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Left Face Down 10-02-2009 03:41 PM

I'm surprised every one hasn't slit their wrists yet. :lol:

So Gob is the only survivor in Megaton right now, past the kids. Jokes on Mr. Burke, he's only blowing up two kids and a ghoul.

mnemonic 10-02-2009 03:42 PM

i would have kept that chick alive so i could still buy ammo from her.

when i stopped playing ithink i had liek 13,000 caps, i lived like a king

speaking of, i think i still have my save game, maybe i'll reinstall that and play it to pass the time until my roomies go to the store to pick up beer.

Left Face Down 10-02-2009 03:44 PM

I have like 6k caps, and I generally plan on trying my best to empty out Megaton and sell everything to the guys in Tennpenny tower before I have it blown up. Thing is I mez'd a kid on accident, and my follower decided to chase after her. People didn't like that, so every one who saw her died. I couldn't let my follower die, she's been good to me ever since I got her some Power Armor. Before that there was a lit of F9'ing going on.

Next city to kill boredom in, Big Town. Seeing I already sent Red to the slavers it is kind of worthless. Granted Bittercup likes to give me stuff.

mnemonic 10-02-2009 03:47 PM

i ****ing hate the npc's in fallout, they always get lost or killed. why do they always choose the worst paths to get to where i'm going.

edit- i forgot for some reason the install screen on my fallout is all in russian, haha. this is gonna be a fun guessing game to get this thing installed

Left Face Down 10-02-2009 07:49 PM

What is that saying, goes something like "don't **** where you eat." Yeah, stole all the money from the vendors in Tennpenny tower. If you do that, they leave. Wasn't expecting that to happen. Glad there are a butt load of vendors in Rivet City.

Left Face Down 10-02-2009 09:14 PM

He said DP... hehehehehe

Sad But True 10-03-2009 05:28 AM

Any of you that have ever worked with Adobe Audition/Cool Edit Pro/tbh any DAW, how can I apply a master limiter to all my tracks?

E.S.P. 10-03-2009 08:03 AM

Man I don't understand how all of you end up with craploads of caps...! I just played through the game acting as a personal jesus for everyone, got a few of the neat items in the game, and still I'm poor as a sob. Gonna try being an evil c*nt now then, let's see what happens in this save game.

Also, wear a satyricon jacket on a date y/n

Left Face Down 10-03-2009 08:12 AM

Honestly, when I played it on the 360 I was a broke mofo all day long. For some reason the PC version seems to be easier on getting caps. Though I generally get most of my caps from selling almost pretty much everything that I can. In tight times, the beginning of the game, I will make a few trips to collect everything and sell it from a certain location.

Modern Iconoclast 10-03-2009 10:09 AM

I usually just take all the weapons and armor from stuff I kill, repair them and sell them. That usually gives me more caps than I need.

Left Face Down 10-03-2009 11:45 AM

Roommate who is moving out left his copy of Crysis laying around, debating on installing it on my computer/writing down his code.

GorgeousGabe 10-03-2009 11:53 AM

do it

Left Face Down 10-03-2009 11:58 AM

I need to buy a second DVD drive for my damn computer, if I had that I'd just copy the CD. Often times burners like Roxio (which I have) wont rip .iso of a disc that is copyrighted but they have no qualms with copying a disc if it is in your computer. I didn't do it when I built my computer to save some money, but it is one of those things that has just been put on the back-burner and forgotten about. :evil:

So I've decided to go buy a PS3.

GorgeousGabe 10-03-2009 03:06 PM

The PS3's advertising campaign:

"It plays blu-ray"

Giga 10-03-2009 03:21 PM

[QUOTE=Left Face Down;17549305]I need to buy a second DVD drive for my damn computer, if I had that I'd just copy the CD. Often times burners like Roxio (which I have) wont rip .iso of a disc that is copyrighted but they have no qualms with copying a disc if it is in your computer. I didn't do it when I built my computer to save some money, but it is one of those things that has just been put on the back-burner and forgotten about. :evil:

So I've decided to go buy a PS3.[/QUOTE]

roxio is, if you don't mind me saying, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
and infuriating, on top of that

mnemonic 10-03-2009 03:49 PM

[QUOTE=E.S.P.;17549049]Man I don't understand how all of you end up with craploads of caps...! I just played through the game acting as a personal jesus for everyone, got a few of the neat items in the game, and still I'm poor as a sob. Gonna try being an evil c*nt now then, let's see what happens in this save game.

