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niobium 07-27-2007 03:11 PM

If he stops bragging, I don't mind him because he is/tries to be helpful. He's no more than a nuisance at worst.

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 03:15 PM

[b]1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?[/b]

I like the current format. You could bring the "New Posts" button back (if possible). The same one we have on the Orange Skin. Makes exploring the site and quick posting from the Pit easier.

[b][2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members?[/b]

idk what this is, but if you mean an 18+ forum or a sub Pit forum or someplace where people aren't offended so much or concerned with spam, trolling, etc, then yeah.

[b]3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?[/b]

In the Pit? I like it, its fun. Good posters all around, some of the best on the internet. At your site? It suits my interests.

[b]4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?[/b]

give them a helicopter!

[b]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?[/b]


SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 03:15 PM

[QUOTE=Black Ink;15037469]I don't hate your guts. I find you somewhat hypocritical, annoying and you brag way to often.[/QUOTE]
Sorry man, it's my nature. I have been an entertainer for almost 30 years. I'll try to become less irritating. But no promises.

YDload 07-27-2007 03:18 PM

jaylink is a little bitch and deserves to be called out at every opportunity. he acts way too immature and thin-skinned for someone with his age and rock star "experience," and he considers me the worst mod ever purely because i banned him.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 03:23 PM

[QUOTE=YDload;15037560]jaylink is a little bitch and deserves to be called out at every opportunity. he acts way too immature and thin-skinned for someone with his age and rock star "experience," and he considers me the worst mod ever purely because i banned him.[/QUOTE]
Sorry man, I stand by my point. You banned me for 5 days for spamming in the report thread and 4 others spammed just as bad, but you deleted everything and banned only me. You play favorites all the time. You let you buddies spam away, but the people you don't like you treat like garbage. What a mod, encouraging people to flame and troll me. There needs to be one set or rules and regulations for eveyone. You Ian, are the worst offender of favoritism.

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 03:24 PM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15037567]quick links in the top right

todays posts


o damn

TheClap 07-27-2007 03:25 PM

Thats the most coherent post I've read from Jaylink, evar. But he will make himself look stupid again in a few short posts, lets watch.

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 03:26 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15037586]Sorry man, I stand by my point. You banned me for 5 days for spamming in the report thread and 4 others spammed just as bad, but you deleted everything and banned only me. You play favorites all the time. You let you buddies spam away, but the people you don't like you treat like garbage. What a mod, encouraging people to flame and troll me. There needs to be one set or rules and regulations for eveyone. You Ian, are the worst offender of favoritism.[/QUOTE]
Jaylink your band sounds like second-rate Nickelback why are you even trying

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-27-2007 03:26 PM

YDLoad is a good mod. He has banned me I'm sure, but still.

Mekkalayakay 07-27-2007 03:29 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15037586]Sorry man, I stand by my point. You banned me for 5 days for spamming in the report thread and 4 others spammed just as bad, but you deleted everything and banned only me. You play favorites all the time. You let you buddies spam away, but the people you don't like you treat like garbage. What a mod, encouraging people to flame and troll me. There needs to be one set or rules and regulations for eveyone. You Ian, are the worst offender of favoritism.[/QUOTE]

[comment erased because i don't have any knowledge of the situation]

Not to mention you are gayer than 3 bags of Skittles.

YDload 07-27-2007 03:29 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15037586]Sorry man, I stand by my point. You banned me for 5 days for spamming in the report thread and 4 others spammed just as bad, but you deleted everything and banned only me. You play favorites all the time. You let you buddies spam away, but the people you don't like you treat like garbage. What a mod, encouraging people to flame and troll me. There needs to be one set or rules and regulations for eveyone. You Ian, are the worst offender of favoritism.[/QUOTE]

i deleted the posts because they were spam, just like i always do. the only other person who spammed as much as you did in that instance was Charlie Manson and i banned him for just as long.

i ban people that i like when they deserve it, but the fact is that i generally like non-problem users better than the ones who most often deserve banning. one big exception though is nacho. i like him a whole bunch but i have to ban him all the time :(

you need to be flamed because you still clearly dont understand just how above this whole thing you ought to feel. its a backhanded compliment, but you really need to know that you are too good for this sh[size=2]it[/size].

