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mandan 04-22-2013 10:27 AM

Battle of the Big 5 (British Prog-Rock)
Once upon a time, 5 bands set out (perhaps unknowingly) to define the sub-genre we call progressive rock. Were it not for their work, prog-rock definitely wouldn't be what is today, and would likely have not developed quite as well.

King Crimson: Bob Fripp's gang, often credited with inventing the sub-genre with their debut.

Genesis: Developed at a more gradual pace than KC, but had an impressive run in the 70's which decisively shaped the music.

Yes: Reached their creative peak in the early 70's, releasing essential after essential. Could feel rather bombastic to some, but gifted musicians all the same (even if Anderson's vocals can be annoying at times).

Pink Floyd: Pink Floyd had an earlier debut than any of the other giants here. One might say that "the history of Pink Floyd is the history of prog"since thay saw every mayor stage in the genre's development, at least from it's psychedelic beginnings to it's poppier tendencies in the 80's. One might even add that prog pretty much died as we know it at the time of their break-up (yes, I know about prog-metal, but traditional prog was pretty much extinct at this point).

Jethro Tull: The folksier of the Big 5. Jethro Tull created ambitious concepts in the 70's, which set a standard for those who came later.

So, which is your fave?

ElliottJeffries 04-22-2013 10:42 AM

I loved Genesis in the 70's, especailly post Gabriel. I know, sacriledge. It seemed their music wasn't intentionally prog, just came out that way. Like they couldn't write a pop song if they're lives depended on it because it would just come out wrong, but still beautiful.

mandan 04-22-2013 04:29 PM

Gonna give this a bump, nice to see some votes.

@Elliott: Duke is my fave Genesis album, though The Lamb would rank as my second fave. I still need to hear some more Genesis, but my ranking is somewhat like this for them:

NC & Foxtrot
Invisible Touch
Candy Album (s/t)

Ando! 04-22-2013 04:34 PM

i like robert fripp he's pretty good

SugarCoatedSour 04-22-2013 04:43 PM

I like Robert Fripp, he's a ponce

SugarCoatedSour 04-22-2013 04:47 PM

Anyone care about Tomorrow?, it was the band that Steve Howe was in before Yes. They made their impact around 1968. It's got all that flower-power psych-hippy shit that everybody loved back in the day, but with real song-craft beyond the Beatles mimicry. Here, have a listen.


mandan 04-22-2013 05:26 PM

Jamming some Pallas atm, but will listen when I get the chance.

SugarCoatedSour 04-22-2013 05:49 PM


mandan 04-23-2013 03:26 PM

This needs more votes.

@SugarCoatedSour: Heard the song. Quite Beatle-esque, but with more spunk.

Det_Nosnip 04-23-2013 03:48 PM

Choosing between Crimson and Floyd is torture, but I have to give it up to Crimson.

mandan 04-23-2013 04:32 PM

^King Crimson has the better drumming of the two, but PF were better songwriters imo.

ElliottJeffries 04-23-2013 05:54 PM

Man, I feel bad for Jethro Tull. I'd vote for them but I already voted. Maybe it was their theatrical hamming it up that did them in. Or they could be a dark horse. I actually liked their space album "A".

SugarCoatedSour 04-23-2013 08:47 PM

[QUOTE=dannyboy89;19028887]This needs more votes.

@SugarCoatedSour: Heard the song. Quite Beatle-esque, but with more spunk.[/QUOTE]


I'm digging you digging IQ.

mandan 04-24-2013 10:54 AM

^I'm jamming some Genesis atm, but I'll get to IQ soon enough. My knowledge of neo-prog is rather superficial, but I hope to improve that. Everybody on Spunik loves Marillion, but I just can't get into [i]Misplaced Childhood[/i].

SugarCoatedSour 04-24-2013 11:21 AM

I've really yet to get into most neo-prog. I've had IQ on the backburner for a while, then my friend showed me a few tunes off "The Wake" and "Subterranea". Very 80's, very good.

Check Ozric Tentacles for a more alternative 90's approach with very thematic synth work. Very good stuff.

