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_Austin_ 05-23-2007 04:34 PM

What I've Been Up To...
Hey guys, Havent posted in a while, just lurking.

Anyway, i just thought i'd post and let you guys know what im upto and how things are going.

Firstly, and most importantly; I played a gig the other night that went very well. Me and a band im in all played in black trousers and shirts with farmyard animal masks on for a depressingly small audience.

At the start of the night i started off with a band consisting of 5 guitarists. The idea being that we would have 3 guitarists on stage at one time, 2 taking call and reply turns at soloing and one rhythm.

We dragged out a 12-bar stevie ray vaughn feel groove for about 10mins fiddling with dynamics and overall feel of the groove so no-one got bored or started feeling tedious.

Really my only complaint was my self-concience, I didn't play too well on the accord that the kit was set-up in a stereotypical 80's way. Heavily angled toms and high and extremely angled ride. Along-side a lengthily set-up double bass pedal and a hi-hat that rivaled my own height i wasn't the most comfortable. But i asked if i could move a few things and was swiftly told to be quiet and to 'just play drums.' I wouldn't complain to be honest about the way a kit is set-up but its just very restrictive when you're uncomfortable. I'm sure you can sympathise with me as drummers on this point.

Anyway, After we had played the opening slot, a variety of rock cover bands played their share of the evenings music. Prepubescent singing clashing with wailing classic rock tracks accounted for the next 1+1/2 hours.

I Came back from the downstairs bar having left about a half an hour before the scheduled start of our slot (at the end of the line-up) and the kit had been re-arranged perfectly, i was told it had just been moved because one of the guys wouldnt play without him being able to fiddle with the kit before-hand. Hats off to him, i couldn't do that. So i watched the band before us called 'Merge.' Indie rock styles dont normally strike me as anything interesting generally, but these guys were very tight and all a year younger than us, Even though they were all taller.
Anyway, this band were very together and well rehearsed, something our band lacks a bit. So i was a bit nervous of seeming a bit crap.

Anyway, so we got up at the time for our set and fiddled with amp settings and little things, as you do. and started playing the first song, Testify by Rage. Reason being for choosing this song is because the singer can't sing, but can rap quite well so there you have it. Same for the next song which is New skin by incubus. In this particular song there is a DJ solo as a bridge and we don't know any decent DJ's so we used my theremin and volume pedal to get a similar effect. It sounded sick. Then after that song the guitarist sung for us.

Following that we played Clean by incubus; The ocean by led zeppelin and two of our own tracks.

Afterwards we were invited to play battle of the bands at the same venue, and told by a few of the other bands' parents that they really liked our own material.

I was so stoked having not played a set where we were so locked into the groove and really playing at our best. Having not sounded too great in the practice room and been poorly prepared we did really well IMO.

Before this gig i've not really been taken hugely by playing drums as a career, but after playing such an exciting and adrenaline-pumping gig, im now maybe re-thinking my career choice.

Anyway, Other things that have been happening is that i'm slowly but surely saving up for some pre-amps for my home-studio and mic stands and cables. After that I'l be good to go.

I also doubled my RAM for my imac and now its gliding between programs and surprises me as to how fast and smooth macs are.


Anyone fed up with computers letting you down. GET A MAC, anyone with a mac will agree with me.

Anyway, cheers for reading i just felt like sharing this :thumb:
All the best guys

P.S I'l post up the links to the merge myspace if i can find it if you want to hear them.

And il put some gig pictures up when i get them from my mate
Aaaand, i think theres a DVD of us playing so i might get some snippets if anyones interested, i dont know about sound uality though...

Drum Phil 05-23-2007 04:38 PM

Whats up with you kit wise? Didnt you sell your yammies?

_Austin_ 05-23-2007 04:45 PM

Ye man, Back to an export, Im buying or should i say putting a deposit down for a new kit in the next 2months at the latest.

Should be something killer as im hoping not to buy another kit after this one for quite some time.

Drum Phil 05-23-2007 04:47 PM

Awesome. :)

Mirror.Circuit 05-23-2007 07:17 PM

Sounds good,man.
Amen on the macs.
I love mine.