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 03:31 PM

honestly how many times have I had to take hostage or even kill YDload because he's banned me

Jaylink you can keep being paranoid about being singled out but -

oh wait you are being singled out because you are disliked

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 03:32 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15036107]I'm saying that the Pit needs more substance than it has. You've hit the nail on the head that it doesn't have meaningful content, but I don't want it to stay that way.[/QUOTE]
Why? It doesn't need "meaningful" content. Damn man, every forum here is obsessed with "quality posting" and having some sort of "meaningful content." The Pit is fun and fine how it is.

Personally i'd like to see more pron. But if not I [i]will[/i] be bringing a jailbait thread later :smoke:

mx 07-27-2007 03:42 PM

[quote]Why? It doesn't need "meaningful" content. Damn man, every forum here is obsessed with "quality posting" and having some sort of "meaningful content." The Pit is fun and fine how it is.[/quote]

You don't have to pay for server hosting or put hours into a site that doesn't work because a bunch of teenagers are taking it down for lolz. I'm sure it's fun with no responsibility.

Honestly, I don't want to be a grinch and take away fun. But there's a difference between fun and some of the junk in here.

Hedgedive 07-27-2007 03:46 PM

An Essay by HD
[QUOTE=mx;15036015]Hey guys,
1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?[/QUOTE]

GD (although it will always be The Pit to me :')) is for non-serious discussion. Plain and simple, it is the forum where I come to shoot the breeze when I don't feel like talking about music. It is for this reason that I think it is an important forum. Otherwise I would just get tired of the site too quickly.

Some serious discussion does take place (L&R, news article threads, etc.) but it is a lot more light-hearted/laid back than PWNI discussion.

[QUOTE]2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members?
I don't think so. GD is essentially a morale forum and to limit it to certain members is rather unfair.

[QUOTE]3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?
A little of both. It is also one of the few places on the site where people from all the music/instrument forums can come and chill like bros.

[QUOTE]4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?
If you're speaking of Chad, than I think this decision is entirely up to you :/

[QUOTE]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?
I think so. You'll just have to enforce the rules a little more there, to avoid spam/stupid threads. It will do more good than harm. The Problem threads now aren't very efficient. A lot of sub-forums only have one super, and most mods seem reluctant to wade into other mods' territory. I think the return of Site might help to remedy this.

[QUOTE]Note: I know that certain users will jump on the opportunity to insult me, the mods, and fill this thread with swears, lewd pictures, and the like. If this happens this thread will be deleted and the general discussion forum will be in danger of closing. This is not a soap opera, or a playground, I want your honest input.[/QUOTE]

I know it sounded a bit hostile (and I didn't intend it to be) but I'd like to reiterate:

[QUOTE=Hedgedive;15034461]I don't really care about post count but how does Jeremy justify our maturity level based upon the actions of 2 users?[/QUOTE]

JuggerKnoT 07-27-2007 03:47 PM

I personally would enable post count to keep the spammers in this "dirthouse forum". I think moving it to the bottom of the General list was a very good idea.

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 03:50 PM

I think GD has its decent moments when people aren't fellating /b/

Axe 07-27-2007 03:54 PM

[quote=mx]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?[/quote]
It would help, i don't see any harm, and it means a general place for mods to check on problems and/or suggestions for the site...
It's not essential but it'd be nice :)

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 03:55 PM

I liked the site forum because it was drama headquarters

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 03:55 PM

[QUOTE=YDload;15037622]i deleted the posts because they were spam, just like i always do. the only other person who spammed as much as you did in that instance was Charlie Manson and i banned him for just as long.

i ban people that i like when they deserve it, but the fact is that i generally like non-problem users better than the ones who most often deserve banning. one big exception though is nacho. i like him a whole bunch but i have to ban him all the time :(

you need to be flamed because you still clearly dont understand just how above this whole thing you ought to feel. its a backhanded compliment, but you really need to know that you are too good for this sh[size=2]it[/size].[/QUOTE]

I get it, and I never said you were a bad mod, you do the best you can in a tough situation Ian. But, like Jeremy I am tired of all the trolling and flaming and everyone blaming me for their unpleasant experience on GD. I really don't need this forum at all. I come here because I like a lot of the people. Wish is awesome, Tojes is cool, Kimmie is my pal irl and you're ok most of the time, Guess I'll just post way less and take my knowledge of music and the music biz to other mx forums that would be appreciative. Plus I have most eveyone on ignore lol. If they really can't stand me or my posts I suggest they do the same.

Surtr 07-27-2007 03:55 PM

Well, I think that really, Nath's ideas are very good.

It's worth a shot to try out Banning people supporting obvious stupid actions and users who aren't acting properly.