Also check my link in "favorite Camel album" thread. The one for Autumn - Oceanworld.

mandan 04-24-2013 11:59 AM

I've already listened to some OT albums, but I take forever to come back to those guys for some reason.

SugarCoatedSour 04-24-2013 12:25 PM

Erpland and Jurassic Shift are quite necessary

SugarCoatedSour 04-24-2013 12:28 PM

Also, I really can't recommend Autumn - Oceanworld enough. It's a band that sorely fell under the radar with their 1 and only release in 1978. It was instrumental magic of the highest echelons.

mandan 04-25-2013 10:23 AM

This needs more votes.

SugarCoatedSour 04-25-2013 11:28 PM

I can't cast that vote. I'd like to, but those are bands with vastly differing energies.

mandan 04-27-2013 02:31 PM

Only 8 votes? Gonna bump this hard.

Hoppoman 04-28-2013 01:12 PM

Ever heard of Gentle Giant? Well worth checking out, some of the best 70s prog around.

mandan 04-28-2013 05:06 PM

^Yep. Octopus rules face. As do the others I've listened to. Schulman is prob my all-time fave bassist .

mandan 04-29-2013 04:38 PM

Interesting, we have a tie.

ElliottJeffries 04-30-2013 10:09 PM

Danny my friend, weep your sad prog tears into the eternal goblet of detached hopelessness. Prog will never ever be mainstream, my friends and family don't like it and neither do most people. This has been the never ending mystery since the dawn of time because...it is the greatest music ever created! We must do our part to make our own great prog! I don't care if it takes 8 people left in the forum or 1/8 of that to record a new prog song and post it on this forum. I have spoken.

SugarCoatedSour 04-30-2013 11:19 PM

I'm willing to play the never ending arpeggios

mandan 05-01-2013 07:09 PM

@Elliot: Perhaps you're right. A tie just might be fair enough. All the bands are great tbh.

ElliottJeffries 05-02-2013 12:49 PM

Don't give up. I've compiled some of the necessary elements needed to write our own prog based on intensive research. The songs should have:

Lydian mode
Classical music influences
Lyrics based on mythology, fantasy or literature
Never ending arpeggios
5/4 time or other unusual beats.

Feel free to add anything I've left out.

SugarCoatedSour 05-02-2013 01:28 PM


JosephKimbrell 05-03-2013 01:51 AM

I'm a huge Tull fan. I like the others though, but Tull wins out for me. I am a flute player, so I'm sure it resonates a bit more with me than others ;)

I've seen them live and also met Ian, very nice guy.

ElliottJeffries 05-03-2013 01:21 PM

5/4 time. How could I forget? I edited my post to include it.

ElliottJeffries 05-03-2013 01:26 PM

[QUOTE=JosephKimbrell;19031361]I'm a huge Tull fan. I like the others though, but Tull wins out for me. I am a flute player, so I'm sure it resonates a bit more with me than others ;)

I've seen them live and also met Ian, very nice guy.[/QUOTE]
Joseph, you're a Tull fan? You've got my vote!

Antonius 05-03-2013 02:50 PM

It's a sin to making such a vote. All 5 are masters and choosing one over the other would not be ethically correct

SugarCoatedSour 05-03-2013 05:53 PM


ElliottJeffries 05-04-2013 09:02 PM

[QUOTE=Antonius;19031472]It's a sin to making such a vote. All 5 are masters and choosing one over the other would not be ethically correct[/QUOTE]
You're right. But like all sinning, it is fun.

Antonius 05-25-2013 04:38 AM

Hahaha true. Man I would rather learn mathematical formulas and physic theories than answer this question

dante1991 05-27-2013 08:27 AM

Overall, I think Floyd is my favourite, love em all though and In the Court is probably the best album any of them have done. Interestingly, although Floyd are my favourite, they're probably the least progressive of all the bands here.

For me though, in terms of truly great/classic albums each bands have:

Floyd: 6
Genesis: 5
Crimson: 4
Yes: 4
Tull: 2 for definite, not heard enough to judge

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