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xMalcolmXx 11-02-2011 11:12 AM

girl i know was using a hot dog to get off in the cafeteria once and it broke off in her and she had to go to the hospital

she isnt known as hot dog girl, but the girl who got pink socked in the middle of a party is definitely still known as inside-out girl

Haz 11-02-2011 11:13 AM

how does a broken hotdog require medical attention

zinc 11-02-2011 11:13 AM

i dont spend a lot of time around laundry machines dude have i been missing out or something

Haz 11-02-2011 11:14 AM

[QUOTE=NEEDTOPOST;18696776]why was she known as toothbrush[/QUOTE]

great dental care

RouteOne 11-02-2011 11:14 AM

When I was in the 8th grade this girl in 10th shit all over her chair (we wore uniforms and girls had short, grey skirts) because the teacher wouldn't let her go to the bathroom.

People put diapers in her locker.

zinc 11-02-2011 11:16 AM

in public school a girl had her dog lick peanut butter out of her, she was hot so all the guys hung around her

Haz 11-02-2011 11:17 AM

why does there always seem to be one girl in every town who is rumoured to have done that

zinc 11-02-2011 11:20 AM

home alone with a dog and some peanutbutter sluts gotta do something to pass the time

RouteOne 11-02-2011 11:21 AM

I think it is just one of those things people hear about and think "Hm, I wonder if that would work..." and then before you know it you have a meat product jammed up an orifice.

xMalcolmXx 11-02-2011 11:22 AM

[QUOTE=Haz;18696780]how does a broken hotdog require medical attention[/QUOTE]

she couldnt get it out or something idk i'm not a doctor

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=Haz;18696782]great dental care[/QUOTE]

what she didnt shave or something idgi

Haz 11-02-2011 11:26 AM

[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18696790]she couldnt get it out or something idk i'm not a doctor[/QUOTE]

if there are home kits to scrape dead babies out of there surely a hot dog is a DIY job

[QUOTE=NEEDTOPOST;18696791]what she didnt shave or something idgi[/QUOTE]


RouteOne 11-02-2011 11:27 AM

C'mon gurl just push and shoot it out

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 11:29 AM

one time some girl pretended to try to kill herself by scratching her wrists a lil w a piece of metal and pretending to pass out

like she wasnt bleeding or anything but she pretended to pass out imao

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 11:31 AM

going down to texas for a wedding in a couple of weeks

planning on having mad sex all over the place

RouteOne 11-02-2011 11:33 AM

where is nick

Haz 11-02-2011 11:53 AM

should I study real estate or something idk

thinking I just want a comfortable job I can spend a couple of years pursuing whilst most of my spare time is directed at my girlfriend

RouteOne 11-02-2011 12:05 PM

Real estate is not an easy job, depending. My uncle has his own real estate business and he does a ton of running around.

Plus you will deal with a lot of morons.

But I suppose it differs from location to location.

Haz 11-02-2011 12:10 PM

well, I said comfortable. but I never said easy. in fact, I don't even know why I said comfortable in the first place. I meant something that isn't going to take me 6 yrs to finish up with no guarantee of a job at the end

what about accounting

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 12:12 PM

be a stonemason


im thinkin about doin it

RouteOne 11-02-2011 12:13 PM

Masonry is cool. I always had an attraction to welding.

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 12:17 PM

my brother makes good money at welding/fabricating, i know welding a bit

i've always really wanted to know how to work brick, make arches and domes and stuff

beans 11-02-2011 12:18 PM


i have nothing to do at all today. just like yesterday. i need motivation to get off my ass.
[QUOTE]be a stonemason

I have an uncle who does this down in California. Hasn't gotten a job in months. Most general contractors have someone 'in their crew' that can do this and it seems like it has been oversaturated a little bit. No idea if its the same where you are but, figured i'd share.

NEEDTOPOST 11-02-2011 12:20 PM

everythings oversaturated in california

i'm not learning for a job, though, just for personal interest

i have no idea what it's like in australia

beans 11-02-2011 12:22 PM

[QUOTE]i'm not learning for a job, though, just for personal interest[/QUOTE]

ah i see.

[QUOTE]everythings oversaturated in california[/QUOTE]
completely correct

RouteOne 11-02-2011 12:23 PM

There is a really good vocational welding school near me that I've always been tempted to go to.

Haz 11-02-2011 12:25 PM


i have nothing to do at all today. just like yesterday. i need motivation to get off my ass.[/QUOTE]

this is why i'm thinking about getting a job

beans 11-02-2011 12:27 PM

i've been trying to find work for the past 5 or 6 weeks. And im no closer to finding work now than I was when I started. My area is hurtin pretty bad right now.
Wanted to go back to school but I cant until im 24, which is really bumming me out right now.

Haz 11-02-2011 12:31 PM

why is that?

only way to get a job around is to have some sort of qualification behind you, otherwise fast food and labouring is your only option

beans 11-02-2011 12:40 PM

[QUOTE]why is that?[/QUOTE]

I cant get any financial aid until next year, something with the way the US works with FA for people in my position apparently. It works like this. I just turned 23 on sept. 4th. The law says that when applying for FA, my parents financial info is still required on the forms until I turn 24 for some reason.
My parents are in no way well off, but basically how it stacks up is that my parents make enough money (according to whoever) to not get me barely any FA. But they realistically cannot pay for me to go at all. Its a bunch of bullshit basically.
And there are people that have degrees around here that are not finding work, even at the min wage food service jobs around here so im basically fucked.

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