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KKKKKocaine 04-07-2005 09:55 AM

[QUOTE=nitzguy]they should try and get help, so they don't have to live in a personal hell. and hell yes i'm selfish if i want my friends and family to live. they make me happy, and i want them to be happy. so if they have a problem they can come to me or a professional.[/QUOTE]

Professional help doesn't help everyone, no everyone can be helped and alot of people who do commit suicide have done it whilst seeing therapists, on medication, in hospitals e.t.c.

nitzguy 04-07-2005 10:14 AM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Professional help doesn't help everyone, no everyone can be helped and alot of people who do commit suicide have done it whilst seeing therapists, on medication, in hospitals e.t.c.[/QUOTE]
you have a point with them doing it while seeing therapists. but most of the time people try to commit once or twice before actully going thoguh with it. i call that a sign that they need help. if they want to end it i call that cowardness.

KKKKKocaine 04-07-2005 10:30 AM

[QUOTE=nitzguy]you have a point with them doing it while seeing therapists. but most of the time people try to commit once or twice before actully going thoguh with it. i call that a sign that they need help. if they want to end it i call that cowardness.[/QUOTE]

When someone attempts suicide but creates a 'blanket', i.e. overdosing then calling an ambulance, slitting wrists in an open place. <-- That's termed as passive suicide, basicly someone was desperate enough to try and end their life but ultimately they needed a large gesture to articulate a need for help they could not adequately express.

And as for actually following through with it and dying, there's nothing cowardly about cutting yourself open with a knife, people who have never committed suicide always call the cowardice card. There's nothing particularly easy about deciding to end your life and it's ultimately a disturbing experience, and there's nothing particularly easy about holding a knife against your wrists and cutting, both emotionally and physically, considering before I slit my wrists I cut my arms 1-2 times a day with a craft knife and I can tell you that nothing I've experienced compares in terms of the pain of slitting your wrists.

IAJP 04-07-2005 10:39 AM

Don't be so close minded, ask yourself this question:
If you were in THAT position, could you kill yourself? It's a difficult thing to know you're ending your life, and that there will be no more after that. I don't think I could do it, not many people I know could either.

Alex_Burlinson 04-07-2005 11:28 AM

this whole thread is ****ed, what the hell has a suicidle person ever done to you you ****ing screwed up *** hole's. suicide is unavoidable if somebody wants to die there not going to stop just because you think there pussys are they in fact it would make them want to die even more. how can somebody sliceing through skin, muscle and vains be a ****ing *****? huh get a knife and just cut your self a little on the arm are see how much it hurts no imagen cutting through your wrists with a razor blade considering they normaly go a good inch into the skin, how is that beeing a *****

spitfirejunky 04-07-2005 11:44 AM

[QUOTE=Alex_Burlinson]this whole thread is ****ed, what the hell has a suicidle person ever done to you you ****ing screwed up *** hole's. suicide is unavoidable if somebody wants to die there not going to stop just because you think there pussys are they in fact it would make them want to die even more. how can somebody sliceing through skin, muscle and vains be a ****ing *****? huh get a knife and just cut your self a little on the arm are see how much it hurts no imagen cutting through your wrists with a razor blade considering they normaly go a good inch into the skin, how is that beeing a *****[/QUOTE]


Did you even read the last few posts?

Suicide attempts are not meant to end one's life. I think KKKKKocaine's been over a few examples several times.

nitzguy 04-07-2005 12:34 PM

[QUOTE=Alex_Burlinson]this whole thread is ****ed, what the hell has a suicidle person ever done to you you ****ing screwed up *** hole's. suicide is unavoidable if somebody wants to die there not going to stop just because you think there pussys are they in fact it would make them want to die even more. how can somebody sliceing through skin, muscle and vains be a ****ing *****? huh get a knife and just cut your self a little on the arm are see how much it hurts no imagen cutting through your wrists with a razor blade considering they normaly go a good inch into the skin, how is that beeing a *****[/QUOTE]

nitzguy 04-07-2005 12:47 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]When someone attempts suicide but creates a 'blanket', i.e. overdosing then calling an ambulance, slitting wrists in an open place. <-- That's termed as passive suicide, basicly someone was desperate enough to try and end their life but ultimately they needed a large gesture to articulate a need for help they could not adequately express.

