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Az_Holl 07-28-2012 03:45 AM


fatbandit 07-28-2012 05:27 AM

Just went to see the dark knight rises. essentially, it's just not as good as the dark knight. anyone else seen it?

Pastorius 07-28-2012 05:56 AM

i thought as a movie it was better than the dark knight, but dark knight had joker so it wins

gaslight 07-28-2012 06:39 AM

Gotta wait till it shows on Foxtel before I catch it.

Az_Holl 07-28-2012 09:44 AM

im a pretty big batman fan, i reckon ill dig it. Not really a fan of anne hathaway, but friends have seen it and really enjoyed it

a friend told me the other day that they were meant to do another batman film after the clooney one, but because that movie wasnt that great they scrapped it.
I dont mind that movie, its a bit more of a throwback i guess and i dont like clooney at all, but its still fun every so often

Pastorius 07-28-2012 12:25 PM

Anne Hathaway was pretty awesome sexywise, and acting wise she was really good.

Kobaia 07-28-2012 02:45 PM

[QUOTE=gaslight;18926910]What you up to Quatre, you still working at Berklee?[/QUOTE]
Nah I was being considered for a position. And when I didn't get it I figured it was time to move on. I'm in LA now. Phil just moved here too Adam is in NYC. Still in touch with all of those guys.

The Weegee pedal is an analog sample and hold rate reducer. It takes samples of the sine wave you're playing every so many fraction of a second. The crush knob ups time between the samples. Just like a bit crusher only with an analog signal. Designed and built by Drew at Wooly Effects.

Az_Holl 07-29-2012 03:05 AM

Thats pretty cool.

Hope all you dudes are doing well :)

gaslight 07-29-2012 04:11 AM

[QUOTE=Kobaia;18927436]Nah I was being considered for a position. And when I didn't get it I figured it was time to move on. I'm in LA now. Phil just moved here too Adam is in NYC. Still in touch with all of those guys.

The Weegee pedal is an analog sample and hold rate reducer. It takes samples of the sine wave you're playing every so many fraction of a second. The crush knob ups time between the samples. Just like a bit crusher only with an analog signal. Designed and built by Drew at Wooly Effects.[/QUOTE]

So what you up to in LA?

fatbandit 07-29-2012 11:18 PM

Anne Hathaway actually pleasantly surprised me. Was not expecting much from her at all. Hardy's performance was massively physical, he has a big presence. But I found it offputting how obviously he was overdubbed in some sections, and I really didn't like their choice of voice for him.

Az_Holl 07-30-2012 05:35 AM

It would be cool to see at the movies i guess, but i imagine i'll wait until it comes out on dvd :p

FunkMetalBass 07-30-2012 08:55 AM

[quote=fatbandit;18928310]Anne Hathaway actually pleasantly surprised me. Was not expecting much from her at all. Hardy's performance was massively physical, he has a big presence. But I found it offputting how obviously he was overdubbed in some sections, and I really didn't like their choice of voice for him.[/quote]

This pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. I thought Hathaway pulled off the job amazingly well and, tbh, didn't look half bad in the leather suit.

My biggest beef with the voice used for Bane was just that it was hard to understand, though Nolan's version of Bane is far better than in previous Batman films where he was just a juiced up meat-head controlled by Poison Ivy and lacked any depth as a character.

I guess shouldn't be shocked by Hathaway's acting. I think she's proven herself as an actress in other films beyond her Disney days. I liked what she did (other than get topless, that is) in Havoc, even though the movie was only so-so.

Az_Holl 07-30-2012 09:10 AM

Yeah, Bane sucked bad in Batman & Robin. It also gave me a distaste for Uma Thurman, even though i still enjoy her in many movies, i cant shake a general dislike for her haha.

Same thing with Anne Hathaway, but id still like to see her in the film, cant be any worse than halle berry :(

FunkMetalBass 07-30-2012 11:54 AM

[quote=Az_Holl;18928447]Same thing with Anne Hathaway, but id still like to see her in the film, cant be any worse than halle berry :([/quote]

Relevant Halle Berry video: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-7s_yeQuDg[/url]

BenJammin 07-30-2012 12:31 PM


A combination of too many drugs and too much sci-fi.

Pastorius 07-30-2012 01:40 PM

[QUOTE=FunkMetalBass;18928446]This pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. I thought Hathaway pulled off the job amazingly well and, tbh, didn't look half bad in the leather suit.

My biggest beef with the voice used for Bane was just that it was hard to understand, though Nolan's version of Bane is far better than in previous Batman films where he was just a juiced up meat-head controlled by Poison Ivy and lacked any depth as a character.

