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Tom 08-31-2005 09:25 PM


Perhaps lying requires more brainpower than he can muster.[/QUOTE]

"Do you have any fireworks in your car?"



Da[SIZE=2]mn[/SIZE]it! I always get that one wrong!"

Strum 08-31-2005 09:25 PM

This is like what happened to Murray. :lol:

I wonder if murray's thread is in the MX history thread? :amaze:

ikikdababy 08-31-2005 09:26 PM

[QUOTE=Tom]"Do you have any fireworks in your car?"



Da[SIZE=2]mn[/SIZE]it! I always get that one wrong!"[/QUOTE]

Uncle Jimbo is in the house...

hide the beer.

Chaindrive 08-31-2005 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=jimmybowels]I had the sense to know what to keep to myself when I was a [b]pre-teen[/b].[/QUOTE]

Hah for the pre-teen remark...

I don't mean him any ill will...I just am having a hard time understanding why one would tell someone that they purport to love about insults on the internet. And make that big of a deal about it.

Tom 08-31-2005 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=ikikdababy]Uncle Jimbo is in the house...

hide the beer.[/QUOTE]


apromisingyear 08-31-2005 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=jimmybowels]She didn't ask why you were telling strangers who had previously collectively made fun of you about your engagement?[/QUOTE]

After I proposed we talked later that night and she wanted to tell all our friends/family and whoever else we knew.

I have a feature in my cellphone's voicemail which enables you to send a voicemail to EVERYONE in your phone at once so we recorded a voicemessage and sent it out to everyone in both our phones...told our family, told everyone we left out.

Then we were talking and she asked is that it... I replied "yeah, i think so, what about you?" and she replied, "yeah, thats it"

After a slight pause she said, "hey!, post it in the forum your always on". I asked which one. She said, "the one about music and guitars". I said, "oh that one".
So she thought it would be great to let everyone on the forum know.

We weren't trying to make it into as big of a deal is evolved into. Just a simple, "hey! im getting married" thread and thats it...not a history of me on MX and all this attention.

She was just excited and wanted to let everyone know.

The funny thing is, indians of this generation (at least where we live) are pretty supportive of it. They are supportive because 1. She's, "doing the right thing" and getting married at a tender age and the "americanized indians are supportive/happy because 2. She's getting married to a person of non-indian descent. Breaking the mold in this regions indian society. Very happy indians... :lol: it gets a little creepy after awhile... :amaze:

Tom 08-31-2005 09:30 PM

It would have went over well if you were say, 27, 28 years old.

Not 16, that's just stupid, you should be walking around asking people if you can mow their lawns for money, not getting married to some bitch that you will be stuck with for the rest of your life.

Think of it, you only had 16 years of freedom.

Rrrrrrr 08-31-2005 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]I showed her that the only opinions that should matter are her own and mine.[/QUOTE]
So, you tell her that things are always okay if [I]you [/I]say they are? That your terribly flawed judgement is to be trusted to guide her through your inevitably short-lived marriage, over the opinions of the thousands of other people in her life?

Not only are you a manipulative bast[font=]ard[/font], but if she believed a word of what you said, the idiot deserves nothing better.

apromisingyear 08-31-2005 09:30 PM

about the lying remarks...

she asked. we promised truth so I said we were all arguing...

i didn't just call her and go, "these people are talking **** omfg" or anything like that. she called...she asked me...

BlindWriting 08-31-2005 09:32 PM

lol pags

Seriously, I'm telling you now, this is a decision you will regret.

Come back with a new thread two months after you get married and prove me otherwise.

Special Brew 08-31-2005 09:32 PM

If I got engaged, I would post it here in my spare time. I mean, if I was that happy, I'd be telling random strangers on the street :lol:

But I know better than to fuc[b][i][/i][/b]king get married at 16!

ikikdababy 08-31-2005 09:33 PM

[QUOTE=Rrrrrrr]So, you tell her that things are always okay if [I]you [/I]say they are? That your terribly flawed judgement is to be trusted to guide her through your inevitably short-lived marriage, over the opinions of the thousands of other people in her life?

Not only are you a manipulative bast[font=]ard[/font], but if she believed a word of what you said, the idiot deserves nothing better.[/QUOTE]

i wonder if they didn't meet in the special ed. class...

apromisingyear 08-31-2005 09:34 PM

[QUOTE=Rrrrrrr]So, you tell her that things are always okay if [I]you [/I]say they are? That your terribly flawed judgement is to be trusted to guide her through your inevitably short-lived marriage, over the opinions of the thousands of other people in her life?

Not only are you a manipulative bast[font=]ard[/font], but if she believed a word of what you said, the idiot deserves nothing better.[/QUOTE]

our age shouldn't mean anything about the quality/lenth/whatever of our marriage. We pave our own way. We handle our issues, we make it through.