And as for actually following through with it and dying, there's nothing cowardly about cutting yourself open with a knife, people who have never committed suicide always call the cowardice card. There's nothing particularly easy about deciding to end your life and it's ultimately a disturbing experience, and there's nothing particularly easy about holding a knife against your wrists and cutting, both emotionally and physically, considering before I slit my wrists I cut my arms 1-2 times a day with a craft knife and I can tell you that nothing I've experienced compares in terms of the pain of slitting your wrists.[/QUOTE]
what would drive a person to cut themselfs like that? i just think not dealing with your problems seems cowardly.. i would say so. and cutting your wrists doesn't make you brave. we all have problems and deal with them diffrently. so lets just not kill ourselfs and try to work it out.

KKKKKocaine 04-07-2005 01:01 PM

[QUOTE=nitzguy]what would drive a person to cut themselfs like that? i just think not dealing with your problems seems cowardly.. i would say so. and cutting your wrists doesn't make you brave. we all have problems and deal with them diffrently. so lets just not kill ourselfs and try to work it out.[/QUOTE]

In terms of dealing with problems, I've had BPD for the last 4 years or so, I've been on anti-depressants, I've been in therapy for the almost the past 2 years. And in the 2 years of not having therapy I certainly did try to get help from friends, but when you have a form of depression that has no real root cause* friends tend to get tired of it (and quite rightly, imagine just half a year of a friend hurting themselves and being severly depressed, nevermind more than that)
I'm also currently recovering from mild disordered eating.

As for the cutting, it's a coping strategy, cutting yourself on a chemical level can not only make you feel calm and trouble free (even if it's only 20 minutes) but it can redirect your mind to something that you can control, you may not be able to control mood swings, but you can control phsysical pain.

As for slitting my wrists, just imagine cutting yourself 1-2 times a day, just so you can barely scrape through the day, then pile on the normal social pressures anyone would have, work, relationships, dreams. After a point you do get sick and tired of it, especially if you have no immeadiate change of enviroment, and then you get desperate, at that point you don't care whether you end up dead or in a hospital, as long as you stop the cycle in some form.

*I.e. it's near impossible to eradicate, and as far as apsychologist is concerned, it's not cured, it's eased.

nitzguy 04-07-2005 01:16 PM

well man i hope for the best, i don't suffer from BPD, or anything like that. hopefully something will work for everyone.

_Alexisonfire_ 04-07-2005 01:52 PM

[QUOTE=i like arab girls]I think it's funny how you see all these teens now who bitch that "Oh, I have no one, I want to die." or ask "What would happen if I died?" and all the other ****. People who say that **** should be slapped. Or just put them in a room with a gun or knife or on a high building where they can kill thereselves and watch them change their mind. Then they'll realize how precious life is.[/QUOTE]

Just because you think life is precious doesn't mean everyone thinks that way.

Herbert_da_fish 04-07-2005 02:08 PM

I used to be suicidal, well at least I thought I was. I keep a diary, and looking back, I was just attention seeking. I was quite depressed, but I wasn't suicidal, I just wanted people to feel sorry for me. I know a couple of friends who have been in the same situation aswell.

pigonthewing82 04-07-2005 06:21 PM

Well I agree with you about how stupid it is when people go around saying "I'm going to kill myself" when their life is much better then those who actually do it. But people who actually kill themselves are not dumbasses. They made a bad choice, and one they will never recover from, but some people can't help it. They get so depressed, somtimes just because of a chemical misbalance they can't control, they only see one way out. Also if you have a terminal desise, and know you don't have much time to live, wouldn't you rather have one last day to say good bye to everybody, then end your life peacfully rather at a random time leaving everybody to wish they could have said good bye.

looozer 04-07-2005 08:26 PM

I know this is really late and all, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Life is nothing precious. Maybe I just have this view because I'm agnostic, but still. I've had, overall, a miserable life for the past six years. This is with lots of stuff going my way, even. You don't know what it's like to be someone until you've walked two moons in their shoes. Depression is one of those things that you can't understand until you experience it. I have trouble sometimes when I'm not depressed. It's an entirely different life.

Sure, people with depression have major issues and such, but that doesn't make them weak or anything. It's just another handicap that one has to overcome in life. Sadness and melancholy are naturally a part of the human experience, but depression is way above and beyond "feeling sad." Suicide would be a selfish act because it shows an ultimate concern for the self above others. However, it is not rational, and is not a value judgement. It's kind of one of those things that you are not really in a place to pass judgement on.

MadBassYo 04-07-2005 09:54 PM

life is nothing precious? life is like... my life..?

