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mx 07-27-2007 09:03 AM

Open Discussion
Hey guys,

So right now General Discussion isn't any fun for people who aren't in a select clique of 30 or so users. The forum is filled with inside jokes, incredibly weird threads, and hacking, racism, and junk.

Quite honestly, I don't want to keep a forum like this. I think the site would be better off without it. But rather than deleting it entirely, which I am tempted to do, I'd like to open up the discussion.

1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?

2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members?

3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?

4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?

5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?

Note: I know that certain users will jump on the opportunity to insult me, the mods, and fill this thread with swears, lewd pictures, and the like. If this happens this thread will be deleted and the general discussion forum will be in danger of closing. This is not a soap opera, or a playground, I want your honest input.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 09:06 AM

no, it won't resolve anything. the only thing those threads are good for is people whining about wanting this or that avatar changed, or why someone should be granted amnesty for breaking the rules.

I'd personally lock it down, and ban people that have this kind of trash leak into other sections of this forum.


dei 07-27-2007 09:08 AM

I think we need to get rid of the racism, too, and elect new mods that will actually do something about it instead of standing around and allowing it to happen. If you check the Report Problems and Users thread, you'll see that I reported it once and I got something like, "Mods no longer care about racism."

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 09:09 AM

Jeremy. I have always admired and respected what you've accomplised here, but if people can't get along, and have fun, and be entertaining, and share things, you should consider shutting this part of the forum down. If there are that many regulars who want to see it destroyed anyway. What's the point? You have the patience of a saint. If it was my forum, I would have shut it down long ago and let the kids find another great forum to destroy.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 09:09 AM

I'm entirely for new moderation

and ones that won't grant amnesty to the people that are considered "friends", or habitually circle jerk the mods.

mx 07-27-2007 09:24 AM

[quote]I think maybe just taking the users' suggestions seriously instead of just disgarding them. I don't know **** about what it takes to run a forum, but I think a lot of the people here have some good ideas on how to improve things.[/quote]

Isn't that was this thread is?

Pete 07-27-2007 09:25 AM

It's what the Pit is. As long as it doesn't lead to shock pictures being linked or otherwise obviously disturbing activities, I don't think there's any ground for removing it. It's supposed to be off-topic, whereas the other forums contain the on-topic discussions. You already disabled the post count, which means a post in the Pit means less than anywhere else - which is also why most posts in teh Pit are meaningless. Most people like it that way, and the select few who do not (because I disagree that only a select few appreciate the Pit and I argue it's the other way around) could just stay in the other forums. If you don't like unguided, off-topic posting, why go in the Pit in the first place? To discuss floral arrangements or ice cream? :confused: Just what is it you want the Pit to consist of?

I'm not taking a stance on the whole "hacking" issue, because in dealing with someone like Chad, it seems utterly pointless for anyone to say anything.

mx 07-27-2007 09:27 AM

I'm saying that the Pit needs more substance than it has. You've hit the nail on the head that it doesn't have meaningful content, but I don't want it to stay that way.

dei 07-27-2007 09:28 AM

I also think the moderators need to work harder at cleaning posts, if they even put any effort into it. I don't like going into threads where there are several posts that only say "lol, fag" and other things like that. They contribute nothing.

mx 07-27-2007 09:32 AM

Posts asking to ban a member are not what I was going for here.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 09:32 AM

you are aware you can block users....right?

if it bothers you that much, yet you consistently don't rectify the situation, stfu

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 09:36 AM

[QUOTE=mx;15036127]Posts asking to ban a member are not what I was going for here.[/QUOTE]
You see Jeremy, this is what is so frustrating. I really try to mind my own business, and they keep attacking me for whatever reason. If I am the reason GD is so terrible I will voluntarily leave for good. It is not worth the hassle. I guess there is really a severe age discrimination on here. I thought this forum was open to all ages.

