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kno_kontrol 07-19-2006 11:50 AM

ATEC is a collection of songs

SfaFC is an album. Its meant to be listened to as a whole, not song for song. thats the only way you can possibly grasp the concept and go on the journey. I love all three albums, but Clarity is just brilliant in the most extreme sense of the word.

ibanezman575 07-19-2006 12:05 PM


Anarcho Poser 07-19-2006 01:03 PM

[QUOTE=Clashed]I saw them play at Warped...
I was dissapointed...[/QUOTE]
I expect to be. If not because of the setlist, because of the crowd/atmosphere.

obese_breasts 07-19-2006 01:07 PM

The crowd when I saw them was pretty cool. The setlist was mediocre, only song from RAR was Pints of Guiness

iam2000pounds 07-19-2006 01:13 PM

I got to the warped tour fifteen minutes too lates to see them. :( They were the reason I went.

Angry Balled Fists! 07-19-2006 01:14 PM

They exceeded my expectations when i saw them for their own show, and i had really high expectations.

ThisUserIsAPipebomb 07-19-2006 01:45 PM

[QUOTE=kno_kontrol]ATEC is a collection of songs

SfaFC is an album. Its meant to be listened to as a whole, not song for song. thats the only way you can possibly grasp the concept and go on the journey. I love all three albums, but Clarity is just brilliant in the most extreme sense of the word.[/QUOTE]
SfaFC was really boring. No energy. I don't know s[SIZE="2"]hi[/SIZE]t about a journey, nor do I care. My punk rock isn't about journeys.

They really fell apart as far as a driving force for the band goes. They just lost it.

obese_breasts 07-19-2006 01:45 PM

They were amazing when I saw them headlining back in the fall. It was one of the best shows I have ever been to.

AIRIC 07-19-2006 08:02 PM

[QUOTE=kno_kontrol]ATEC is a collection of songs

SfaFC is an album. Its meant to be listened to as a whole, not song for song. thats the only way you can possibly grasp the concept and go on the journey. I love all three albums, but Clarity is just brilliant in the most extreme sense of the word.[/QUOTE]

This isn't even a valid opinion. It's just plain wrong.

SFAFC is a piece of ****. It really is. The thing about Against Me! before they released that **** was that every single second of every song held more passion than most people have ever heard out of a band. Every lyric and chord held more meaning than most of the music we listen to. SFAFC lacked everything that is Against Me! and as such a big fan I'm honestly ashamed that they put that out.

sketchyjoe 07-19-2006 08:28 PM

[QUOTE=obese_breasts]The crowd when I saw them was pretty cool. The setlist was mediocre, only song from RAR was Pints of Guiness[/QUOTE]
That really sucks.

Flagjacket 07-19-2006 09:53 PM

[QUOTE=kno_kontrol]ATEC is a collection of songs

SfaFC is an album. Its meant to be listened to as a whole, not song for song. thats the only way you can possibly grasp the concept and go on the journey. I love all three albums, but Clarity is just brilliant in the most extreme sense of the word.[/QUOTE]

This nigga is [I]insane.[/I]

Brain Toad 07-19-2006 10:10 PM

SFAFC is a good album.

Flagjacket 07-19-2006 10:14 PM

It is, but that Kontrol nig is talking about it like it contains the suberbaby of Hitler and Mike Tyson.

Fisticuff111 07-19-2006 10:53 PM

RAR is in my opinion the greatest album ever. It comepletly changed the way I think about music and how I live my life. Very few records ever do that. ATEC was great, one of my top 10 favorite records, but not better than RAR. SFAFC was good (keep in mind that the last two were some of the best music ever written, so 'good' is one hell of a downgrade), but it did lack the same passion AM! previously had. It's not a Punk record by any means, and I think more people need to take that into account. If you want to hear Punk music and put on SFAFC, you'll be dissapointed. It's pretty muich a straight up Rock record, and a pretty damn good one at that.

Just my 2 cents...

P.S. The whole Punk music thing was not intended to suggest that anyone here had a close minded look on music. I know this board actually has quite eclectic tastes in music, thank God (AKA Tom Gabel :p )

EDIT: And I do agree with the guy that said that SFAFC was more of a cohesive album that needed to be listened to as a whole to really appreciate it, while the other albums were 'just collections of songs' (particularly ATEC). But keep in mind that that does not neccisarily make for a better record.

obese_breasts 07-19-2006 11:11 PM

[QUOTE=sketchyjoe]That really sucks.[/QUOTE]

I remember now that they played Reinventing Axl Rose too, ironic much?

TakeWarning 07-19-2006 11:32 PM

I like SFAFC, but it has about 6 good songs and the rest are all very average.

Definitely their worst release.