I guess shouldn't be shocked by Hathaway's acting. I think she's proven herself as an actress in other films beyond her Disney days. I liked what she did (other than get topless, that is) in Havoc, even though the movie was only so-so.[/QUOTE]

Seems mainly Amurrcans had problems understanding Bane, I thought it was fine

FunkMetalBass 07-30-2012 02:29 PM

[quote=Pastorius;18928576]Seems mainly Amurrcans had problems understanding Bane, I thought it was fine[/quote]

It was the muffled computerized voice (especially when it distorted when he yelled), not the accent, that made it difficult to understand.

fatbandit 07-30-2012 03:45 PM

Yeah, I found myself straining to hear what he was saying in some parts. The worst part is they obviously realised and overdubbed already, yet he's still unintelligible over the soundtrack sometimes and just generally muffled. Also, he's supposed to be Mexican or something isn't he? So why does he sound like Darth Vader doing a Sean Connery?

fatbandit 07-30-2012 03:46 PM

Need to go and watch Bronson soon. Bought it ages ago but not seen it yet. Bronson is an amazingly quirky guy, can't wait to see what Hardy did with it :)

BenJammin 07-31-2012 07:18 AM


A combination of too many drugs and too much sci-fi.[/QUOTE]


Az_Holl 07-31-2012 08:43 AM


A combination of too many drugs and too much sci-fi.[/QUOTE]
Thats pretty cool man. Reminded me a bit of Blade Runner/ first Terminator movie.

What sci fi have you been digging?

I saw Event Horizon the other day, with Lawrence Fishburne and Sam Neil. Not quite what i was expecting, but much better than what i was expecting haha.

And i recently finished the last Eragon book (not very sci-fi), which was pretty cool, im a bit of a fan, saw the Eragon movie the other day (super crappy) and it reminded me of the first two books which i havent read in years, so that was cool.
But after that i started reading an Anne McCaffrey Dragon Riders book i was half way through. I believe them to be the greatest books because they ride dragons and become journeymen and play weird guitar lutes in harper halls and *faints*

More than anything i love them because they are science fiction disguised as fantasy.
Its got all my favourite fantasy elements, but its much more reality based and everything is explained really cleanly, no real magic in these ones.

Sorry, little tipsy :)

FunkMetalBass 07-31-2012 09:42 AM

Ben, I promise I'll listen to your track when I get home.

Damn, I haven't read a fiction book in forever - I tend to read more nonfiction and casual math books these days. I did just finish Malcolm Gladwell's "Outsiders", which was really interesting and rationally determined factors of success and giftedness amongst the population.

gaslight 07-31-2012 10:33 PM

I have one of his books, Blink. Good read.

You might like Alastair Reynolds if you like sci-fi. I love his books. Also love China Mieville but it's more weird fiction than sci-fi.

BenJammin 08-01-2012 04:28 AM

Actually, Alastair Reynolds is exactly what I was reading before I wrote that. I read both Pushing Ice, and Revelation Space. He's not necessarily bringing the deepest ideas to the board, but he's an entertaining writer and has a good grasp on theoretical physics, so it all sounds like it could be legit.

China Mieville is nothing short of fucking brilliant, however. The City and The City, and Embassytown are both brilliant books on many levels.

gaslight 08-01-2012 08:18 AM

I've got my hands on almost every major thing they've each put out.

Reading Railsea now, it's not as awesome as his other stuff so far, it's one of the ones that is open to the younger crowd too. Like Un Lun Dun a bit.

Reynolds is epic, can't wait for the one coming after Blue Remembered Earth.

FlamingCouch 08-01-2012 10:35 AM

What's happening guys? haven't been here since May. Is everyone still kickin'?

got rained out on the job today so I'm going to spend some time with my new Jazz Bass. :cool:

FunkMetalBass 08-07-2012 09:28 AM

So, I ordered a custom set of LaBella Stainless Steels (150-110-085-060-045-030) for my Spector hoping that I would like them. BassStringsOnline didn't have them in stock, so I had to wait 3 months for them to get their shipment. I put them on for 10 minutes and decided that I don't like them - I think I just hate stainless steel strings.

Anybody want them? $15 + shipping.

gaslight 08-07-2012 11:32 AM

Have to pass on that one buddy.

Dreading the day I next break a string, I hate getting new ones, must less getting new flatties. I haven't broken a bass string in two or three years I'm quite sure.

I'm so excited about the new range of Mono cases. I'm contemplating getting a part-time job in music gear retail just to try and bring more of the brands I like into the mainstream market in this country.

FunkMetalBass 08-07-2012 12:35 PM

Fair enough. I just know that steel users like the "new string" tone, and I have no idea what to do with them, so I thought I'd offer them up to you guys. I might just have to put them on eBay or something. Is there even a market for used strings there?

Which flats do you use?

Mono cases look pretty damn sweet if you use a gig bag (that neck support feature is wicked). Have you tried out their double cases at all? That's a product I might consider.

gaslight 08-08-2012 08:47 AM

Yeah, I have the double electric bass case, it's awesome.

They sort of dropped off of retail here. I want a whole swag of their kit.

Don't know about a used string market here, don't think there's even much of a first hand market these days.

My Pino bass still has the strings it came with and my Tony Franklin still has the strings it came with, not sure of the exact specs from memory.

Mono is a company that I just have a huge enthusiasm for, their stuff is immaculate and just plain cool to boot.

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