CasB 05-24-2007 01:08 AM

Keep up the good work, and good luck with your home studio :) It'll change your life (well, it changed mine ;))

Seafroggys 05-24-2007 01:22 AM

Yeah I've done pretty well with my home studio. A couple of nice condensor mics + Firestudio equals great results!

Retarded Chipple 05-24-2007 05:23 AM

Great stuff man.

[quote]Before this gig i've not really been taken hugely by playing drums as a career, but after playing such an exciting and adrenaline-pumping gig, im now maybe re-thinking my career choice.[/quote]
The inevitable question...you gonna perhaps try for DrumTech again?

[quote]Anyone fed up with computers letting you down. GET A MAC, anyone with a mac will agree with me.[/quote]QFFT!!!!! The amount of 1000+ word essays I lost due to Windows shutting down on me half way through writing them was stupid and very frustrating when you've spent like 2 hours working on it. Sure, you should save work as you go along but you shouldn't have to live in fear of your own computer giving up on you!
I was constantly depressed when I had Windows. Enter mac: Now I'm happy all the time! hehe

Also, does your band have a myspace?

Zildjian 05-24-2007 07:37 AM

yay another mac user. Mac > PC

What kind of comp you have?

I got a black macbook that I bought a few months ago and it's incredible

the_pure_drummer 05-24-2007 08:43 AM

Awsome man!

Things are looking up ;)

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 09:53 AM

Its an Imac, With the newish dual core 2.16GHz intel processors.

Those black macbooks look sick.

Our band does have a myspace, [B][B]myspace.com/shank[/B][/B]

Track 1 is being re-recorded, mixed and mastered to album standard over the coming few weeks. So expect something new soon.

Cheers guys,

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 10:01 AM

Dunno about the drumtech thing, i've already decided im going to take a year out maybe go travelling or something, anything beats being cooped up in the sh[B]i[/B]thole that is the midlands, UK

We_Love_Lime 05-24-2007 11:45 AM

Hahahh theremin.
Nice man.
You wanna tell me more about how you use that in your songs or something?
That's so cool.

Retarded Chipple 05-24-2007 11:55 AM

Haha, your band are pretty awesome! Tis just the sort of thing I wanna do but there's no one around here into that kinda stuff :(

When you re-record Track 1 that'll be well sick!!!
"Austin" is kinda creepy though haha.

Can I add you? Me = Joe-Stroke-Roll....

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 12:03 PM

[QUOTE=We_Love_Lime;14738592]Hahahh theremin.
Nice man.
You wanna tell me more about how you use that in your songs or something?
That's so cool.[/QUOTE]

Dude, i sat no pro-tools with my theremin, my volume pedal and my guitarists ME-50 guitar multiple effects pedal and i recorded a 20min epic theremin solo... I'l post it up sometime its some crazy stuff.

Feel free to add us guys

We_Love_Lime 05-24-2007 12:06 PM

Dude Nice.
I'mmma do that, but instead of effects pedal, I just got ableton, and a Midi Keyboard, so I'mma control effects, delay, phaser etc by that.
It'll be sick.
But I need to hear tihs, I suck so bad right now at the Theremin :(. How good are you?

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 12:07 PM

[QUOTE=Retarded Chipple;14738623]Haha, your band are pretty awesome! Tis just the sort of thing I wanna do but there's no one around here into that kinda stuff :(

When you re-record Track 1 that'll be well sick!!!
"Austin" is kinda creepy though haha.

Can I add you? Me = Joe-Stroke-Roll....[/QUOTE]

Yer man, i'm so psyched about the re-recording, i did the mixing on track 1. On a bose system it sounds sick.

And that austin track was the bassists doing. He loves me bless him. hahaha

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 12:12 PM

[QUOTE=We_Love_Lime;14738663]Dude Nice.
I'mmma do that, but instead of effects pedal, I just got ableton, and a Midi Keyboard, so I'mma control effects, delay, phaser etc by that.
It'll be sick.
But I need to hear tihs, I suck so bad right now at the Theremin :(. How good are you?[/QUOTE]

Im not bad, i don't practice.

I'l get this solo thingy tomorrow and post it up then. Its nothing special, just pissing around with effects.

At the gig i described earlier the singer did the DJ solo for new skin because i cant play drums and theremin at the same time very well.

Once i get my recording set-up finished any bands im in will be writing loadfs of music right here at my house and come out with some really nice sounding recordings.