We have been discussing all the future changes (long term and short). She doesn't resent her answer to my proposal. She's happy, I happy. Thats all that should matter right? as long as people our happy?

apromisingyear 08-31-2005 09:35 PM

[QUOTE=BlindWriting]Come back with a new thread two months after you get married and prove me otherwise.[/QUOTE]

deal. :)

ikikdababy 08-31-2005 09:36 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]our age shouldn't mean anything about the quality/lenth/whatever of our marriage. We pave our own way. We handle our issues, we make it through.

We have been discussing all the future changes (long term and short). She doesn't resent her answer to my proposal. She's happy, I happy. Thats all that should matter right? as long as people our happy?[/QUOTE]

Hindsight is going to kick your *** so hard.

Plz remember us when things do go bad. Come back and make a thread about it.

lawlstorm 08-31-2005 09:40 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]our age shouldn't mean anything about the quality/lenth/whatever of our marriage. We pave our own way. We handle our issues, we make it through.

We have been discussing all the future changes (long term and short). She doesn't resent her answer to my proposal. She's happy, I happy. Thats all that should matter right? as long as people our happy?[/QUOTE]
u happy? i our happy too!

you never told us what your main source of income is going to be. unless i missed it. Please explain in great detail

Stone Cold Bush 08-31-2005 09:42 PM

1/3, you a straight-up fu[size=2]ck[/size]ing Italian Frank Paganini.

Chaindrive 08-31-2005 09:43 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]about the lying remarks...

she asked. we promised truth so I said we were all arguing...

i didn't just call her and go, "these people are talking **** omfg" or anything like that. she called...she asked me...[/QUOTE]

I have this to say about that...and you will acquire this very important knowledge when you are older (hopefully)...

Sometimes "omission" is not lying. It's protecting someone whom you think may be hurt by others' comments. Especially if the "someone" is not exactly secure with herself. Before you spout off and hork up unnecessary details you need to think about how she might feel, first. Unless, of course, you are really that manipulative.

Again, the internet is not important business unless you're playing the stock market online. And this means that any comments others might have to offer aren't really important in the scheme of life.

You understand my take on this, do you not? You may have hurt her without reason by letting her know what the population of MX thought. Hurt her without reason.

Unless, you both are digging this sort of controversy...

BlindWriting 08-31-2005 09:43 PM

[QUOTE=Solos_are_Mandatory]u happy? i our happy too!

you never told us what your main source of income is going to be. unless i missed it. Please explain in great detail[/QUOTE]
He's going to sell off the 30,000 CDs he ended up really buying.

That and anal sex in dark alleys.

lawlstorm 08-31-2005 09:44 PM

[QUOTE=Stone Cold Bush]1/3, you a straight-up fu[size=2]ck[/size]ing Italian Frank Paganini.[/QUOTE]
your russian and german ancestors should be ashamed. As should your italian ones, but for different reasons.

Stone Cold Bush 08-31-2005 09:50 PM


One more zero and it would have been gold. :(

The Musician 08-31-2005 09:54 PM

[QUOTE=Stone Cold Bush][url]http://dvd-new-release.net/mr.3000/mr.3000.jpg[/url]

One more zero and it would have been gold. :([/QUOTE]
Photoshop it, and then replace his face with a turkey.

lawlstorm 08-31-2005 09:56 PM

paint is awesome

The Musician 08-31-2005 09:56 PM

paint is awesome[/QUOTE]
Where's the turkey god dammit?!?!

ikikdababy 08-31-2005 09:57 PM

paint is awesome[/QUOTE]

where'd you find a picture of his girl?

Pariah 08-31-2005 09:58 PM

paint is awesome[/QUOTE]

Where's the sh[b][i][/i][/b]itty moustache?

lawlstorm 08-31-2005 09:58 PM

[QUOTE=ikikdababy]where'd you find a picture of his girl?[/QUOTE]
she's a **** star she's everywhere. do a google image search for "fat punjabi whores" and click on "i'm feeling lucky" and it takes you to her [color=white]p[/color]ornobiography

ikikdababy 08-31-2005 09:59 PM

[QUOTE=Solos_are_Mandatory]she's a **** star she's everywhere. do a google image search for "fat punjabi whores" and click on "i'm feeling lucky" and it takes you to her [color=white]p[/color]ornobiography[/QUOTE]

she looks kind of like a slimmer bernie mac...

lawlstorm 08-31-2005 09:59 PM

[QUOTE=jimmybowels]Where's the sh[b][i][/i][/b]itty moustache?[/QUOTE]
i obviously have too much class for that :cool:

The Musician 08-31-2005 10:01 PM

[QUOTE=Solos_are_Mandatory]she's a **** star she's everywhere. do a google image search for "fat punjabi whores" and click on "i'm feeling lucky" and it takes you to her [color=white]p[/color]ornobiography[/QUOTE]
I got this:
A picture I can't tell the address because it has a link to badness on it.

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