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MetalOz 10-03-2007 08:24 AM

Oct-Nov-Dec Songwriting Competition
I am posting the theme at the earliest possible time. This means [B]you have TWO MONTHS to write and record your entry[/B]. With this theme and the extra time, we should have a big turnout!

[B]This month's theme is:[/B]

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ACOUSTIC[/COLOR][/SIZE] :thumb:

Cain was last month's winner, and he says "Any kind of acoustic music will do...I've always enjoyed hearing the submissions other people have when they've put some acoustic guitar down, and so I think that we should change it up from the usual metal/rock stuff and do some acoustic things."

1. You can only enter [b]ONE[/b] song.

2a. You are allowed [b]ONE[/b] edit. As soon as you submit your song, you are given this edit. If for any reason you feel the need to fix or change anything in your song, then you may use your [b]ONE[/b] edit.

2b. If you elect to use your one edit, you [b]WILL NOT[/b] receive any more edits, and you [b]MAY NOT[/b] tamper with or edit your song in any way, shape, or form.


None of this bullshi[font=verdana]t[/font] where you submit multiple attempts but write "THIS IS NOT MY FINAL ENTRY." This encourages you to use your ONE edit when you actually need it. Submitting multiple samples that aren't samples (i.e. sending your song piece-by-piece) will result in an immediate disqualification, because it's just not fair to the other entrants.

3. Your song must fit the theme of this month.

4a. Host your submission on [url]http://www.soundclick.com/[/url], upload it into this thread via a file sharing service such as mediafire.com, or email it to me and I will add it to the competition's Soundclick.

4b. If you would like your entry to be anonymous (So other users don't know whose song is whose) obviously, you will need to email me with a link rather than posting it in the thread.

5. I [b]MUST[/b] have your song [b]in MP3 format[/b]. Don't send me .wma, or .m4a, or any of those other BS extensions. As easy as they are to convert, don't make me do it for you, please. Thanks!


6b. Exception to Rule 6a: if you're using MIDI drums and/or keyboards, this is allowed; however, [b]ALL GUITARWORK MUST BE AUTHENTIC.[/b]

7. If you are in need a recording program, do not ask us. Instead, download this free one: [url]http://audacity.sourceforge.net/[/url]

8. Here is a basic tutorial for using Fruity Loops and DKFH, Thank you comptonassrobert: [url]http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10716797&postcount=217[/url]


1. [b]You are absolutely allowed to have other MXers and/or musicians in your area to help you with your song; however, you (the member on MX) need to have a hand in the production.[/b]

2. Time length is not a staple for this month. It's all up to you. But keep in mind that a 30 second song is probably not going to win and a ten minute epic is going to be harder to vote on. Most rock and metal songs are three to five minutes in length.

3. Quality is [b]not[/b] a must; however, naturally, superior quality may give some members an edge in the final voting, but do not be discouraged from entering if you feel you have mediocre or worse equipment. Voters who trash your recordings because of quality will be disqualified from voting.

4. Vocals are [b]NOT A REQUIREMENT[/b]; however, if you're paranoid about singing or can't find a singer, then do an instrumental track.

5. Jom is my associate for these competitions. He will help me in judging if songs meet the required genre.

6. If you are having trouble recording or anything like that, please feel free to ask in this thread, plenty of members (especially Berner and moaner in The Jam Session forum) will be willing to help you to make your song. Just tell them why you need help, and these guys will be more than happy to assist you. Rounder is also extremely knowledgable and posts here often.

7. Any questions, feel free to post here or e-mail me.

[b][size=3]GENERAL RULES FOR THIS THREAD[/b][/size]

1. The winner decides the theme for the next competition thread, except that I will make the thread.

2. Voting takes place in a separate thread, which is usually 2-3 days after the competition is over. PLEASE BE PATIENT. THANK YOU.

