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dei 07-27-2007 05:06 PM

I think you'd only be allowed to register an account if someone that's already a member provides you with an invitation code, or something. And users would be limited to so many invites.

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:07 PM

like demonoid.

Walrus James 07-27-2007 05:11 PM

jesus christ this is gay

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:12 PM


its very helpful for mods...

Walrus James 07-27-2007 05:14 PM

yeah sry i forgot the internet is srs business

dei 07-27-2007 05:15 PM

Walrus James, don't post in here anymore.

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:16 PM

Actually f‪uck me caring. I told this to Moka but I have to say this to you mr. Administrator and all the people in the pit.

It's tiring to try and help everyone when all of the sudden I get sh‪it about racism. What the f‪uck is up with that? If you seriously care about racism it's because you are feeble and deserve to be massacred on the internet by a bunch of strangers who, at most, have a very idiotic, stereotyped vision of "people". Who cares if black people were enslaved for 340 million years, they are free to do what the f‪uck ever they want to do now, and if they are just a stereotyped cliché of what others (read: white people) think of them, then why are they mad at all?

So basically, that's my view on racism. And I have a word because I'm not exactly white or born in beautiful America.

Second of all, Jeremy, do you want your problems with Chad solved? Ban him and all his friends, alternate accounts, and close the joining of new people to the site unless they have the approval of the administrator, that is you (not crippled admins like superpeer) account by account so there's no chance of them joining and sh‪itting on the site. That's the only possible solution.

Also, you should actually spend time here so you understand the dynamics of the site overall so you can clearly judge and have an opinion on what happens with the site holistically, and not just based on one day events.

And yes, I'm probably the only one in the moderator team who had some kind of contact with Chad and friends and wouldn't go bananas over reputation (like bass mod ebe9), and ban them over such an idiotic reason (rep, i mean, please), but now it's f‪ucked because I seriously, seriously tried to help with such a difficult subforum as the Pit is to moderate, but apparently what I do is not enough... which is try to make everyone get along and behave as normally as possible, because... I don't know anymore. meh.

Also, I endorse this to be copypasta material. Because it was going to be part of the compendium anyway >.>

And yeah, all I can do is try, as I've said ever since I began moderating this forum.

Human nature, anyway. :)

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 05:16 PM

[QUOTE=fauxreal;15038256]I think you'd only be allowed to register an account if someone that's already a member provides you with an invitation code, or something. And users would be limited to so many invites.[/QUOTE]
wow sounds like a barrel of monkeys
[QUOTE=Iscariot;15038238]i've been a happier poster since i got a larger avatar :)

9 out of 10 researches agree big avatars make big smiles[/QUOTE]
its true its all about aesthetics! :)

in all honesty though, sometimes it is the little things that count. even the so called "demands" of our resident cyber terrorist team are small things that make a significant difference in how pleasurable and user friendly a message board like this and a forum like the Pit is to visit and use.

if nothing else it would seem to make sense to create positive / meaningless / fun / purposeful / whatever distractions to keep the citizenry interested, content, and, well, distracted. and for the head Admin and his staff to gain some bottom line support from most of the populace so that at least in the future things like this can be avoided or not happen at all.

call me crazy, but the devil really is in the details here....

dei 07-27-2007 05:18 PM

Who said racism was only black-white?

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:19 PM

Yeah, but apparently spoiler tags, hyperlinks and a bit larger avatars are not as important as we all thought they were. :(

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:21 PM

racism isnt that big of a deal?no.

people call me a "ginger",and i dont go bananas about that person being racist.
same it should be for all.

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:22 PM

Yeah but you are white and intelligent. People who think being called things on a forum is wrong... well.

They have bad self esteem.

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:23 PM

so it would seem...

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:24 PM

its from being irish and white...

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 05:24 PM

[QUOTE=TojesDolan;15038357]Yeah, but apparently spoiler tags, hyperlinks and a bit larger avatars are not as important as we all thought they were. :([/QUOTE]
Tojes, imho, you are one of the hardest working mods on this whole site. Your one and only problem is you try to please everyone, and like the song goes, you can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself.
You have so many friends from the before mod days, that many make unfair and unreasonable demands on you because, well, Tojes is my buddy, and he'll take care of this or that.
You have come a long way, but I will sne you a new T-Shirt. It will say "SHOW NO MERCY" lol Good luck man. I appreciate all your hard work for what it's worth.

dei 07-27-2007 05:24 PM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15038382]well thats not racism is it you silly ginger[/QUOTE]


JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 05:26 PM

[QUOTE=TojesDolan;15038357]Yeah, but apparently spoiler tags, hyperlinks and a bit larger avatars are not as important as we all thought they were. :([/QUOTE]
well i've pretty much given up on the politics of the board, etc. i think thats pretty much set in stone and is a "flexible ditatorship," if that makes any sense...