Also i can record gigs and other live events so this rig will really open up my horizons.

Maybe a macbook or macbook pro is a good way to go for live recording, hauling a 20" imac is going to be a bit too scary

We_Love_Lime 05-24-2007 12:16 PM

I should really start practicing and all as well.
I don't have an amp though.
But theremins are so chill. I don't like them when they're clean and regular sounding as much as I would assume I'd like them with a whole bunch of effects run through them.
What kind of amp do you use?
And I wanna get a macbook :(.
But I don't deserve one.

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 12:56 PM

Haha yer, i dont think apples like limes

No idea how you practice though, What theremin do you have, put a pic up...

Depends what im using it for. For the gig i used a DI straight into the FOH mixer, Live i'd use a guitar amp, and for studio use i'd DI it aswell...

What do you want to get out of playing theremin,

The reason i bought mine was to have so i can do funky fills. If say during a gig the band dropped out and i played a theremin solo that would kickass. I've got a volume pedal so i can rig it up right next to my bass drum pedal and just put the theremin to the right of my floor tom and maybe a few stomp-boxes for effects.

I'm also buying a hard-synth for my studio so il probably come up with some more weird stuff using that and ther theremin together. Maybe put a tad more structure to it than just messing about.

We_Love_Lime 05-24-2007 01:08 PM

Apples don't like Limes? Haha what are you talking about?
But you're probably right, they get jealous.

I got a Moog Etherwave, and I would put up pics, but I can't.
I wanna be pretty good, be able to do solos, maybe play simple guitar songs on it or something, or bass lines. Also for some awesome Mars Volta ish **** that I could be more hands on as apposed to making it on the computer. Nice Nice.
So do you use the volume pedal like you'd use a crossfader on some tables or what?
I'm intregued haha sorry for my curiousity.

_Austin_ 05-24-2007 01:37 PM

Nah it's cool man.

A moog etherwave?? il look it up but i know moog for being a quality make.
How much did u pay for it?

I use a volume pedal for just about anything i want, it has an expresion socket in it so i can use anything compatible with that along-side volume.

It's only a cheap one.

My theremin only has one aerial which controls pitch, and a pot that controls volume, but to use that my hand is so close to the aerial it makes the theremin useless.

So yer i use a pedal for volume so it isnt so monotonous sounding.

I'l snap a pic of it all set-up on protools tomorrow.
Maybe a video with some audio synced up to it aswell.

I'm not looking to be able to hit certain pitches to play certain tunes, but to get familiar with it and to know what i can do with it. If you get what i mean. I don't want to sit for ages learning a song that i'l not use on theremin.

Drum Phil 05-24-2007 02:03 PM

I want an Etherwave

We_Love_Lime 05-24-2007 02:25 PM

I payed about 375.
It's nice, I like it, just recently bought a stand for it, but the stand seems pretty crap.
What kind of stand you got?
375 USD by the way.

Static 05-24-2007 02:32 PM

I'll keep my PC, thank you.

_Austin_ 05-26-2007 08:57 AM

[QUOTE=We_Love_Lime;14739356]I payed about 375.
It's nice, I like it, just recently bought a stand for it, but the stand seems pretty crap.
What kind of stand you got?
375 USD by the way.[/QUOTE]

I don't use one man, i just plonk it on a stool or something.

I'm bouncing down that theremin thingy now, some [B]SERIOUSLY[/B] trippy stuff.

And il stick up a few pics while its doing that

_Austin_ 05-26-2007 09:41 AM

Heres some pics of whats been happening recently

Re-Recording Track 1 in the college studio

The venue we played minus the audience

Me playing the first set (this was the set-up i was told to just play, horrible eh?)

The best costume there

_Austin_ 05-26-2007 09:43 AM

Me playing the last set of the evning

The bassist with his owl mask and me in background

Everyone else

What happened when we broke down on the way back

_Austin_ 05-26-2007 09:44 AM

And the second year music practice class im leaving in a month :(

_Austin_ 05-26-2007 10:01 AM

Heres the Theremin audio file.
Its 12minutes long but it streams pretty nice so hopfully no problems.

If anyone wants to know anything about it fire away...



P.S This was done in one take and only a theremin a volume pedal and various effects processors were used.

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