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_Alexisonfire_ 03-27-2005 08:49 AM

[QUOTE=frmautumTOashes]Who cares if there is a never ending flow of kids that don't know what emo is. Once they read the thread a little they will learn, which is a good thing. The Used, TBS, Finch etc. fans don't really bother me. It's the ****faces that say they hate emo because it's whiny p'ussy s'hit about guys breaking up with their girlfriend. They think that emo is softcore punk. If you try to tell them emo is really emotional hardcore they will laugh at you. If they ever saw this forum they would laugh because hardcore and emo are grouped together. They think Dashboard Confessional is the epitome of emo. Then, you'll have the "emo fans" come back and say that's not real emo. Listen to SOTY, The Used, Thursday, and My Chemical Romance. (I think Thursday and The Used are good bands though, just not emo.) These people think emo kids are all depressed, and wear thick glasses. You know, the same stereotype of emo being a fashion instead of a genre of music which is completely WRONG. You'd be surprised how many people think like this. These are the people that piss me off.[/QUOTE]

Did that have anything to do with my argument...?

I understand you though on the stereotype thing. One fact people don't necessarily get is that the emo fashion and emo music genre in itself are completely DIFFERENT things today, thanks to the mainstream who elevated TBS and the likes to an "emo" status.

frmautumTOashes 03-27-2005 09:51 AM

[QUOTE=DFelon204409]I was digging where you were going on that argument until you used the word "softcore." What the f[size=2]uc[/size]k is that.[/QUOTE]

I'm just saying stuff that I hear other people say when describing emo.

Did that have anything to do with my argument...?

Yeah I don't know why I quoted what you said.

_Alexisonfire_ 03-27-2005 02:08 PM


Lowend 03-27-2005 08:26 PM

i just saw Hot Cross....

jealous much?

Wow 03-27-2005 08:33 PM

Nah, I'm seeing them in a month.

My Saetia demo came today. Whoohoo!

cbmartinez 03-27-2005 08:48 PM

"Patchwork Neurology" is such an awesome song.

RetiredAt21 03-27-2005 08:50 PM

I'm jealous. I desperately want to see Hot Cross.

BuddyBigsby 03-27-2005 08:51 PM

I've seen Hot Cross.

*parties with Lowend*

RetiredAt21 03-27-2005 08:52 PM

How were they?

BuddyBigsby 03-27-2005 08:55 PM

Pretty good. Sound in the venue was crap.

RetiredAt21 03-27-2005 08:57 PM

I really want to see them play Consonants, I love that song.

cbmartinez 03-27-2005 09:01 PM

Buddy, did you see them post-Fair Trades?

BuddyBigsby 03-27-2005 09:31 PM

Yes. It was October 2 of last year.

cbmartinez 03-27-2005 09:32 PM

Did the play a mix of stuff from Cryonics and the EP?

Congrats on 7000 by the way.

BuddyBigsby 03-27-2005 09:34 PM

Wow, I didn't even notice. SWEET!

It was really mixed. I only have Cryonics and just recently got Fair Trades, but judging from the songs that I do know and knowing what I do about how each release sounds, they played a pretty equal amount of songs from everything, actually maybe more off of Fair Trades. Like they only played maybe 3 or 4 songs off of Cryonics.

Lowend 03-27-2005 09:37 PM

[QUOTE=BuddyBigsby]Pretty good. Sound in the venue was crap.[/QUOTE]


it was awesome hearing him yell F*ck not lest ye be F*cked".

Transistor Transistor played as well. i didn't realize how f*cking awesome their drummer is.

cbmartinez 03-27-2005 09:38 PM

Yeah, I'm gonna' see them in April or May. Transistor, Transistor is so good.

Nick Morzov 03-27-2005 09:46 PM

[QUOTE=_Alexisonfire_]Yes there was. If you'd have taken a look at the rest of the thread you'd have noticed there are dozens of noobs who come barging in here thinking underoath and my chemical romance are emo. ok thx bye[/QUOTE]
no because we already established that, you're basically taking an argument you already know you can win and starting it again... good job on being an idiot :thumb:

BuddyBigsby 03-27-2005 11:21 PM


Holy Christ, this argument is going nowhere. Morzov, you lose. Get over it.

RetiredAt21 03-27-2005 11:54 PM

Morzov is really kicking a dead horse.

_Alexisonfire_ 03-28-2005 12:56 AM


Holy Christ, this argument is going nowhere. Morzov, you lose. Get over it.[/QUOTE]


I'd like to see this argument you're talking about. I merely stated the facts, which are: some people think some mainstream bands are emo, and barging in this thread seeking to re-educate people like Bigsby and DFelon who (though I do not know them personally) are probably EXTREMELY familiar with the emo/screamo genre and scene. This is not an argument. It's what's already happening here and now.

Instead of replying to every word I say like you are gonna prove anything why don't you post something that is either
1. relevant and useful to this thread
2. related to emo/screamo.

By the way, yeah you did prove something Morzov: I could certainly not best you in being a *******. Must be a natural talent you have.


RetiredAt21 03-28-2005 12:41 PM

Hahahaha, yeah.

srt-4 03-28-2005 01:13 PM

it was awesome hearing him yell F*ck not lest ye be F*cked".

seen them too. that was my favorite part. and for whoever asked, when i saw them they played more fair trades and farewells stuff. they put on an amazing show, even though i could count the kids that were standing anywhere near the stage on two hands.

Nick Morzov 03-28-2005 03:00 PM

i don't think you guys get what he was saying... i already know i was wrong... i apologized... then this guy comes along and starts the same argument over again. An argument he already knows he can win because i already established the fact that i was wrong. So lets just drop it ok?

_Alexisonfire_ 03-28-2005 03:46 PM

Yeah, drop it with saying that I started an argument because I didn't.

theprodigy 03-28-2005 03:50 PM


srt-4 03-28-2005 04:40 PM


The second song is the best. its like so hXc.

tornpictures 03-29-2005 01:52 AM

[QUOTE=Wow]Nah, I'm seeing them in a month.

My Saetia demo came today. Whoohoo![/QUOTE]

Dubbed or original?
How much did you get it for?

Wow 03-29-2005 07:42 AM

Original. I got it for like $35 or something. It came in a day, too. I was excited.

RetiredAt21 03-29-2005 11:56 AM

Saetia is so effing awesome. One of my favorite bands.

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