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-   -   Rules + Reporting stuff is fun too y'know (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=497980)

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 03:36 PM

Rules + Reporting stuff is fun too y'know
Simple Rules of the Guitar Forum

1. Don't act like an idiot. We don't want idiots here. You either know what being an idiot is, or you're too much of an idiot to know the difference- Either way, you're getting banned.

2. Put some degree of effort into your posts. Not every post has to be an essay, but think about your post before you hit the 'submit reply' button and think to yourself about if the forum actually needs it.

3. Apparently pictures with any degree of sexuality involved are offensive, so don't post 'em.

4. Don't piss me off or I'll deal with you as I see fit. I'm not easy to piss off, so this is more of a blanket statement concerning general behaviour in the Guitar forum. I make judgments based on how I see users act and if I feel that they are a valuable part of my community. If I don't want you here, I remove you. It's very simple and it works well, so just don't be a parrot and we'll get on great.

5. 'The rule I can't believe I even have to say'- Don't spam. This includes spamming about existing spam. If someone makes a spammy (or outright prohibited) thread, the best course of action is [b]not[/b] to bump the thread with OMGZ THATS SO SICK or OMGZ GTFO TROLL or whatever your plight for justice is. You leave it alone. Posting in a spam thread [b]will get you banned[/b], and you'll be banned harder if your posts were contributing to or generating more spam.

6. I personally hate the rep system. But it's here and I have to deal with it. However, I can do what I can to minimize the negative effect it has on the forum- This 'negative effect' can be described as Repwhoring. Flat-out asking for rep, throwing 'repfests', pulling the 'you rep me I'll rep you' thing, that's all repwhoring. And it's an instant ban.

7. Don't whine about getting banned. Nothing pisses off mods more. If you got banned, there was a reason for it, and if you're whining about it, it's because you already know why. So, [b]whining about being banned and pestering the mods about it will get you banned again[/b]. Don't be a headache.

Guitar is not a hard place to figure out. You know what content is, you know what we're here to discuss, and you know what is unacceptable behaviour on any Internet forum. The only way to blacksheep yourself here is to repeatedly be an intentional annoyance.

Is this srs enuf bsns?

[b][size=5]The Legend of the Lod[/size][/b]

Unless you're an incredibly unobservant fool (hell, you [i]are[/i] in the Guitar forum) you might've noticed a very large, off-topic thread with a strange title that often changes floating around the forum. This is, as the regulars call, the lod. The lod is a very strange place with very strange people, and as such follows some very strange terms that won't seem like they make sense or are necessary. You might even say they are retarded. These terms are as follows;

1. Talk about whatever. It's a community thread.

2. Don't mindlessly spam. Spam can be funny, but most of it isn't. So don't do it.

3. No "123" or "lol" or other posts like this. No "sup lod" or other forms of greeting-only posts. This kind of behaviour is what we're trying to avoid in the latest incarnations of the lod. Laugh and say hi, but add something to the conversation as you do so.

4. Don't double-post. If you have more to say, edit your previous post or wait for someone else to post after you. The lod doesn't need to be bumped- Its users know where to find it.

5. No "OMFG FIRST POST" or "FIRST PAGE" or "1000TH POST" or other exclaimations of your luck of being in the right place at the right time on the internet. Nobody cares.

6. The lod gets deleted every several thousand posts. Don't whine about the loss of postcount or rep- [b]that's the point[/b]. If you really care that much about a number next to your name, then go into the main area of the forum and take ten seconds to post something vaguely worthwhile. Then proceed to get a life, it's just a number next to your name.

7. You can and will get banned on sight for disregarding these aforementioned terms. It's not a big deal, it happens all the time - most lod regulars have a good 5 or 6 alt accounts for when they get banned - so, just do as they do and make an alt account and get back at 'er, this time avoiding whatever you did to get banned the first time. Again, all you lose is a few numbers next to your name. You also lose access to the Pit, but chances are if you care that much about the Pit then we don't want you here anyway so gg

8. Addendum: TBF's DEATH LOD. This is my death lod! It's the death lod because if you post in it, I can ban you for any reason I see fit. Literally anything- I'll tell you to get out a few times, then start unleashing the bans. This is the greatest thread in the forum because it lets me extend my black iron fist

The lod is a privelege for Guitar, as it has been gravely misused in the past. We stick to these terms and run a tight ship, or else control is lost, chaos ensues and the lod is lost. It can be a lot of fun, so lighten up, don't be a moron and follow some simple guidelines to keep it running smoothly.

And if you're wondering how it got its name, it was the last syllable grunted out of Jarviss' lungs as I ate him whole. True story. If you don't know who Jarviss is, lurkmoar.

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-22-2006 04:05 PM

okay i love this ****

good job

Moto I 10-22-2006 04:18 PM

Dave is the law here, he shall break a beer bottle in the head of the ones who dare to question his authority

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 04:19 PM

Please stop spamming this thread it is srs bsns

7 skrang 10-22-2006 04:25 PM

is it ok to post a picture of a fake v[I]a[/I]gina?
like a flesh light?

Moto I 10-22-2006 04:25 PM

ok, I just want to know about the alcohol stuff, can I talk openly about alcohol and cigarrettes without getting b&?

Neocon 10-22-2006 04:27 PM

What about trolls?

Can we report problems in here?

Anything anyone want to add?

