when he was like "Nick put on a good show too, he deserves some credit" people started offering me drinks too :cool:. [PG-13 details censored so I don't look like I'm bragging], and I don't know if I should call her back or if it was a one-night thing. Meh.

This conversation with the drummer of the third group (the one we thought had pwndizzl3d us before we even got onstage) pretty much sums up the whole evening:

Drummer: We've only been together for 2 years. Not bad eh?
Our singer: Yeah, not bad. We've been together for 2 months :cool:.
Drummer: *jaw drops*... whoa...
Singer: :cool:

So yeah, thanks to mx and all yer niceness. I would've been (even more) scared s[SIZE=2]hi[/SIZE]tless without some of the advice you guys gave me, and it helped to have a few people tell the story of their first gig.

I should have pics in a few hours, and maybe a sound clip in a week or so.

Domino_guitar 11-13-2004 10:52 AM

too much reading...mabe if i gave a **** *gimmi reps point i only have 190*

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 10:54 AM

[QUOTE=Domino_guitar]too much reading...mabe if i gave a **** *gimmi reps point i only have 190*[/QUOTE]

The point of the thread is we screwed up a couple times, but the fans loved it. I posted details because the more literate mxers will actually want to read something above a grade 4 level, you tard.

The Black Fist 11-13-2004 10:57 AM

Tapped that after your first show. Not bad.

Silent Clepto 11-13-2004 10:59 AM

Sounds like a pretty good night.

Samuel 11-13-2004 11:00 AM

Good job.

Abu-Abu 11-13-2004 11:07 AM

Yeah, my first show I fu[COLOR=White]cke[/COLOR]d up horribly at one part. I hit a wrong note in a solo and then got confused at where I was, stopped playing for like a second until I realized where I was and then went back in from when I went off. I wasn't playing anything for like 1 whole second and no one even noticed (except my other guitarist), not even my drummer. I now know if you mess up, not to stop just to keep going, we have recordings of it and it sounds like **** even though no one noticed in the crowd, if I would've just kept playing the recording would've been better.

Sounds like you had a great gig though, can't wait for soundclips and pics.

The Black Fist 11-13-2004 11:12 AM

[QUOTE=Abu-Abu]I now know if you mes up, not to stop just to keep going[/QUOTE]

That is one of THE most important lessons anyone can learn about playing live. If you screw up, the only real way people will notice is if you point out that you screwed up (i.e., stop the song).

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 11:14 AM

[QUOTE=The Black Fist]Tapped that after your first show. Not bad.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Coming from an experienced gigger such as yourself, I'm flattered. I think I'll print those words out and tape them to the back of my guitar to get me to keep faith when times get tough later on down the road :p.

And thanks for the other comments.

Also, we taped the whole concert, but we aren't sure if we should turn it into a live DVD (our singer's brother is studying film and is offering to do it for free for his portfolio). Do you think we should put the whole concert on, even though people might end up noticing more mistakes if they watch things again and again? Do you think it could possibly hurt the band if people went home thinking our concert was a 9.5, and then wake up and realize it was more of a 7?

The Black Fist 11-13-2004 11:21 AM

[QUOTE=free_thinkers_are_dangerous]:lol: Coming from an experienced gigger such as yourself, I'm flattered. I think I'll print those words out and tape them to the back of my guitar to get me to keep faith when times get tough later on down the road :p.[/QUOTE]

"Experienced gigger"? Aww, now I'M flattered. I've only had 6 shows for the general public. And I never got any "Musician benefits", if you know what I mean... Although that's mainly because either my then-girlfriend/s have been around, or the girls that thought we were dead sexy were... Well, sober.

In response to your last thing, recordings of yourself, particularly ones of good quality, will always help you and your band. I watch/listen to my live recordings all of the time, so I can hear what I did that was cool, what to improve upon, what parts of the songs a listener might not appreciate, etc.

IheartSP 11-13-2004 11:24 AM

sounds like you had fun

once i write some music and get a little older my band will start gigging too (but we need a god**** singer, i hate high school!)

That gave me confidence in my ability to play live in front of a crowd someday, and maybe when im 16 or so ill start doing it.

EDIT: oh yeah, good story

rep +

Abu-Abu 11-13-2004 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=The Black Fist]That is one of THE most important lessons anyone can learn about playing live. If you screw up, the only real way people will notice is if you point out that you screwed up (i.e., stop the song).[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and I was the only one playing during the solo, so when I stopped, there was silence.

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 11:26 AM

[QUOTE=The Black Fist]"Experienced gigger"? Aww, now I'M flattered. I've only had 6 shows for the general public. And I never got any "Musician benefits", if you know what I mean... Although that's mainly because either my then-girlfriend/s have been around, or the girls that thought we were dead sexy were... Well, sober.