Joeeddstealschickens 07-20-2006 12:18 AM

SFAFC has Even At Our Worst We're Better Than Most on though, and thats a brilliant song. And who was it who said SFAFC had no passion? Even At Our Worst, the title track, From Her Lips To Gods Ears, Justin, Joy & Problems for a start. Granted there are a few duds, like How Low and Miami, but i cant imagine the album being the same without them. I found SFAFC was a real grower, i thought it was as weak as Belgian beer originally but now i love it.

TakeWarning 07-20-2006 12:25 AM

Haha, Miami is my favourite and How Low is also one of my favourites.

I think Miami is one of their best songs.

ibanezman575 07-20-2006 07:10 AM

yea, but the record is just.....boring

asdf 07-20-2006 09:00 AM

[QUOTE=TakeWarning]Haha, Miami is my favourite and How Low is also one of my favourites.

I think Miami is one of their best songs.[/QUOTE]
I like Miami because it has more energy than any of the other songs on the album.

And I also like How Low. Searching For a Former Clarity the song is pretty good aswell. Other than those, I could really do without the album.

Angry Balled Fists! 07-20-2006 11:06 AM

Even at our worst were still better than most is amazing.

As is How Low, Holy ****, Problems, SFAFC, Unprotected Sex.. etc are too in my book.

asdf 07-20-2006 11:48 AM

Oh man, I really hate the song problems.

Angry Balled Fists! 07-20-2006 12:41 PM

haha it's good, got lots of energy to it.

I like Pretty Girls too.

sketchyjoe 07-20-2006 03:33 PM

On SFAFC there's lots of bits where I like one bit of the song like one verse, riff or the chorus but not the song as a whole.

eg the riff from Unprotected Sex With Multiple Partners
the chorus of From Her Lips to God's Ears
the intro to Don't Lose Touch (Jimmy Cliff rip-off)

Brain Toad 07-20-2006 03:36 PM

[quote=Angry Balled Fists!]Even at our worst were still better than most is amazing.

As is How Low, Holy ****, Problems, SFAFC, Unprotected Sex.. etc are too in my book.[/quote]

Holy **** became my favorite AM! song after a couple of listens.

TakeWarning 07-20-2006 09:28 PM

the intro to Don't Lose Touch (Jimmy Cliff rip-off)[/QUOTE]

Serious? What song?

Bad Blood 07-21-2006 02:46 AM


You music dork.[/QUOTE]

that's right.

TakeWarning 07-21-2006 08:48 AM

Is Snowball Fight the poster formerly known as Bad Blood?

Angry Balled Fists! 07-21-2006 09:53 AM


sketchyjoe 07-21-2006 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=TakeWarning]Serious? What song?[/QUOTE]
It sounds just like You Can Get It If You Really Want. There's a moment at about 30 seconds in where I think he's about to say "And you succeed at last" every time I hear it.

Joeeddstealschickens 07-22-2006 01:18 AM

Miami is overlong, slow and has those horrible out of tune trumpet parts in the chorus. The version on that stolen demo is much better, but still aint great, at least in my book. Ed Is Sexy off that demo is much cooler, cant believe they didnt re-record that song.

TakeWarning 07-22-2006 01:58 AM

I prefer the demo version of Miami, so I just put it on my copy of SFAFC instead of the album version, since I burnt my copy.

[QUOTE=sketchyjoe]It sounds just like You Can Get It If You Really Want. There's a moment at about 30 seconds in where I think he's about to say "And you succeed at last" every time I hear it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from, the songs do sound kind of alike.

Angry Balled Fists! 07-22-2006 03:59 AM

The song from the dvd (exhaustion) should have easily been on the album, imo it's one of AM!'s best songs, ever.

Flagjacket 07-22-2006 04:43 AM

TSR is the best AM! song.

Angry Balled Fists! 07-22-2006 04:54 AM

It's definetley up there. I really really wish they played it when i saw them :(

POINTLESS5448 07-22-2006 07:23 AM

its really short though.

viva la revolucion 07-22-2006 12:03 PM

The reason they didint put ed is sexy or exaustion on the album is because ed is sexy doesnt fit well with the rest of the album, and for exaustion- they already had too many songs addressing whats addressed in that song (medicocrity gets you peers, unprotected sex with multiple partners). The "**** genres" thing was already redundant enough.

But those are in my opinion two of their best songs.

Fisticuff111 07-23-2006 10:44 AM

I can't believe they didn't put 'Exhaustion' on SFAFC either. I thought it was far and away the best song on the stolen demo and it would have fit in so well on SFAFC. And 'Miami' ****ing slaughters!

Bad Blood 07-23-2006 04:15 PM

[QUOTE=TakeWarning]Is Snowball Fight the poster formerly known as Bad Blood?[/QUOTE]

that's me :wave:

cavalier eternal must be one of the best acoustic/solo songs i've hear in a long long time.

ThisUserIsAPipebomb 07-23-2006 04:17 PM

My favorite acoustic song of theirs, is We Did it All for Don

I think my favorite song overall, is between Waling is Still Honest, and Yall DOnt Wanna Step to Dis

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