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Scarch 02-04-2011 12:09 AM

Oh hey, I've heard Weekend Nachos before! Cool thanks for the recs.

@rasputin, Cool, yeah I download random bands off blogs to check them out. Sometimes it's amazing what you find.

whiteminority 02-05-2011 02:58 AM

just dropping in to say that weekend nachos is the best band in punk going right now, yall need to let up, damn.

Scarch 02-05-2011 11:17 PM

Are Animals on Coke Powerviolence?

iranscam 02-07-2011 11:32 AM

just got some rupture this band fukin rips

Juddybear 02-07-2011 11:35 AM

yeah they are sweet, first heard them on the split with extortion, shit was great

TheSpirit 02-08-2011 11:50 AM

Been spinning The Gentle Art of Chokin' tons recently, great shit.

Hep Kat 02-08-2011 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=TheSpirit;18392870]Been spinning The Gentle Art of Chokin' tons recently, great shit.[/QUOTE]


rasputin 02-08-2011 07:34 PM

bought the reissue of no comment's downsided yesterday, as well as the low threat profile 7" and a hatred surge 7"

Juddybear 02-08-2011 07:42 PM

heil, good shit

Txus 02-08-2011 08:27 PM

no comment are seriously so fucking good

Juddybear 02-08-2011 08:38 PM

hacked to chunks is one of my favorite pv songs ever

rasputin 02-09-2011 08:29 PM

yah they're great

i really wanted the reissue but didnbt want to fork over a million dollars for shipping, but then i found out a hx distro over here was stocking it

doki 02-10-2011 06:50 PM

downsided 7'' is my favourite record

anyhow I finally got unvorgivable LP from my last remaining 20 dollars recently, listening to it now haha the dude is so angry its funnny.

Juddybear 02-10-2011 07:31 PM

unforgivable still rules so hard, have listened to it so much that im sorta surprised im not sick of it

rasputin 02-10-2011 09:19 PM


i just bought the punish and destroy LP on ebay last night :D

Juddybear 02-10-2011 09:21 PM

thats my fav

rasputin 02-10-2011 09:26 PM

yeah i know

got that and torture on vinyl now (both lucky finds on ebay) and unforgivable on cd

i really want to get the bleed LP but it's always so ridiculously over priced

Txus 02-10-2011 09:43 PM

Last PV album I bought was the Low Threat Profile S/T.

rasputin 02-11-2011 07:09 PM

i got that one in my last package too :D

TheSpirit 02-11-2011 11:34 PM

Mk-Ultra's live CD is so damn good but their vocalist needs to just shut the fuck up between songs and just pull more shit like "We're MK-FUCK YOU and we come from FUCK YOU, Illinois.

Paralized 02-14-2011 01:41 AM

I am surprised at the lack of Fuck on the Beach and More Noise for Life.

Equally surprised at the Extortion reference a page back.

rasputin 02-14-2011 01:50 AM

someone mentioned them because they did a split with another band

what is there to be surprised about

Paralized 02-14-2011 01:53 AM

Usually in powerviolence threads and discussions, Fuck on the Beach are a mainstay and no one's ever heard of Extortion. It's like being in the twilight zone, this thread. D:

rasputin 02-14-2011 01:55 AM

i haven't listened to either of those bands

though obv know extortion, they're from my city

and yes we here at mx are the greatest at everything

Paralized 02-14-2011 01:58 AM

Fuck on the Beach are a Japanese powerviolence band. Pretty fucking badass, at that. It's got the S.O.B. spirit about it, without being all grindcorey and stuff.

I've talked to Extortion's members at various times. They're pretty cool people. If you haven't met them, you should try to. I would if I lived in your prison country. :P

rasputin 02-14-2011 02:02 AM

i think i've seen fuck on the beach on RYM actually

yeah i haven't met them. hopefully will interview them soon though

Paralized 02-14-2011 02:09 AM

Much envy. Make sure to ask them about the Barney Greenway collaboration. It's an interesting story. ;)

rasputin 02-14-2011 02:14 AM

i'll make a note of it

doki 02-14-2011 02:15 AM

ye fuck on the beach is great, japanese pv/fastcore is great - jellyroll rockheads, real reggae, nice view.

never heard of More Noise for Life though

Extortion is pretty much my introduction to power violence.. cos I live in down here, I kinda surprise how people from everywhere know them too, its pretty cool and ye they are pretty cool people, gonna play with them soon, so yay


doki 02-14-2011 02:18 AM

[QUOTE=Paralized;18402337]Much envy. Make sure to ask them about the Barney Greenway collaboration. It's an interesting story. ;)[/QUOTE]


Barney from Napalm Death makes a guest appearance on “Grind To A Halt” – give us the story there?
We played with Napalm in Perth in 2007 and Barney picked up our records. A few months later he got in contact and we sent a few emails back and forth and he mentioned he’d be keen to sing a track on our next record. The song itself was an song by a older band myself and Rhys [Davies, drums/guitar] were in called The Collapse, but we never got around to recording it properly before the band broke up and thought the song sounded mean enough to suit Extortion. We had a demo recording with Rhys singing, so Barney had a guide version to go off with lyrics we’d written. Barney’s vocals suit it perfectly and the lyrics have vague references to apocalyptic/pessimistic worldview that suits both Barney’s roar and Extortion’s general lyrical content. Ha.

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