...anyway, i figure keep them (the users) interested, happy, and make it even more fun. won't be perfect but if you throw the dogs a few bones now and again it usually keeps 'em quiet. and if not at least we'll still have pm's :)

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:31 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15038388]Tojes, imho, you are one of the hardest working mods on this whole site. Your one and only problem is you try to please everyone, and like the song goes, you can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself.
You have so many friends from the before mod days, that many make unfair and unreasonable demands on you because, well, Tojes is my buddy, and he'll take care of this or that.
You have come a long way, but I will sne you a new T-Shirt. It will say "SHOW NO MERCY" lol Good luck man. I appreciate all your hard work for what it's worth.[/QUOTE]
But you are the main backstabber of mods by sending e-mails to us and Jelle telling on us when what we do is bothering your existence!

I mean, seriously. It's possible to keep everyone happy, there's no need to be mean or anything. When I wasn't a mod I always thought I wanted to be a reachable mod, you know. One you could talk to in case there were issues and what not, and pretty much willing to help and not be a dick because he doesn't want things to go otherwise his/her train of thought, but apparently it's impossible to help people, because then you get back stabbed for helping people they don't really like and so on and so fort.

But whatever, I'm still here and I'm still going to be the same flexible person I've always been, but if there's this huge issue with racism then fine it should be dealt in a taboo, nearly inquisitional manner.

EDIT: inquisition-esque >.>

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:33 PM

you still are the mod that i see the most on MX.

also,youre much cooler around us non-mods...

Hedgedive 07-27-2007 05:36 PM

If we were all robots there would be no racism.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 05:39 PM

[QUOTE=TojesDolan;15038431]But you are the main backstabber of mods by sending e-mails to us and Jelle telling on us when what we do is bothering your existence!

I mean, seriously. It's possible to keep everyone happy, there's no need to be mean or anything. When I wasn't a mod I always thought I wanted to be a reachable mod, you know. One you could talk to in case there were issues and what not, and pretty much willing to help and not be a dick because he doesn't want things to go otherwise his/her train of thought, but apparently it's impossible to help people, because then you get back stabbed for helping people they don't really like and so on and so fort.

But whatever, I'm still here and I'm still going to be the same flexible person I've always been, but if there's this huge issue with racism then fine it should be dealt in a taboo, nearly inquisitional manner.

EDIT: inquisition-esque >.>[/QUOTE]

I can understand you being upset at me, and I will again apologize, but you left me not much choice. I know you just started, but I thought it was wrong to ban me because other members demanded it. Oh well, water under the bridge. Like I said, you have done an excellent job under difficult conditions, because of and in spite of your popularity before getting modded. I know you will do an awesome job in the future .

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:45 PM

Yeah, I sucked when I first was a mod, I will suck tomorrow and forever until I get a real life anyway. :'(

But thanks for looking at the bright side of things. :)

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:47 PM

Anyway, fu‪ck this, let it be returned when there's actually someone we can direct to, instead of talking crap of each other.

YDload and Wish have been the best moderators, though. They're very objective.

Iscariot 07-27-2007 05:48 PM

tojes is decreasing the peace

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:51 PM

that's because i'm like che guevara

Iscariot 07-27-2007 05:52 PM

che guevara was the man

Shred Danson 07-27-2007 05:53 PM

Tojes pretty much pwned this whole thread IMO.

Axe 07-27-2007 05:54 PM

[QUOTE=TimJim;15038386]its from being irish and white...[/QUOTE]

Scientists believe that the red haired gene is more from scotland than Ireland...

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:54 PM

you get my point...

Iscariot 07-27-2007 05:55 PM

[QUOTE=Axe;15038565]Scientists believe that the red haired gene is more from scotland than Ireland...[/QUOTE]

i have dark brown hair and a red beard my genes are confused

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