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 04:32 PM

7 skrang I really don't know I wouldn't find that offensive but who knows with people these days and the internet and all so I'm going to wait for other mods to comment on this so we can come to a consensus until then any input on this issue is greatly appreciated as I would like to ensure everybody's on the same page with this srs bsns

Moto- there's nothing illegal about drinking or smoking the stoges. And there's nothing illegal about talking about drugs or what to do with them, only with talking about where to find them or how to get them- But you know people and their ultra conservative natures on the internets if they even read the word 'marijuana' they have to go repent

And yes this doubles as a reporting thread

Neocon 10-22-2006 04:43 PM

Thanks daife, we may be able to get rid of trolls faster now, yay!

Speaking of which, Williams Part 1, clearly Acid Bath, needs to go quick like.

Moto I 10-22-2006 04:43 PM

great, if I have any other doubts I'll let you know, thanks

mike-o 10-22-2006 04:44 PM

When would it be necessary to post pics of a fleshlight, anyways?

thickasabrick 10-22-2006 04:44 PM

TBF I think I saw Spoonful breaking the rules somewhere.

And Eggos gone haywire.

Ganon 10-22-2006 04:49 PM

[QUOTE=mike-o;13489072]When would it be necessary to post pics of a fleshlight, anyways?[/QUOTE]
Scenario #1:

"Dude, I broke my fleshlight, how do I fix it? Picture enclosed."

Scenario #2:

"I got stuck in my fleshlight, how do I get it out? Picture enclosed."

I'm not even going to scar you with scenario #3

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 04:59 PM

Ganon why would either of these need to be posted in the Guitar forum and not the official Fleshlight forum (if such a thing exists)

Williams Part 1 isn't being as annoying as AB usually is. I'm letting him go until he clearly deserves it.

Ganon 10-22-2006 05:01 PM

I'm not sure, perhaps they don't allow pictures of fleshlights on the official fleshlight forum.

And when an MX user is in trouble, where else would s/he go other than MX?

unplugged89 10-22-2006 05:04 PM

rep++ for a nice set of rules.

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 05:06 PM

[QUOTE=Ganon;13489239]And when an MX user is in trouble, where else would s/he go other than MX?[/QUOTE]

well strictly speaking you're supposed to talk music on MX

at the very best, take it to GD, if that fails then the community threads

Ganon 10-22-2006 05:11 PM

Yeah I meant the community thread, not the actual guitar forum, I should have mentioned that.

But anyway, I just realised I'm spamming this thread up way too much so I'm going to run away before you ban me:p

AG 10-22-2006 05:39 PM

Stfu Dave.

Johnny Five 10-22-2006 05:45 PM

[QUOTE=7 skrang;13488903]like a flesh light?[/QUOTE]


porchmonkey4life 10-22-2006 05:46 PM

not a secret anymore :p haha

unplugged89 10-22-2006 05:46 PM

[QUOTE=Johnny Five;13489675]lol, I secretly want one of them.[/QUOTE]

well it's hardly a secret now...

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 06:06 PM

New rule: Off-topic discussion ITT gets a ban.

tl;dr- Stop spamming this thread.

Aes820 10-22-2006 06:07 PM

I'm not a fan of 'report problems' threads.
By page five they always turn into a whinge.

The Black Fist 10-22-2006 06:08 PM

[QUOTE=Aes820;13489725]I'm not a fan of 'report problems' threads.
By page five they always turn into a whinge.[/QUOTE]

So whip out Ol' Faithful and ban ban ban amirong?

banning is a great way of releasing pent up anger y'know

unknownsoldier12 10-22-2006 07:05 PM

whats going on fellas?

<<User has been banned for this post>>

Amit 10-22-2006 09:03 PM


i am just wondering why that thread was closed

Aes820 10-22-2006 09:12 PM

I figured that one thread where Amit uses facetious tactis to try to make his point was enough.

Amit 10-22-2006 09:12 PM

what are you talking about

thickasabrick 10-22-2006 09:14 PM

Do I need to point out that big gross pic in the Humbuckers thread? Someone should be banned for that.

edit - Nvm looks like it's been taken care of.

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-22-2006 09:21 PM

[QUOTE=Aes820;13491284]I figured that one thread where Amit uses facetious tactis to try to make his point was enough.[/QUOTE]
No man that thread was pretty straight forward.

Irish_Scorpion 10-22-2006 10:21 PM

dave if be misbehavin'gin yooz gunna getsit

chromatica17 10-23-2006 02:29 AM

john peel foxhunter needs to be band as soon as possible

Eliminator 10-23-2006 05:35 AM


I caught some stuff there but I scrolled up as quickly as possible.

Hate Crew Deathroll 10-23-2006 09:29 AM

For the love of god, can someone ban acid bath PLEASE!


Esp Griffyn 10-23-2006 10:27 AM


Could we maybe get this Acid Bath douche banned?

The_Mop 10-23-2006 05:36 PM

Yeah, Acidbath needs bann'n

Hate Crew Deathroll 10-23-2006 06:01 PM

Why is he not banned yet!!

:( :upset:

thickasabrick 10-23-2006 09:13 PM

I do not mean to spam this thread and I don't want to get banned, but Hate Crew Deathroll: I believe you are displaying the "whinage" that Aes was not looking forward to. They'll ban Acid Bath when they want to.

Hate Crew Deathroll 10-24-2006 12:06 AM

[quote=thickasabrick;13497821]I do not mean to spam this thread and I don't want to get banned, but Hate Crew Deathroll: I believe you are displaying the "whinage" that Aes was not looking forward to. They'll ban Acid Bath when they want to.[/quote]

Sorry. But they should know by now, Acid Bath = trouble.

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