And also, if Chad gives you any more trouble, I think that just Perma-Banning any and all of his accounts until he decides to just leave and gives up is maybe worth the shot too. I know he won't quit right away, but if we had mods willing to keep banning 'em, it'd be good.

I think perhaps, re-thinking who are mods are wouldn't be a horrible idea either.

YDload 07-27-2007 03:56 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15037751]I get it, and I never said you were a bad mod, you do the best you can in a tough situation Ian. But, like Jeremy I am tired of all the trolling and flaming and everyone blaming me for their unpleasant experience on GD. I really don't need this forum at all. I come here because I like a lot of the people. Wish is awesome, Tojes is cool, Kimmie is my pal irl and you're ok most of the time, Guess I'll just post way less and take my knowledge of music and the music biz to other mx forums that would be appreciative. Plus I have most eveyone on ignore lol. If they really can't stand me or my posts I suggest they do the same.[/QUOTE]


metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 04:00 PM

Jaylink what knowledge of music and the music business do you have

you listen to such diverse genres as 'rock' and 'hard rock', you can maybe name the members of Van Halen or something, and your band that sounds like redneck Trapt has played a few low profile shows and has a lot of myspace friends

I know you think you are this invaluable font of insider knowledge but really you have nothing to offer to any serious music fans here

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:00 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15037691]You don't have to pay for server hosting or put hours into a site that doesn't work because a bunch of teenagers are taking it down for lolz. I'm sure it's fun with no responsibility.

Honestly, I don't want to be a grinch and take away fun. But there's a difference between fun and some of the junk in here.[/QUOTE]
but i don't think a swing to "meaningful content" or any sort of change like that is going to solve anything. the people doing this aren't stupid (in fact they show a degree of intelligence) and promoting a kinder, gentler Pit isn't going to change anything. the quality of the individual poster / person is not the problem.

you closed the Pit last year and reopened it. nothing has changed. you have had it your way a long time (its your site) and nothing has changed. you do the things you want to do here with the guidance of your staff. nothing has changed. maybe you can start doing things a little different. IF, you can change the avatar size to 100X100 (or larger), do it. for everyone. it would be a good start.

oh, and "the junk" isn't so bad. we have some bad posters, a lot of good. comes with the territory. and it is an lol when you come in and say how everyone should leave jaylink alone. i don't bother the guy, but some of us have it comin', ask for it, whatever. he's one of those. if they left him alone he would find a way to have them not.

i would ban him on site, but its not personal. just the way it should be.
[QUOTE=mx;15036178]Leave the man alone, honestly. This is exactly what is wrong with this forum.[/QUOTE]
lol nope. not even close.

Hababi 07-27-2007 04:02 PM

i would ban him on [B]site[/B], but its not personal. just the way it should be.


Axe 07-27-2007 04:04 PM

Not to Argue John but 100x100 isn't much worth it...

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:04 PM

its taking over me :(

EDIT:120X120 @ Axe

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-27-2007 04:07 PM

Big avatars are annoying don't do it.

Kif 07-27-2007 04:07 PM

A special access forum could be kinda cool thinking about it. Bringing that back as The Pit and pretty much just keep it closed and say whatever happens there is on the people that post it and not the mods.

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=Noonward;15037841]Big avatars are annoying don't do it.[/QUOTE]
ok [i]no[/i] avatars then. what else we got?

ImusInTheMorning 07-27-2007 04:09 PM

sexual favors?

Hedgedive 07-27-2007 04:10 PM

ugh you guys, your spam bumped my huge post off the last page :mad:

JuggerKnoT 07-27-2007 04:12 PM

make everyone with a big avatar be set to 40x40 avatar

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:18 PM

i shall sacrifice mine for the cause!

TimJim 07-27-2007 04:21 PM

i second that!

no offense,J.

Iscariot 07-27-2007 04:24 PM

if there was an increased dimension limit with the same file size limit on avatars like chad suggested but capped at like 110x110 everyone would be happy

Surtr 07-27-2007 04:36 PM

For sure, I'd definitely like a larger avatar, 110x110 sounds lovely, but I think we should maybe focus a wee bit less on Avatars. Bigger or smaller or no avatars at all won't exactly solve some of the issues Mx has.

mx 07-27-2007 04:37 PM

Man, I feel stupid. The whole problem with the Pit is that the avatars weren't big enough! ;)

Insomniac20k 07-27-2007 04:38 PM

I've always thought that.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 04:39 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15038073]Man, I feel stupid. The whole problem with the Pit is that the avatars weren't big enough! ;)[/QUOTE]How did you miss that one? :)

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