[B]You aren't the problem, please ignore them[/B]

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 09:38 AM

trolling is really out of hand

but I find it amusing that people blame the trollee, instead of the instigating troller, and it happens time and time again.

dei 07-27-2007 09:38 AM

You don't have to leave.

exodus 07-27-2007 09:39 AM

[QUOTE=mx;15036107]I'm saying that the Pit needs more substance than it has. You've hit the nail on the head that it doesn't have meaningful content, but I don't want it to stay that way.[/QUOTE]

Enabling the post count again in general dis along with uber spam control (major bans)

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 09:44 AM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15036156]Jeremy, honestly I think you are a moron if you wont even listen to people telling you why this forum is full of flaming and spam.

Jaylink is a main cause, and hes been banned plenty of times before.

Get a clue. ^_^[/QUOTE]
You are forgetting, I asked for my original JayLink account to be banned, because of the attacks on my children and family members. The only bannings I get now are because the clique threatens good mods like Tojes that they will make his life hell if he doesn't ban me.

exodus 07-27-2007 09:45 AM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15036167]You are forgetting, I asked for my original JayLink account to be banned, [B]because of the attacks on my children and family members[/B]. The only bannings I get now are because the clique threatens good mods like Tojes that [B]they will make his life hell if he doesn't ban me[/B].[/QUOTE]

....so use your ****ing head? Stop coming here, is it actually a temptation for you to get flamed?

Dinosawesome 07-27-2007 09:47 AM

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]Hey guys,[/QUOTE]
Hey Jeremy, it's good to finally see you back in this part of the forum.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?[/QUOTE]
I think keep the forums where they are except for a few official threads. So have a "Official Movie Thread" and an "Official Exercise Thread" and if people want to go into more detail, they can ask in those selected forums.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members? [/QUOTE]
I would strongly support this as a theoretical idea. However, I am almost 100% sure it could never work.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?[/QUOTE]
I enjoy the community, I'm most active when there is a forum drama going on- and though alot of the time that drama is actually giving you a headache (today for instance), it does provide a measure of entertainment.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?[/QUOTE]
It's gone beyond the point where a simple banning can stop it. People like Chad, if possible, I would look into legal action, but I looked into his Onion Routings and the liking and it does seem pretty unlikely anything like that could work.

The best bet would probably be to put a black mark over their heads. Associating with these users would earn you a three day ban or a reduction of priveliges (kicked out of GD for example). At first there would probably be a few martydoms for the sake of loyalty, and although this would probably do little for off-site loyalties, it would atleast stop the public support for the immature actions of certaiin individuals.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?[/QUOTE]
Short answer yes, long answer no. If I were in charge, I'd keep the threads in each forum and have the site forum reserved for big issues. However there's still a lot that can go wrong there.

Let me think on this, I'm glad you made this thread.

mx 07-27-2007 09:48 AM

Leave the man alone, honestly. This is exactly what is wrong with this forum.

mx 07-27-2007 09:49 AM

Thanks for a real answer Nath

dei 07-27-2007 09:51 AM

Ban people for associating with Chad? No, that's dumb. Most people associated with "them" are considered decent users, and you want them banned because they like to talk in IRC? That doesn't seem fair.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 09:51 AM

I especially liked Nath's idea about the black-mark/instant banning.

If they habitually perm banned accounts in question, honestly, they'd give up the fruitless endeavor. I think most mods just turn there head. Sort of like your dog taking a dump on the carpet, but no one wants to admit they saw it, placing the responsibility on them.

you (mx) personally overseeing this, in my opinion, would be PERFECT, considering you'd be a very likely candidate to be completely unbiased.

Dinosawesome 07-27-2007 09:52 AM

No problem, I've got a bunch of ideas swirling in my head but I'm sort of juggling a few ideas at once. I'll put it down on keyboard a little later- how long should I be expecting this thread to stay open/active/on-topic?

