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victimofreality 11-30-2004 08:36 AM

Post About Your Band Here !!!DO NOT MAKE A NEW THREAD ABOUT IT!!!
My band has just begun recording some songs, so I decided to make a thread where you can share your bands website, mp3, etc. I guess you can say what genre you are and then link us to your site.

Please only use this thread to post mp3s and such, not to support some local band that you really like, or your friends band. Please only post if you have a website. No one really cares what your bands name is and what kindof music you play if we cannot hear it.

I realize that this is a little hypocritical, but I do not have any mp3s to post at the moment. I will post something as soon as I can.

My band is mainly a pop/punk, post hardcore type of band, but since there are so few people around in my town who want to get into this, we also have a bit of metal in order to let everyone have a say. We are called Think Again.

circuits 11-30-2004 08:40 AM

what kind of music do you play?

i don't have a band, i was just curious.

Shannon Deadbeat 11-30-2004 03:06 PM

im in a band
old skool emo/hc
the mp3s are raw and unmixed....we are hoping to re-record them with vocals in the near future

thanx for your time

Pete 11-30-2004 03:08 PM

Yeah, I have a band too.


We're a Swedish three-piece - but you can read all about that shi[i][b][/i][/b]t on the Purevolume page.

dropkickstreetpunk 11-30-2004 03:18 PM

pop/punk and post hardcore? how does that work.

Chug-a-lug 11-30-2004 03:30 PM

I don't really play in a band, but we have a thing called "the Losers" (perhaps already taken, dunno) with which we will one day start playing music. I already made a website, partially, just some pics actually. Things will be added in the neir future. We formed less than a weeg ago so don't hold your breath.

yes, we are from belgium, but usa will makes usa way more succesful :)

Chug-a-lug 11-30-2004 03:30 PM

I don't really play in a band, but we have a thing called "the Losers" (perhaps already taken, dunno) with which we will one day start playing music. I already made a website, partially, just some pics actually. Things will be added in the neir future. We formed less than a week ago so don't hold your breath.

yes, we are from belgium, but usa will makes us way more succesful :)

Evanw 11-30-2004 04:43 PM

[B][U]The Industry[/U][B] is my band. no website yet or mp3. we're doing that soon. heres some pics from tri-state terror fest


katesnotkosher 11-30-2004 06:03 PM

this is my old band, the songs are about a little over a year old. I was 15 and the drummer and the bassist were 14.
[URL=http://www.myspace.com/thelineup]the lineup[/URL]

this is my newer band, we're recording our demo this week... so whenever I get those mp3s up I'll link them too.

Pete 11-30-2004 06:16 PM

Am I the only one who's provided real, finished songs? No offense, Shannon Deadbeat.

And another plug;

SantaDuJuan 11-30-2004 07:36 PM

I'm in a band and everyone should know that
Homosexual Youth
I'm just to lazy to record anything
We do have patches though, DIY of course

Pete 11-30-2004 07:41 PM

[QUOTE=Ihatehate]I'm in a band and everyone should know that
Homosexual Youth
I'm just to lazy to record anything
We do have patches though, DIY of course
There's already a band called that. Well, they're called Reagan Youth, but basically, it's the same.

SantaDuJuan 11-30-2004 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]There's already a band called that. Well, they're called Reagan Youth, but basically, it's the same.[/QUOTE]

Ha Ha Ha...

Was that actully there old name

Now I feel stupid

CONNER_NWHC 11-30-2004 07:52 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]Am I the only one who's provided real, finished songs? No offense, Shannon Deadbeat.

And another plug;
Not to bad man

Pete 11-30-2004 07:53 PM

[QUOTE=Ihatehate]Ha Ha Ha...

Was that actully there old name

Now I feel stupid
Nah, I was just playing, and calling Reagan a homosexual :)

BostonBound988 11-30-2004 07:55 PM

This is a kids band that used to post on MX, his name was "havoc77". They just got a demo today, and he sent me one song, I'll be getting more later. It's street punk, and great.

I'm having troubles converting this, so I'll post a link to an MP3 once I get one up on my site.

OMGaDINOSAUR 11-30-2004 07:58 PM

I'm in a band called teh Republic Rats. For piece punk/street band from the D.C. area. I'll post some mp3s once I get our demo.

SantaDuJuan 11-30-2004 08:03 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]Nah, I was just playing, and calling Reagan a homosexual :)[/QUOTE]

:lol: :)

I need to record my band, so you guys can hear our spirit.

