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McP3000 02-21-2012 07:49 PM

[QUOTE=TimJim;18804136]attn sam and brent

so true

adb 02-21-2012 08:00 PM

yeah me and sam totally brag all the time

Juddybear 02-21-2012 08:09 PM

sup bros?

nm playin skyrim :)

MalleusMaleficarum 02-21-2012 08:09 PM

dark elf?

Juddybear 02-21-2012 08:11 PM

lol certainly not, im playing a mighty nord

RouteOne 02-21-2012 08:20 PM

sup mongoloids

shortz 02-21-2012 08:27 PM

Man job searching sucks balls. Out of 20 odd pages, I've found all of one that I [I]may[/I] want to apply for and it's not even anything that's remotely related to the field I want to get into, ugh.

RouteOne 02-21-2012 08:28 PM

what field are you in

adb 02-21-2012 08:30 PM

i search for jobs everyday

will never find anything

shortz 02-21-2012 08:31 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;18804195]what field are you in[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm a Conflict Resolution major and ultimately I want to get into mediation. So ideally I would like to do something along those lines to gain more experience/get my name out there, you know?

RouteOne 02-21-2012 08:31 PM

what are you going to school for brent

shortz 02-21-2012 08:33 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18804197]i search for jobs everyday

[B]will never find anything[/B][/QUOTE]

See this is your issue. You're such a damn defeatist. Learn to be positive for once, 'cause with that attitude, you [I]will[/I] never find a job.

adb 02-21-2012 08:49 PM

im not defeatist

im a realist

MalleusMaleficarum 02-21-2012 08:52 PM


adb 02-21-2012 08:53 PM

no shit

shortz 02-21-2012 08:56 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18804210]im not defeatist

im a realist[/QUOTE]

Well whatever you want to call yourself, my statement still stands. You only get out of life what you put in, just sayin'.

adb 02-21-2012 09:03 PM

it's who you know

not how much you know when it comes to certain industries (ahem business)

the bottom line is people want to work with people they get along with

blockhead 02-21-2012 09:09 PM

It's not that hard to get along with people man. It's fine to be argumentative online but if you refrain from doing that irl then you'll get along with people no problem.

Haz 02-21-2012 09:10 PM


adb 02-21-2012 09:10 PM

i know, it's one thing to not argue w/ someone

its another thing to actually get along with someone you're around everyday at work

shortz 02-21-2012 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18804219]it's who you know

not how much you know when it comes to certain industries (ahem business)

the bottom line is people want to work with people they get along with[/QUOTE]

Your statement doesn't make sense. If you want to get to a professional level, I would hope you know a lot about what you are doing. Perhaps at this stage in the game (fresh out of uni) yeah, it's more so about who you know/getting your name out there but in the end experience = greater chance/success in furthering your career.

Getting along with your co-workers is nice, yes, but shouldn't be the sole basis for your job.

blockhead 02-21-2012 09:17 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18804223]i know, it's one thing to not argue w/ someone

its another thing to actually get along with someone you're around everyday at work[/QUOTE]

I've never had trouble getting along with my coworkers. We make small talk and joke around.

What's your specific problem with getting along with you coworkers? If I don't like them I just pretend to. It's not fun but that's what it comes down to.

Haz 02-21-2012 09:17 PM

i'm surprised how much getting my foot in the door of one of the bigger restaurants in town led to immediate employment at two others places I worked at when I left

I didn't know anyone there beforehand

shortz 02-21-2012 09:22 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18804229]If I don't like them I just pretend to. It's not fun but that's what it comes down to.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. Sometimes you just need to fake it so the job gets done.

[QUOTE=Haz;18804230]i'm surprised how much getting my foot in the door of one of the bigger restaurants in town led to immediate employment at two others places I worked at when I left

I didn't know anyone there beforehand[/QUOTE]

Exactly. And that's what I want to do - get my foot in the door of some places so I can ultimately get to where I want to be. There's really no better asset than first hand experience.

blockhead 02-21-2012 09:23 PM

Speaking of work, I've really been moving up at the company. I went from being the driller's assistant to learning more about the actual engineering side of the company. Now I double as a lab technician and run tests on the soil samples and act as the logger. By "logging" I mean I identify the soil and gather the pre lab data. That's in addition to helping run the drill rig and being the helper. I'm going to be promoted to being the main lab tech and eventually the manager of the company.

I'm pretty happy about it and I've been told I'm handling the responsibility well. I work at a geotechnical (soil) lab and drilling company

Haz 02-21-2012 09:24 PM

what brent says is true in a sense but nobody is gonna hire you on pure likeability if they think you are gonna sink their business into the ground

blockhead 02-21-2012 09:28 PM

[QUOTE=Haz;18804233]what brent says is true in a sense but nobody is gonna hire you on pure likeability if they think you are gonna sink their business into the ground[/QUOTE]

That's true. Like usual, Brent has a twisted perception with a little bit of truth mixed in.

Where are you working now Haz? Are you still a chef's apprentice (I don't know if that's the right term or not) or are you in another line of work now?

shortz 02-21-2012 09:31 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18804232]Speaking of work, I've really been moving up at the company. I went from being the driller's assistant to learning more about the actual engineering side of the company. Now I double as a lab technician and run tests on the soil samples and act as the logger. By "logging" I mean I identify the soil and gather the pre lab data. That's in addition to helping run the drill rig and being the helper. I'm going to be promoted to being the main lab tech and eventually the manager of the company.

I'm pretty happy about it and I've been told I'm handling the responsibility well. I work at a geotechnical (soil) lab and drilling company[/QUOTE]

Well that's good to hear block, honestly. It's great when you actually [I]want[/I] to advance and learn more about your line of work. When you just don't give a shit, then perhaps it's time to move on.

Haz 02-21-2012 09:32 PM

general labouring and work placement whilst I finish my mental health certificate

blockhead 02-21-2012 09:34 PM

[QUOTE=shortz;18804235]Well that's good to hear block, honestly. It's great when you actually [I]want[/I] to advance and learn more about your line of work. When you just don't give a shit, then perhaps it's time to move on.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, shortz I appreciate that. It's the family business and my uncle is doing a shitty job and I know I'm capable so I'm learning what I can and trying to help out. Are you still finishing school? What line of work are you looking at?

Haz, are you talking about construction or what? I don't really know what you mean by general laboring.

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