[QUOTE=fauxreal;15036183]Ban people for associating with Chad? No, that's dumb. Most people associated with "them" are considered decent users, and you want them banned because they like to talk in IRC? That doesn't seem fair.[/QUOTE]
Reread that stanza. No bannings should be handed out for talking off-site (eg, IRC) but on the forums, the best way to stop someone making problems is to cut off all the encouragement.

Chad seems to be the kind of character that even if he is ignored he will still mess around with things, but eventually (and eventually may be a long term) if noone gives him the praise or anger he is looking for, he'll get bored and move onto something else.

exodus 07-27-2007 09:56 AM

[QUOTE=mx;15036178]Leave the man alone, honestly. This is exactly what is wrong with this forum.[/QUOTE]

Assuming you were talking to me; hmm oh boy lets see :rolleyes:

if you're the running joke of the site, being harrassed constantly for anything, and its been goin on for quite a while, common sense says to pack up your **** and gtfo rather than continually try to impress and reason with those who hate you. Yeah I'd go with something like that maybe...:chug:

Holy War 07-27-2007 09:56 AM

i think im a contribution to the idiocy of this forum... cuz, well... im an idiot on this forum

Pete 07-27-2007 10:01 AM

I think some members (ie JayLink) needs to reevaluate their idea of what trolling is. If you spout out ignorant things, people will call you on it - that should be common knowledge and not something you cry about and get the Pit closed down over.

Surgicalgod 07-27-2007 10:01 AM

[QUOTE=Nath]The best bet would probably be to put a black mark over their heads. Associating with these users would earn you a three day ban or a reduction of priveliges (kicked out of GD for example). At first there would probably be a few martydoms for the sake of loyalty, and although this would probably do little for off-site loyalties, it would atleast stop the public support for the immature actions of certaiin individuals.[/QUOTE]

seriously nath, how would that make chad hack less?

Loch Tess Monster 07-27-2007 10:13 AM

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?[/QUOTE]
I think the current format works well enough. We have a Community Thread as well as the short story contests, meme thread, etc. Of course, the amount of spam threads is always high in the pit, but I don't know if you can really do anything beyond closing them when they do pop up.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members? [/QUOTE]
No. That's just going to cause more elitism, obviously.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?[/QUOTE]
I may be a part of the 'select clique' but I quite enjoy the [i]community[/i] aspect of the site. I know a number of the posters by first name, I talk to them outside of the site, I would consider us to be (internet) friends. I'm friendly to everyone who hasn't given me a reason to be unfriendly, and I receive the same in return. That's why I come here...that and boredom.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?[/QUOTE]
No idea.

[QUOTE=mx;15036015]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?[/QUOTE]
Yea, I think you ought to reopen it.

It's gone beyond the point where a simple banning can stop it. People like Chad, if possible, I would look into legal action, but I looked into his Onion Routings and the liking and it does seem pretty unlikely anything like that could work.[/quote]
I do agree with the first part of this. Bans do nothing but restart the cycle - this is fun for chad, so of course he's going to make another account and come back again. what else is he going to do?

The best bet would probably be to put a black mark over their heads. Associating with these users would earn you a three day ban or a reduction of priveliges (kicked out of GD for example). At first there would probably be a few martydoms for the sake of loyalty, and although this would probably do little for off-site loyalties, it would atleast stop the public support for the immature actions of certaiin individuals.[/QUOTE]
Nath honey, I get your good intentions here but this is not going to do anything but aggravate him more.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 10:20 AM

[QUOTE=exodus;15036197]Assuming you were talking to me; hmm oh boy lets see :rolleyes:

if you're the running joke of the site, being harrassed constantly for anything, and its been goin on for quite a while, common sense says to pack up your **** and gtfo rather than continually try to impress and reason with those who hate you. Yeah I'd go with something like that maybe...:chug:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stay on thanks. A guy with all your red bars is in no position to talk. Besides a small clique. I still have many good friends and associates on here that makes this a worthwhile place to post. The trolling no longer bothers me, so if it for your own entertainment value, knock yourselves out.

