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Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 05:04 PM

[QUOTE=The Dropper]Not even Batman?

[SIZE=1]Actually, I've never liked superheroes very much.[/SIZE]

Oh, well. I don't believe in God, so I suppose I don't have anything to look up to except other people; and nobody to have faith in except myself. Spoken like a true athiest, reppin'.[/QUOTE]

Well, I hope maybe you find God one day. This was a pretty good thread don't you think? We were a good team. Anyway, God bless.

Iskandar 06-23-2005 05:07 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Well, I hope maybe you find God one day. This was a pretty good thread don't you think? We were a good team. Anyway, God bless.[/QUOTE]

Team? I don't know about that. I came into the thread as it was dying, and I didn't really prove anything. I do have a better idea of your views, though.

Will I find God? I don't think so. I was raised Catholic, but I've decided I don't care to have religion in my life anymore.

Oh well. Nice thread. May the Force be with you. ...

Lord of Sword 06-23-2005 06:06 PM

some people say that things like fossils were put on earth by god as a test of faith.

but more realistically, they originated from dead dinosaurs.

The pet beaver on bass 06-23-2005 06:14 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]And I suppose the actual dinosaur blood found in mosquitos embedded in amber is a creation of Satan to mislead man as well huh?[/QUOTE]

as is the completely intact mamoth they uncovered in Russia and are cloning?

Junooni 06-23-2005 08:11 PM


Forget all this Catholic and Evolutionism debate.

Just become Muslim.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I have a suspicion that the infinity we call 'The Universe' may not even exist but that's about all.[/QUOTE]
Woah, woah, woah....you do not believe in the universe?

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 09:26 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Woah, woah, woah....you do not believe in the universe?[/QUOTE]

It's a very ruff idea, and I haven't quite thought about it very well. It discredits the existence of infinity, thereby eliminating the universe. Perhaps it's just an illusion?

If you'd like, I'll see what I can come up with. It's a very hard idea to think about especially with stars being biblical.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 09:28 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]It's a very ruff idea, and I haven't quite thought about it very well. It discredits the existence of infinity, thereby eliminating the universe. Perhaps it's just an illusion?

If you'd like, I'll see what I can come up with. It's a very hard idea to think about especially with stars being biblical.[/QUOTE]
Wait, you believe in things like the milky way galexy?

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Wait, you believe in things like the milky way galexy?[/QUOTE]

I haven't totally thought it out yet, but it might not be real.

What do you think about my dinosaur theory?

RouteOne 06-23-2005 09:32 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I haven't totally thought it out yet, but it might not be real.

What do you think about my dinosaur theory?[/QUOTE]
You do know we have photos of our galexy and many others right?


BTW, I don't agree with your dinosaur theory. There is too much evidense that they exsisted.

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 09:34 PM

Whoa who took that picture? :eek: :confused:


Do you feel that me saying the galaxy does not exist eliminates my credibility for the dinosaur theory?

RouteOne 06-23-2005 09:37 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Whoa who took that picture? :eek: :confused:

A satellite.

and no, when you say dinosaurs don't exsist, that is when your credibility is eliminated.

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 09:41 PM

Satellites can't get that far out in space.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 09:44 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Satellites can't get that far out in space.[/QUOTE]
Yes they can.....

Here is a pic of a galaxy forming.

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 10:00 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Yes they can.....

Here is a pic of a galaxy forming.[/QUOTE]

Wow :eek: Wait, where's the link?

PianoDan 06-23-2005 10:30 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]So I was thinking. And I have came to a roadblock in my thoughts. Biblically, man first appeared on the Earth in roughly 4004 B.C. That is if you take the Bible literally. Now it could have been around any amount of time before that. In the seven day period God created the planet though, it was 4004 B.C.

So where do dinosaurs come in? Were dinosaurs alive during the time of man? That is/was my guess. As I thought more though, I decided that dinosaurs may well not have even existed. It may in fact be one of the most elaborate hoaxes, or sinister, known to man.

Here's a thought: Assuming you believe in God, did Pangaea exist? What is the similarity between the shorelines of all the continents? Did God have a hand in this 'Pangaea' or was it by coincidence?

On with the dinosaurs though, where did they come from? Was it a creation of God, or did Satan have an influence? I'd like to add in at this point that the fallen angels, the Nephilim, who spawned most of the Earth's inhabitants, may have had a more sinister plan for the Earth. When God destroyed the population in the Great Flood (minus Noah and his), it was a sort of cleansing for the population. If Pangaea was real, it may have seperated during this great catastrophe. All the dinosaurs may have been destroyed, too.

In retrospect, I have a hard time straying away from the idea that dinosaurs never existed. I think it may have been a hoax. I have no reason to believe God sat them here, and if they did exist, I wouldn't be surprised if He didn't.

Dinosaurs are compatible with the Bible. The Bible talks about some great beasts which could possibly be what we call "dinosaurs". Even if it doesn't, there's nothing in the Bible that suggests that there were no dinosaurs.

Pangaea probably existed, too. The Flood would have taken care of that, as it did the dinosaurs. So yes to dinosaurs, yes to Pangaea, yes to the Earth starting about 4000 B.C.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 10:34 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Wow :eek: Wait, where's the link?[/QUOTE]
here: [url]http://apod.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0306/milkymoon_casado_big.jpg[/url]

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 10:35 PM

[QUOTE=PianoDan]Dinosaurs are compatible with the Bible. The Bible talks about some great beasts which could possibly be what we call "dinosaurs". Even if it doesn't, there's nothing in the Bible that suggests that there were no dinosaurs.