Spirit of 77 of course

gimme my guitar! 11-30-2004 08:55 PM

Me n sum friend thinkin of startin 1 we got a drummer(thats him)and lead guitar(me) but e lookin 4 a bass......we dunno bout vocals......we suk *** a that....Any1 know where i can get a Big muff stomp box cheap?

gimme my guitar! 11-30-2004 08:59 PM

That pretty good FatPete........ur songs that was in purevolume.com that is.........how long u been playin?done a gig yet?

singinghostility 11-30-2004 09:12 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]Yeah, I have a band too.


We're a Swedish three-piece - but you can read all about that shi[i][b][/i][/b]t on the Purevolume page.[/QUOTE]

i downloaded a few songs off of your site like a month or two ago, didnt realize it was someone from mx, you're like a freakin celebrity, yay! anyways, really good. i got kill stereotypes, and watching you bleed. very good work.

SkaRobotArmy 11-30-2004 09:47 PM

[QUOTE=katesnotkosher]this is my old band, the songs are about a little over a year old. I was 15 and the drummer and the bassist were 14.
[URL=http://www.myspace.com/thelineup]the lineup[/URL]

this is my newer band, we're recording our demo this week... so whenever I get those mp3s up I'll link them too.
i like, i like, the first one anyhow, i havent gotten to the second yet, listenin to pete now

SkaRobotArmy 11-30-2004 09:49 PM

yea, pete, you guys rock

Shannon Deadbeat 11-30-2004 11:37 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]Am I the only one who's provided real, finished songs? No offense, Shannon Deadbeat.


none taken, my good man!

DrGolovaCroxby 11-30-2004 11:42 PM

Smiling Foe
Streetish Punk
[url]http://www.purevolume.com/smilingfoe[/url] - mp3's
[url]http://www.elosers.net/sf[/url] - site


(hah, not fatpete's not the only one with hardcore punx rox music on here)

victimofreality 12-01-2004 12:22 AM

[QUOTE=dropkickstreetpunk]pop/punk and post hardcore? how does that work.[/QUOTE]
It works because we have several songs that sound different. Music doesn't all ahve to fit into one tight knit genre.

I'm really liking your band Pete. I like Dust Of Angels especially.

kyle363 12-01-2004 02:55 AM

The Mayday Call
somewhere along the lines of rock, punk, metal, hardcore.....


Shannon Deadbeat 12-01-2004 02:57 AM

how do you get your stuff on Purevolume?

kyle363 12-01-2004 03:01 AM

i think you just sign up and go from there?

Let's Chop Cats! 12-01-2004 05:02 PM

Between Arms

Crappy mp3's, but what ever. This was my friends band that I played guitar in after my one friend left. We broke up this past summer.

Pete 12-01-2004 05:06 PM

[QUOTE=DrGolovaCroxby]Smiling Foe
Streetish Punk
[url]http://www.purevolume.com/smilingfoe[/url] - mp3's
[url]http://www.elosers.net/sf[/url] - site


(hah, not fatpete's not the only one with hardcore punx rox music on here)[/QUOTE]
Althought the recording quality is kinda crappy, your band is really good, Doc!

Let's Chop Cats! 12-01-2004 05:12 PM

I listened to everyone's band in this thread and I swear to god you all have the same exact drumbeat for every song.

Pete 12-01-2004 05:14 PM

[QUOTE=Sk8SkaNJ]I listened to everyone's band in this thread and I swear to god you all have the same exact drumbeat for every song.[/QUOTE]
I [i]was[/i] gonna listen to your old band, but since you chose to insult my drummer, I shun thee.

Let's Chop Cats! 12-01-2004 05:17 PM


Pete 12-01-2004 05:18 PM

I'll have none of that! Thou arth [b]shunned[/b]!

killboypowerhead 12-01-2004 05:42 PM


uh....here's my band

Jessizzle 12-01-2004 05:43 PM

my band is hella cool. but due to our lack of time to pratice latley we havnt recorded anything .

NakedRaygun872 12-01-2004 05:48 PM

I play in a cover band called The Intellectual P[color=white]e[/color]nises in U of I sometimes on weekends and we get drunk and party, it's awesome!

We have a handfull of originals too it's just we don't practice that often.

Pete 12-01-2004 05:49 PM

[QUOTE=FatPete]There's a live video of it coming soon![/QUOTE]
Here's the live video, as promised!


SkaRobotArmy 12-01-2004 06:52 PM

why is it everyone here appears to be playing a jazz bass?

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