Jeremy, I think the mods all need to be on the same page and set the same standards for everyone. There is way to much favoritism and cronyism on here. Everyone should be treated equally since the mods are supposed to be unbiased. Right now that is not the case.

Loch Tess Monster 07-27-2007 10:22 AM

I would agree with that, yeah. The mods are really uneven. That's why sometimes spam etc is at a higher level than others - it's not just the posters, it's also the mods who are or aren't cleaning things up and taking action.

exodus 07-27-2007 10:23 AM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15036260]Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stay on thanks. [B]A guy with all your red bars is in no position to talk[/B]. Besides a small clique. I still have many good friends and associates on here that makes this a worthwhile place to post. The trolling no longer bothers me, so if it for your own entertainment value, knock yourselves out..[/QUOTE]

Lol bro don't give me that attitude, and an insult like that, just :thumb:

just took a look at your myspace, holy **** lets keep it down righty now?

dei 07-27-2007 10:25 AM

Exodus, what does his Myspace have to do with anything?

Let's keep this thread on topic.

Loch Tess Monster 07-27-2007 10:25 AM

Not the place for this conversation, guys

exodus 07-27-2007 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=fauxreal;15036275]Exodus, what does his Myspace have to do with anything?

Let's keep this thread on topic.[/QUOTE]

The fat dinosaur's questioning my worthiness of speakin on here after I gave him advice to make his sad life [B]much [/B]easier (hence stop postin here). Yes Lets keep this thread on topic :wave:

mx 07-27-2007 10:28 AM

You guys are making a very telling case for removing this forum

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 10:28 AM

[QUOTE=exodus;15036268]Lol bro don't give me that attitude, and an insult like that, just :thumb:

just took a look at your myspace, holy **** lets keep it down righty now?[/QUOTE]
What does my myspace have to do with this discussion and the state of GD forum? You don't kake any sense.

Back on topic.

Jeremy, can you change the 50 post count to be allowed in GD. Maybe with more new people in here , you could expand the forum and make it more interesting and level. I know they love to troll the noobs, but they will survive. Maybe a 10 or 20 post count will allow access to here? Just a thought.

Marc Johnson 07-27-2007 10:32 AM

There are so few people speaking for so many right now. So many users aren't on, participating in this discussion, and they need to, because their input would make a difference. I've been just sitting and watching this whole thing and tbh, it would suck to no longer have the pit. I'm on it all the time and even if I'm not posting I like to read the threads and analyze everything. I hope that there can be a way to fix it.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 10:32 AM

Yes, but if you do remove this forum, isn't this some sort of containment area for those who are a bit more renegade and risque. These posters will just spread out into other forums making things more difficult to moderate.
Maybe you might consider an entire 360, and allow anything goes, and have the 3 mods just delete and close whatever is not appropriate. A free-for-all if you will, no restrictions, no guidelines, no bans, then the populous will grow tired and weary and might bring some much need self-control to themselves. A risky experiment, but it would be interesting nevertheless.

Dinosawesome 07-27-2007 10:33 AM

[QUOTE=Loch Tess Monster;15036234]Nath honey, I get your good intentions here but this is not going to do anything but aggravate him more.[/QUOTE]
Oh it will at first sweety, but whether it works or not depends on whether it's done properly or done for the first week and then laxed off.

Jude 07-27-2007 10:38 AM

The pit is always going to be full of retards I'm afraid, but it always was and it was still good at some times. The biggest problem is that all the funny/good posters have left or stopped posting for the most part. And of course you have attention whores like Chad, but hasn't this stuff happened before? He'll eventually stop if you don't give him attention anyway.

In any case if you're offended by having people post stupid things on your forum, then yeah, close the pit. It's up to you...but it won't necessarily stay bad. Mods can help, but it's more about what users post in it.

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