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Matt? 08-23-2006 02:07 PM

we all share stuff

also dudes from now on whenever i use quotation marks, it means i'm quoting embrace.

this will happen a lot

cobert 08-23-2006 03:12 PM

Here at GloboGym, we're better than you....and we know it.

Matt? 08-23-2006 03:22 PM

wait what movie?


cobert 08-23-2006 03:31 PM

Maybe. This is like a lyrics thread, you have to be down with the movie to get it.

I finally got Axis and Allies (and the Europe version because it was on sale), and then I take about 30 or 40 minutes to set it up and get everything taken out of the box and stuff, and then the dudes I play RISK with call me up and tell me to wait until they can all play to, so now i have to wait a few hours until everyone gets off of work. Lame.

I need to get some more stuff from You and I one of these days. Theyre kinda radddd.

Matt? 08-23-2006 03:40 PM


they are growing on me at .0001 good points per day.

cobert 08-23-2006 03:43 PM

Yeah, same with me. I downloaded a few songs from them a while back and didnt really like them, then I got 143jcm (something like that) and its a raddddd song.

Matt? 08-23-2006 03:44 PM

right now i feel like i want to listen to mihai edrisch

but i'm too busy listening to [url]www.myspace.com/larrybird[/url]

cobert 08-23-2006 03:56 PM

That bands radddd. They remind me of American Football.

White Goodman 08-23-2006 04:03 PM

Yeah, Embrace is probably one of my favorite bands right at the moment. Thanks to Matt? for that album.

Matt? 08-23-2006 04:04 PM

"it's my human responsibility"

Electric Ocean 08-23-2006 06:40 PM

I haven't posted here in a long time but i wonder if anyone could recommend me some more stuff like rockets and blue lights, i haven't really listened to any emo for ages but i really enjoyed this band.

Wow 08-23-2006 07:20 PM

Bells on Trike, Braid, The Kossabone Red.

Storm In A Teacup 08-23-2006 07:44 PM

ATTN: DFelon204409

[quote=Iluvatar]However that makes sense, Maroon 5 > Hopesfall.[/quote]

Please respond without hesitation.

RetiredAt21 08-23-2006 11:17 PM

[QUOTE=cobert]Maybe. This is like a lyrics thread, you have to be down with the movie to get it.

I finally got Axis and Allies (and the Europe version because it was on sale), and then I take about 30 or 40 minutes to set it up and get everything taken out of the box and stuff, and then the dudes I play RISK with call me up and tell me to wait until they can all play to, so now i have to wait a few hours until everyone gets off of work. Lame.

I need to get some more stuff from You and I one of these days. Theyre kinda radddd.[/QUOTE]

You and I are mad good.

Matt? 08-23-2006 11:18 PM

i spent like two hours today trying to teach a group of guitar players one simple line. in the end one kid finally got it kind of sloppily, and then i played my other part i'd written, and i realized he could only play it while i was playing it too.

i have a bass player but get this... he doesn't like hardcore, in fact all he listens to is s'hitty goth metal. yet he is my homie and he's good at bass. so whatever i can forgive him i guess

White Goodman 08-24-2006 08:49 AM

So last night I downloaded Circle Takes The Square's discography, Minor Threat's Complete Discography, Hot Cross' discography, Indian Summer's discography, and Dag Nasty's Minority of One of off soulseek. So far I'm impressed with all of them.

bottlerocket 08-24-2006 10:22 AM

Do you have Off Minor's splits and stuff?

I'm getting my laptop this Saturday so I'll need you guys to help me rebuilld my musical stash of goodies. Please help me. :)


Matt? 08-24-2006 10:36 AM

actually i only have innominate.

i never felt like i listened to off minor enough to get their other stuff...

White Goodman 08-24-2006 10:40 AM

I haven't checked out Off Minor, i'll put them on the long list of bands I need to check out.

Matt? 08-24-2006 10:45 AM

nineties stuff first i'd say

bottlerocket 08-24-2006 11:40 AM

Yeah, start with Moss Icon, Rites of Spring, Indian Summer, etc., and work your way to 90s stuff like Saetia, Kife Flying Society, etc., and then go to contemporary times like Off Minor, Ampere, Sinaloa, etc.


Wow 08-24-2006 12:19 PM

Do what Gav said but before the Saetia and KFS, check Neil Perry and In/Humanity.

Oh and check Driftwood along with MI, RoS, and IS. They only have like 4 songs (except for the live album which is awful) but they're all awesome.

cobert 08-24-2006 12:20 PM

Good job not reccomending him any Native Nod, as[size=2]s[/size]holes.

Matt? 08-24-2006 12:42 PM

dude cob you suck at recomending bands.

dont u see, we're going chronologically here.

for some reason i almost said chromatically, and then i was like wtf that isn't the word (or even a word?) i was looking for...

deadohiosky9 08-24-2006 01:18 PM

Off Minor are perfect, check out The Heat Death of The Universe and Innominate.

Wow 08-24-2006 01:48 PM

[QUOTE=cobert]Good job not reccomending him any Native Nod, as[size=2]s[/size]holes.[/QUOTE]

Native Nod have some really good songs but for the most part, are pretty mediocre.

White Goodman 08-24-2006 01:50 PM

Thanks for the recommendations. I can't wait to get into my dorm room tomorrow so I can have a reliable internet. The one here at home keeps cutting off in the middle of downloading stuff so it's getting pretty annoying.

RCVA 08-24-2006 02:06 PM

I got some envy last week and i'm giving it a proper listen and it's awesome.

Matt? 08-24-2006 02:07 PM

[QUOTE=Wow]Native Nod have some really good songs but for the most part, are pretty mediocre.[/QUOTE]
i actually disagree with this.

i like every song. the ones with excessive palm muting i don't like as much, but i still like them a lot.

whiteminority 08-24-2006 03:29 PM

If you dig Indian Summer check out Ordination of Aaron.

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