3. Winner selects the genre or theme. He/She is to NOT reveal it in the thread if he/she wins.

4. Don't spam this thread. Ask questions, give feedback, and so on, but don't spam this thread.



[b][size=3]PARTING THOUGHTS:[/b][/size]


2. Good luck to all the participants.


4. If you have questions, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK IN THIS THREAD. We will not bite your head off unless you blatantly break the rules.

5. Make sure your song pertains to this month's selected theme.

PS: If you have any specific questions for me personally, please send them to my email address:


Angmar 10-03-2007 09:11 AM

I am so doing this one.

repcak 10-03-2007 09:30 AM

can i use my electric guitar, modify my digitech rp-80 to sound like an acoustic guitar and record it?

wait? acoustic-guitar song, or acoustic = instrumental?

MetalOz 10-03-2007 10:32 AM

[quote="Cain"]Any kind of acoustic music will do...I've always enjoyed hearing the submissions other people have when they've put some acoustic guitar down, and so I think that we should change it up from the usual metal/rock stuff and do some acoustic things.[/quote]

publicastration 10-03-2007 11:54 AM

I don't have an acoustic or a modeler (well on my cube amp I do but I doubt it would sound any good), would a clean guitar sound suffice? I am interested in this one.

Kage 10-03-2007 11:55 AM

A clean guitar sound would not suffice. They're not the same thing at all.

publicastration 10-03-2007 12:00 PM

eh, I didn't think so, but I thought I might as well ask.

pate 10-03-2007 12:06 PM

I'll try to work out something.

Equus 10-03-2007 12:54 PM

i need a good mic so i can win!

Angmar 10-03-2007 01:37 PM

So bassically the rule is no electric guitars? So i could throw in other instruments that didn't need an amp and such.

Invicta_Veritas 10-03-2007 02:10 PM

I don't think that banning clean electric guitar would be a good idea. That's not really the point of the competition I don't think......

Clean electric guitar has made for some of the best "acoustic" songs ever, especially when combined with an actual acoustic guitar. See [I]"Staind-acoustic songs".[/I]

Besides, some DI'd acoustics sound like clean electrics anyway.

Equus 10-03-2007 02:47 PM

the basis of the music should be acoustic instruments

i dont think that necessarily means that you can't have other instruments there

Tyler 10-03-2007 03:06 PM

How would using an electric instrument suffice in an acoustic competition? Sometimes you guys amaze me.

farmertanman91 10-03-2007 04:33 PM

i think what cain is implying is that we should take a break from the metal/rock heavy distortion stuff and do something w/ clean tone, not necessarily strictly ALL acoustic guitar, but most of it should be. cain correct me if im wrong

Tyler 10-03-2007 04:48 PM

Regardless of the implication using electric instruments in an acoustic competition is ridiculous, because, ya know, it's an acoustic competition.

Equus 10-03-2007 04:49 PM

maybe cain or metaloz will clear it up for everyone so you can stop bitching

Tyler 10-03-2007 04:53 PM

I dont even plan on participating I just like pointing out the obvious.

MetalOz 10-03-2007 05:09 PM

You can use a clean tone on an electric, you can use distortion if you really wanted to and submit the song, it doesn't matter... the deal is that you are going to get a lower score if people, go "hey, that isn't an acoustic" I doubt that most people would know the difference between a clean electric and a genuine acoustic recording

pate 10-03-2007 05:15 PM

Unless you use ****ing tremelo and tons of reverb and delay.

farmertanman91 10-03-2007 06:14 PM

k thanks for clearing that up for everyone, cocaine is this all you do in your spare time?

Kage 10-03-2007 06:15 PM

A clean electric is so much different from an acoustic in so many ways, aesthetically and otherwise. Seriously, the fact that this is being asked is just ridiculous.

Deathcrush 10-03-2007 06:24 PM

Enjoy listening to acoustic guitar entries recorded by those who do not own a condenser microphone.

