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nisakss 07-27-2004 03:16 PM

[QUOTE=JoeDaddio]I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

I know you all missed me. My little excursion to Texas was pretty fun. Lots of drinking, although I didn't get into any fights. ****it. If I'd have brought my old cowboy hat though, I'm certian there would have meen many. That thing just gets me into so much trouble.

So I'm back, and I've already got my "Everything is bigger in Texas!" t-shirt on. It was hotter than hell out there, and humid. Although the last day was pretty nice. So it's good to be back in my wussy Southern California weather. Good to be back with y'all!


Welcome back, although I'm sorry you didn't get a free face lifting! :p

Do you really like to fight, seriuosly? Because I do, I used to practice box, until I developed some trouble with my knuckles and I had to quit, now I have to stick with judo, I find it to be so relieving. The bad part was the sex veto before practices (practices!! jesus, had it at least been a real fight, but no sex just for practice, no thanks).

PaulSimonon 07-27-2004 03:31 PM

[QUOTE=I<3myGSR200]what does 12345 mean?[/QUOTE]
the same as 123 I believe

Espbassor 07-27-2004 04:38 PM

[QUOTE=I<3myGSR200]what does 12345 mean?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]minum characters for a post is 3 used to be 5, so to quote some one, and not sayanytihng, people just type

or 123[/QUOTE]


SporKsBaSSisT 07-27-2004 04:44 PM

Girl problems...

Ok, for anyone bored enough to read, this is my story.

My girlfriend of 1 year 4 months and I broke up on July 4th, this year...
Well, yesterday I get a call from her, and learn some horrible news.
She had been keeping a diary.. apparently, it was a very detailed diary about some of the things we had done.

Well, this is where the **** hits the fan. Her mom apparently snuck into her room, and read this diary.

Now both her parents and my mom are utterly pissed. I may be going to my Dad's for a while... so yeah. If for some reason I stop posting for a while, that's why.

the end.

pixiesfanyo 07-27-2004 04:47 PM

Just bought Miss Machine by the Dillinger Escape Plan..If you like hardcore/are insane. Pick it up

SporKsBaSSisT 07-27-2004 04:53 PM

Oh ya I got that on release day ;)

Did you get the DVD pack? It's great.

nisakss 07-27-2004 05:09 PM

^^^^That really sucks, the girl issue (that is). If I were you I would really flame her for (i) keeping a diary (ii) putting personal things of both of you there and (iii) letting her mom read it.

I think that is why, for me at least, good women tend to suck, because they are naive and can get you in a lot of trouble. That's why I prefer them with an edge! :smoke:

Crapdragoon 07-27-2004 05:10 PM

Heh , apperently due to some schedualing problems, all paitents today were gonna go under the Iv, to get knocked out, so it ws eather that , or reschedual, so i got nocked out, now im at home, just downed a pint of icecream and poped a vicodin, everythings fine. :p
Getting knocked out took another 100 bucks out of my pocket though :(

Foxfire 07-27-2004 05:12 PM

[QUOTE=SporKsBaSSisT]Girl problems...

Ok, for anyone bored enough to read, this is my story.

My girlfriend of 1 year 4 months and I broke up on July 4th, this year...
Well, yesterday I get a call from her, and learn some horrible news.
She had been keeping a diary.. apparently, it was a very detailed diary about some of the things we had done.

Well, this is where the **** hits the fan. Her mom apparently snuck into her room, and read this diary.

Now both her parents and my mom are utterly pissed. I may be going to my Dad's for a while... so yeah. If for some reason I stop posting for a while, that's why.

the end.[/QUOTE]

And what, exactly, are "some of the things" you guys had done? ;) :p

JamminOnMyGstring 07-27-2004 05:15 PM

I think that is why, for me at least, good women tend to suck, because they are naive and can get you in a lot of trouble. That's why I prefer them with an edge! :smoke:[/QUOTE]

And how... I want a girl that'll do anything that I'm willing to do, mainly getting crunked

nisakss 07-27-2004 05:18 PM

I'm not sure what does "crunked" mean, but for all the things it can stand for, I couldn't agree more. :chug:

JamminOnMyGstring 07-27-2004 05:45 PM

Yeah it's a new term used by almost every rapper now... "king of crunk" "crunk juice".

I believe it can be defined and used in a variety of ways, but I mainly use it when I'm referring to:

:chug: + :smoke:

which produces that strived for :D + :lol:

Kandyman 07-27-2004 06:05 PM

I just found ut why my knee hurts all the time today. Apparently my patella doesn't stay in line with my leg when I *insert basicalley any activity here*, instead it pops off to the side a little bit. Causing stabbing pain in all of my now overstretched tendons. Its good times for me.