Also, wear a satyricon jacket on a date y/n[/QUOTE]

i loot the **** out of everywhere i go, as long as i dont get negative karma for it. so whenever i find a raider camp, i kill them all and take all their stuff.

evergreen mills is sweet cos there's like 30 raiders, i stole so much crap i had to make two trips, and none of the vendors had enough caps on hand to buy all of it.

Giga 10-03-2009 08:43 PM

This **** is amazing i wish they did the whole series like this

Left Face Down 10-03-2009 10:23 PM

Watching G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. Very happy that I didn't pay for it, thinking it wont exist on my computer much longer than it takes to watch it too.

[QUOTE=GorgeousGabe;17549563]The PS3's advertising campaign:

"It plays blu-ray"[/QUOTE]

HD-DVD fan? Little sour?

It plays blu-ray, it plays games, it browses the internet, it doesn't sound like a I parked a jet in my living room and forgot to turn it off (ala 360). Yeah, I'm a Sony fan, so what?

I got Little Big Planet and Grand Tourismo 5 Prologue, next pay check (2 weeks) I'm buying Dead Space or Metal Gear Solid 4. Which ever I don't buy next pay check, I'm getting the one after that. Only because they are cheap and good. Then I'll be looking at getting Resident Evil 5, Assassin's Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2, etc. etc. Hell, by the middle of next year I'm going to have more games for the PS3 than my 360. Any game that comes out on both will be bought for the PS3 cause I don't have to worry about it dying on me like the P.O.S. Microsoft put out.

Hell, if I don't see Halo 4 knocking on the door my 360 might just become a noisy paper weight. Either that or I'll sell it for PS3 game money.

P.S. - It is the best selling Blu-ray player to date.

[QUOTE=Giga;17549596]roxio is, if you don't mind me saying, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
and infuriating, on top of that[/QUOTE]

While it is a little bloated, I haven't found anything better in a while. It does everything I need, and more. *shrug*

GorgeousGabe 10-04-2009 12:37 AM

No no no, the PS3 is an amazing little box. But its ability to play blu-ray for cheaper than most (all?) other blu ray players puts it in a bigger market than it would occupy being just a console.

Like if you are buying your first system... of course you'll get the PS3... after all... [i]it plays blu-ray[/i]

overturned 10-04-2009 04:20 AM


surely if you buy a ps3 then you haff to buy a good telewision to go with it
to watch bwu way

and yes i know im adding w
its bwetter

Sad But True 10-04-2009 06:02 AM

Then there's the optional HDMI cable that you have to buy separately. Which is brilliant, business-wise, since you're not going to play a PS3 through your nan's little black and white tv.

Used666 10-04-2009 07:40 AM

Never buy HDMI cables in-store. They are overpriced for what you get and available online for MUCH cheaper

Left Face Down 10-04-2009 10:42 AM

I buy mine from Harbor Freight, $6.99 for a 6' HDMI cable on sale. I think it's $8.99 normally, I forget cause they always seem to be on sale.

overturned 10-04-2009 10:53 AM

but if you are bwuying your telewision fwum a shop then its easier to bwuy a cable from the shop as well!

Left Face Down 10-04-2009 10:59 AM

I'll spend $2 worth of gas to save $93 on a cable. :lol:

mnemonic 10-04-2009 02:58 PM

sup lod

i revive you

Used666 10-04-2009 03:01 PM

[QUOTE=Left Face Down;17550957]I'll spend $2 worth of gas to save $93 on a cable. :lol:[/QUOTE]


I get mine from meritline.com

Blue_Moon 10-04-2009 05:18 PM

pragues alrite fellers i recomened

Aes820 10-04-2009 05:57 PM

Prague is turning into the next Ibiza or Amsterdam.
The place where pom yobs go for a drunk and dirty weekend.
You'd be more likely to hear those pudgy soap dodgers rave about how cheap the grub and piss is, than you would have them talk about the Sedlec Ossuary.

motogrifo 10-04-2009 06:54 PM

anyone else watching hell in a cell?

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