Shattered_Future 10-03-2007 06:24 PM

[QUOTE=Behemoth_Rules_All;15368286]Clean electric guitar has made for some of the best "acoustic" songs ever, especially when combined with an actual acoustic guitar. See [I]"Staind-acoustic songs".[/I][/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I can usually forgive you, but...just...no.

Can I include string/piano parts along with my ACTUAL acoustic guitar?

AAAAAND my condensor mic? :D

pate 10-03-2007 06:27 PM

[QUOTE=Deathcrush;15369323]Enjoy listening to acoustic guitar entries recorded by those who do not own a condenser microphone.[/QUOTE]

It sounds just fine with my dynamic.

Tyler 10-03-2007 08:14 PM

I think people are failing to understand the word acoustic.

/leaves thread until voting starts

Kage 10-03-2007 08:53 PM

Notice the theme of the competition is the word [size=5][B][I]ACOUSTIC[/I][/B][/size]. Not [size=5][B][I]ACOUSTIC GUITAR[/I][/B][/size]. This may surprise some of you, but there are other instruments out there besides guitar. The idea is that you perform a piece of music ACOUSTICALLY, with ACOUSTIC instruments. ACOUSTIC instruments can range from flutes to tablas to guitars to some aboriginal instrument that no one knows the name of, to hitting a rock against a wall.

Let's take a look at the definition of of the word "acoustic," as it pertains to musc.

[I]a. of, pertaining to, or being a musical instrument whose sound is [B][U]not electrically enhanced or modified.[/U][/B]
b. [U][B]arranged for or made up of such instruments[/B][/U]: an acoustic solo; an acoustic group.[/I]

Therefore, if we combine the important aspects of the above definitions, we can understand that playing an electric guitar on clean is neither acoustic, nor does it have anything to do with an acoustic instrument.

This also means that to play an "acoustic" piece of music, slapping down an acoustic guitar and layering it with synthesizers not only completely destroys the purpose of playing an acoustic piece of music, but it also IS NOT an acoustic piece of music.

If Cain's intentions were different than those I have outlined above, it is his own fault for his failure to accurately express his idea.

pate 10-03-2007 08:54 PM

Very good

Invicta_Veritas 10-03-2007 09:05 PM

[quote=Deathcrush;15369323]Enjoy listening to acoustic guitar entries recorded by those who do not own a condenser microphone.[/quote]

You completely and utterly fail.

I suggest you know what you are talking about before you go acting all high and mighty...there are those of us who do know more about some things than you......

Yes, condenser mics tend to have a better frequency response range (range, not curve).....however, they have a far lower SPL and they have this little thing called SELF NOISE, which is not an issue with dynamic moving coil or dynamic ribbon mics.

Besides, there are many, many dynamics(moving coil or ribbon) whose FRCs are identical to or better than the average condenser.

Also, the bulk of a recording is in the instrument itself, mic placement, performance, and recording area. Specifically what kind of mic it is is maybe 5-10 percent of the issue.

Moral of the story: Condenser is not better, nor is it a musical band-aid.

eighty d 10-03-2007 11:16 PM

A condenser is actually just the opposite of a musical band-aid. A condenser mic, even a cheap one, will more accurately reproduce what you are actually hearing from the guitar than a cheap (to mid-range) dynamic.

From a few years of experience recording acoustic guitars with mid-range dymanics and cheap condensers, the condensers have won out every time in my book. The cheapo Mackie (I think) condenser and a couple Shure PG81s (notice, not SM) have always given me a much better sound than any mic placement of SM57s and Beta 58s.

So maybe I just haven't tried enough dynamics, and a condenser might not necessarily sound better than a dynamic for recording acoustic guitar. But practically, for this competition, the condenser will/would sound better than the dynamic.

Now, with all of that said, if I enter this competition it will be recorded direct to (shi[size=2]tty[/size]) sound card from my Seagull acoustic/electric. No condensers and Pro Tools at school.

farmertanman91 10-03-2007 11:42 PM

Yea thanks everyone, MetalOz cleared that up already. But thanks.

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