JoeDaddio 07-27-2004 06:36 PM

[QUOTE=nisakss]Welcome back, although I'm sorry you didn't get a free face lifting! :p

Do you really like to fight, seriuosly? Because I do, I used to practice box, until I developed some trouble with my knuckles and I had to quit, now I have to stick with judo, I find it to be so relieving. The bad part was the sex veto before practices (practices!! jesus, had it at least been a real fight, but no sex just for practice, no thanks).[/QUOTE]

I like a real fight. I've got no problem with taking an *** whuppin, just as I've got no problem givin em. Three of my rugby buddies and I would always go to bars and get into fights. Nothin beats a good ol' fashioned bar fight to keep you tough in the off season ;)

Asside from that, and little fights here and there, we would have bare knuckle boxing once a week in the back fo the fraternity house. We have this huge peace circle (oh, the irony), and we'd fight in that. Just boxing, above the waste. Good times.


pixiesfanyo 07-27-2004 06:46 PM


No I didn't have enough money :(

Crapdragoon 07-27-2004 07:41 PM


Dunno , its fun though cause i can punch myself :P

SporKsBaSSisT 07-27-2004 07:59 PM

[QUOTE=nisakss]^^^^That really sucks, the girl issue (that is). If I were you I would really flame her for (i) keeping a diary (ii) putting personal things of both of you there and (iii) letting her mom read it.

I think that is why, for me at least, good women tend to suck, because they are naive and can get you in a lot of trouble. That's why I prefer them with an edge! :smoke:[/QUOTE]

she didnt LET her mom read it. her mom snuck into her room and read it.

And ya i know she was foolish for keeping the diary.

To Fox: I think you can understand what I meant. No, not chess.

PaulSimonon 07-27-2004 08:09 PM


Dunno , its fun though cause i can punch myself :P[/QUOTE]

I put my tooth through my lip once.... i could drool the hole in my lip

nisakss 07-27-2004 08:20 PM

The other day I had a really good moment, the type of memory you would like to have at your dead. I was driving around with my girlfriend, listening to good music, having a good smoke, and suddenly it strated to rain...**** I thought, nasty weather, but suddenly my girlfriend was with her face out of the car felling the rain fall in her face, naturally I decided to do the same ...man, was it good.

Sorry, I just wanted to share this.

Foxfire 07-27-2004 08:42 PM


Psht wish I had someone to do that with (To nisakss)

And Sporks, yes I know what you mean, I was bored as hell. :p

Now I get to reformat my computer. I was on Amazon and was screwing with some stuff to see the shipping costs and the computer decided it didn't want me to see it. Problem is, this happens to me on Musicians Friend and some other places too. It's not even the 404 Error, it's this company. Sometimes I get Lycos. The one company likes to cut off the last letter of what I typed to advertise. It even adds in links to key words (i.e., viagra, job, etc)

[url]www.musiciansfriend.com[/url] (that's what I typed)

"www.musiciansfriend.co is not available. However, look at these other great links:
Squier guitars
etc etc"

Bleh. I hate my computer.

Crapdragoon 07-27-2004 08:48 PM

thats what you get for looking at goat pr0n :rolleyes:

Foxfire 07-27-2004 08:51 PM

Goat pr0n? WHERE?!?!

Psht :p Time to reformat -_- See you guys tomorry prolly.

nEwbish baSsISt 07-27-2004 09:41 PM

ehh..my computer took a harsh beating from watching too much uhh....stuff on the internet...result....322 viruses..how my computer still works is beyond me...

Crapdragoon 07-27-2004 09:50 PM


Good thing i memorized what my stanard processes are in task manager... so if i see something with a odd syntax or what ever, i kill the process instanlty :p

pixiesfanyo 07-28-2004 06:31 AM


gaslight 07-28-2004 06:41 AM

Foxfire man, don't reformat!

Use system restore!

morpcat 07-28-2004 07:20 AM


Good thing i memorized what my stanard processes are in task manager... so if i see something with a odd syntax or what ever, i kill the process instanlty :p[/QUOTE]

Always a good idea, but little bitchy viruses still tag onto all your files. Then someone checks up on the source: "Hot_lesbians.mpg".... or something... Not funny.

LightRaven 07-28-2004 07:37 AM

[QUOTE=mr_coffeekiller]I like how you added "take care of buisness" as if to say there was anything else to do other than take care of spammers and unsutable threads/posts.[/QUOTE]

There is.

The "what's your AIM/MSN" threads are a wonderful thing. Just like Madthumbs said about the comp... if you want to get in touch with someone, use AIM/MSN. Or is this the case that because it's your idea, it cant be wrong? A lot of guys jam regularly on Yahoo if you're interested. [/QUOTE]

It wasn't just "my idea." Me and Whodo and Madthumbs had been planning on adding a more casual side to the bass forums.

I'm not the one that thinks the comunity needs changing, a thought which is mildly insulting. [/QUOTE]

You're insulted, I'm insulted.. we are even.

I don't care to carry on this argument really... you are the only one who has taken up an issue with this.

nisakss 07-28-2004 08:59 AM

^^^^Tense, me don't like...

cods 07-28-2004 09:02 AM

*hugs everybody*

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