In response to your last thing, recordings of yourself, particularly ones of good quality, will always help you and your band. I watch/listen to my live recordings all of the time, so I can hear what I did that was cool, what to improve upon, what parts of the songs a listener might not appreciate, etc.[/QUOTE]

But don't you have soundclips of your band from like 4 or 5 different shows? Meh. Anyway, you know more about this than me, and in my eyes that makes you experienced :p.

And so you think we should put out a DVD of only the songs we played well?

Domino_guitar 11-13-2004 11:28 AM

[QUOTE=free_thinkers_are_dangerous]The point of the thread is we screwed up a couple times, but the fans loved it. I posted details because the more literate mxers will actually want to read something above a grade 4 level, you tard.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the breif description..i just wanted to con u in to doing that for me..fell right into my trap u ****in mortal no i shall kill u

IheartSP 11-13-2004 11:29 AM

:confused: howd you get over 100 rep?

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 11:31 AM

[QUOTE=Domino_guitar]thanks for the breif description..i just wanted to con u in to doing that for me..fell right into my trap u ****in mortal no i shall kill u[/QUOTE]

I was going to post one anyway. I realized how long-winded my story was when I posted it, and then I was like "oh da[SIZE=2]m[/SIZE]n. Better post a summary, but I'll wait until someone comments so as not to double-post."

Looks like you fell into my trap, you pathetic immortal.


Oh, and one more thing. I before E, except after [SIZE=7]SHUT THE F[SIZE=7]U[/SIZE]CK UP[/SIZE]

/me brings back an oldie

The Black Fist 11-13-2004 11:34 AM

[QUOTE=free_thinkers_are_dangerous]But don't you have soundclips of your band from like 4 or 5 different shows? Meh. Anyway, you know more about this than me, and in my eyes that makes you experienced :p.

And so you think we should put out a DVD of only the songs we played well?[/QUOTE]

Let's see... 8th... 12th...31st... 5th... Alright, I have audio recordings of 3 of our shows (Only one good enough to share around, though), 1 video recording of our first non-school show, and videos of school talent shows two years in a row.

I'd just make the entire thing into a DVD. I'd rather see a set start-to-finish than get the highlights.

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 11:37 AM

Allright, thanks.

Other opinions/comments?

A_Stranger 11-13-2004 11:42 AM

Sounds like the show went well. Good job man :thumb:

Crocto 11-13-2004 11:45 AM

cool story. ::boots rep::

blackout 11-13-2004 12:09 PM

Sounds fun...but don't censor your own storey! What covers did you do?

ihatecountrymusic231 11-13-2004 12:10 PM

good job dood.

free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 12:11 PM

Allright, pictures coming :).

Here's the link so far, I'll be adding pics for the next hour probably. My dad took about a hundred :smoke:.


I'm the one in the In Flames shirt (sometimes using the black strat knockoff, sometimes using the PRS-looking Schecter).

EDIT: Oops, that slideshow starts with our band practise pics. This is the album.


free_thinkers_are_dangerous 11-13-2004 12:22 PM

[QUOTE=blackout]Sounds fun...but don't censor your own storey! What covers did you do?[/QUOTE]

This was our setlist:

In Flames - Behind Space
Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots
(drum solo)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritania
Syne Thanatos - Syne Thanatos (our first original)
(guitar solo)
Katatonia - Teargas
Tiamat - Whatever That Hurts
Syne Thanatos - Sciolism (second original)
In Flames - Only For the Weak

Then they called us back for an encore, and we messed around for a minute and then played part of Syne Thanatos again.

ihatecountrymusic231 11-13-2004 12:25 PM

ha. sweet.

The Black Fist 11-13-2004 12:27 PM

I've only ever seen a band cover Puritania once, and it kind of sucked. How did you guys do with it? Could we get a soundclip of that eventually (ripped off of the video)?

towniceman 11-13-2004 12:31 PM

way to go man ,sounds like ya had a blast my band mates have set a live gig for spring we hope all the jamming in the cold winter months will get us good and tight,

SptsNaz 11-13-2004 12:41 PM


Is that Pacifica(?). In any case, why would you use a strat copy except the Schecter you have??

Implements Of Destruction 11-13-2004 12:48 PM

looks like a good gig from the pics and pretty proffesional. I remeber my first gig, didn't even have any lights :(

Mburton21 11-13-2004 12:50 PM

Nice man, upload your cover of Only For the Weak, I wanna see how you guys cover it :thumb: My band has a show in 13 days and we're doing that song too, I'll make a thread about it after the show. Once again, sweet job!

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