StreetlightRock 04-07-2005 11:08 PM

[quote]Life is nothing precious.[/quote]

I disagree. Life is really the only thing you got, and it really should be valued more than anything, absolutely anything else.


looozer 04-08-2005 02:53 AM

Life is life. If it's extremely painful and you can't bear it, why bother?

astrangerinthenight 04-08-2005 03:56 AM

dude very conterversal thread

from a sucidial person

we dont want to die we want to get away and the only is this so duh

Alex_Burlinson 04-08-2005 12:04 PM

well when i atempted suicide i was trying to kill myself, just because KKKKKocaine says that its not ment to kill you dosent mean hes right just means thats what he thinks how can he know what goes through the minds of people when they try to kill them selfs when i tryed to i wanted to die but my farther found me and phoned a ambulance before i bleed to death i wanted to die i even told my farther to leave me to die

Katana 04-08-2005 12:10 PM

Not everyone lives in happy world. If one's discontent is so bad that it overrides the will to live, it's a pretty hardcore discontent. Those who haven't experienced any sort of depression don't know what they're talking about.

SkynyrdFan4Ever 04-08-2005 01:30 PM

I few years ago I was at a deep state of depression. I was all wrong inside and I hated myself and everyone around me. I never got along with everyone, and I was a reject in my own world. Pretty bad.

I attempted suicide once but held back on my own will after realizing it wouldn't prove anything but that I'm weak.

KKKKKocaine 04-08-2005 05:37 PM

[QUOTE=Alex_Burlinson]well when i atempted suicide i was trying to kill myself, just because KKKKKocaine says that its not ment to kill you dosent mean hes right just means thats what he thinks how can he know what goes through the minds of people when they try to kill them selfs when i tryed to i wanted to die but my farther found me and phoned a ambulance before i bleed to death i wanted to die i even told my farther to leave me to die[/QUOTE]

I think my post was misunderstood.
What I meant was that in passive suicides, the suicidee is really wanting help more than anything, but at the same time, they are more than willing to die.
I.E. That everyone who attempts suicide wants to die, just some people are holding onto some strands of hope more than others.

-Foxh- 04-08-2005 05:45 PM

wow is everyone here suicidal or something?

Biscuit_box 04-08-2005 06:20 PM

[QUOTE=-Foxh-]wow is everyone here suicidal or something?[/QUOTE]

Well suicide is a big problem in society now and the fact that there are ignorant people saying that "people who kill themselves is (yes i meant "is" instead of "are" as these people are quite stupid!) dumb" proves the point that it is a problem as no one who has experienced it has no idea what it's like! I myself have cut my wrists alot in the hope of dying, i even set up a rope to hang myself at one stage but i didn't do it. I never wanted attention for my depression, it was my problem and no one elses. I just wanted to live in my own world with my own thoughts and ideas with no one else interferring with them and i seen death as the answer. I still contemplate suicide at least once a day! It's very hard to deal with that and it's hard to continue when you are in this state. But unless you have experienced suicidal thoughts then whomever is saying "suicide is dumb" please keep your mundaine thoughts to yourself and get on with your happy lifes instead of looking down as suicidal people as being weak, when, in my opinion, suicidal people are very strong minded as they can kill themselves with no thought unlike "happy" people whom are afraid of death

Epiphender 04-08-2005 06:31 PM

[QUOTE=Biscuit_box]suicidal people are very strong minded as they can kill themselves with no thought unlike "happy" people whom are afraid of death[/QUOTE]

That doesn't make them strong-minded. It's those who continue with their lives until the feelings subside who are strong-minded.

fred_ed_ted 04-09-2005 04:43 AM

I've been on anti-depressants for 8 years because of a serious psychotic illness not dissimilar to schizophraenia. I still suffer from this.

I can't see how genuine suicidal contemplations can be seen as unintellectual, or even, in some respects, selfish.

There are many types of depression, biological depression (ceratonin imbalance) can be easily treated with medication, however, Psychological depression can't.

Either way, genuine suicidal thoughts aren't just something the sufferer can turn on and off.

Anarchick 04-09-2005 08:08 AM

[QUOTE=-Foxh-]wow is everyone here suicidal or something?[/QUOTE]
Teen suicide is an epedemic going around right now...alot of teens suffer from depression , most won't talk to their parents in which leads to suicide, those who do get help. I think about 15% of my school suffers from some sort of depression.

veggie 3.14 04-09-2005 08:30 AM

[QUOTE=Anarchick]Teen suicide is an epedemic going around right now...alot of teens suffer from depression , most won't talk to their parents in which leads to suicide, those who do get help. I think about 15% of my school suffers from some sort of depression.[/QUOTE]
15% of your school buildings are depressed? :eek:!

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