Pangaea probably existed, too. The Flood would have taken care of that, as it did the dinosaurs. So yes to dinosaurs, yes to Pangaea, yes to the Earth starting about 4000 B.C.[/QUOTE]

Then there may be dinosaurs still alive now. Somewhere in the deep sea. There's been several reported cases of a reptile like bird in Indonesia. No one has ever caught a specimen though.

The sea dinos probably were not killed by the flood as they were at home underwater.

Also, do you have the verses where it speaks of potential 'dinosaurs'? I'd really like to read it.

And hey, I think we're the only 2 mx'ers in quadrant I on the Political Compass Test. You are just a little north of me but we're pretty close. :)

Trivium 06-23-2005 10:56 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]You're a dumbass. I came up with my dinosaur ideas on my own. I have plenty other ideas, but now isn't the time. No one is stupid enough to think of dinosaurs to not have existed. I am though.

But perhaps the extremity of stupidity and the extremity of genious meet in a parallel reality. Perhaps though I'm looked at and laughed upon, I'm in fact a great genious.

Here's an example for your feeble mind. The extremities of music.

classical music----------------------------------black metal

If you have the slightest idea of black metal, you can see the classical influences in black metal. Sometimes very subtle, but they are there. How can two genres be so different, yet so alike?

So you can see that though my dinosaur theory is somewhat faulty, I could be on to something.[/QUOTE]

your friggen weird, yes, thousands of scientists have secretely dedicated their lives to lieing to the masses, the millions of dinosaur bones that have been discovered, billions of fossils... all fake

go into a museum, all lies, everything there is fake

FCUK GOD, aint gonna help you be real with anything

RouteOne 06-23-2005 10:57 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Then there may be dinosaurs still alive now. Somewhere in the deep sea. There's been several reported cases of a reptile like bird in Indonesia. No one has ever caught a specimen though.

The sea dinos probably were not killed by the flood as they were at home underwater.

Also, do you have the verses where it speaks of potential 'dinosaurs'? I'd really like to read it.

And hey, I think we're the only 2 mx'ers in quadrant I on the Political Compass Test. You are just a little north of me but we're pretty close. :)[/QUOTE]
Actually, if you want to look at a dinosaur turn on the discovery channel. I bet they still have shows on about alligators and corcidiles.

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 10:58 PM

You are about the worst poster of the past few months in here. I stood by and said nothing, but you really don't know what you're talking about.

A quote from italic zero for you: Reading comprehension isn't your strong point is it?

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:00 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]You are about the worst poster of the past few months in here. I stood by and said nothing, but you really don't know what you're talking about.

A quote from italic zero for you: Reading comprehension isn't your strong point is it?[/QUOTE]
I really do not care. At least I am sane. I truely believe you are brainwashed.

_ThisSecretNinja_ 06-23-2005 11:02 PM

[QUOTE=max_facekick]Hey, the whole noah's ark thing DID happen. I mean, its possible for one human to create a large enough boat for every species of every organism, assuming none of them ate eachother, put a hole in the boat, or died nonetheless. Not to mention there are over 600,000 species of insects alone.... ITS POSSIBLE YOU BABY KILLIN' HEATHENS!!![/QUOTE]

Dinosaurs are extinct becaued Noah couldnt fit the bastards onto his ark :lol:

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 11:05 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]I really do not care. At least I am sane. I truely believe you are brainwashed.[/QUOTE]

Then I brainwashed myself because I came up with this myself. I told my dad and sister Leann and they basically laughed their heads off at me. :upset: No website, self-proclaimed messiah, enlightened one, or cult leader let me in on this.

[QUOTE=_ThisSecretNinja_]Dinosaurs are extinct becaued Noah couldnt fit the bastards onto his ark :lol:[/QUOTE]

Good ****ing point dude. :lol:

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:06 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Then I brainwashed myself because I came up with this myself. I told my dad and sister Leann and they basically laughed their heads off at me. :upset: No website, self-proclaimed messiah, enlightened one, or cult leader let me in on this.

Good ****ing point dude. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Well, good luck with your theories then...... :rolleyes:

Trivium 06-23-2005 11:07 PM

oh as far as the noahs arc thing, some dude calculated that id have to be roughly half the size of the state of rhode island to actually work.

Thats a few hundred thousand times larger than any other boat in history.

I could shoot down about 20 other biblical tales, but i wont

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:08 PM

That is because the book of genesis is largely tales that make a moral point and lesson. They were not true but there to teach a point. Those are words straight from my theology teacher's mouth.

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 11:10 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]That is because the book of genesis is largely tales that make a moral point and lesson. They were not true but there to teach a point. Those are words straight from my theology teacher's mouth.[/QUOTE]

Theologists are mostly bull**** anyway. Most seminaries are led by secularists who got a degree to teach in that field.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:11 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Theologists are mostly bull**** anyway. Most seminaries are led by secularists who got a degree to teach in that field.[/QUOTE]
I go to a strict Catholic High school and an old world nun teaches my theology class....

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 11:13 PM

Then your nun is a tool.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:14 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Then your nun is a tool.[/QUOTE]
Right, anyone who disagrees with your point of view is either a tool or sent by Satan to corrupt man. :rolleyes:

BassRevelation1029 06-23-2005 11:19 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Then your nun is a tool.[/QUOTE]

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 11:21 PM


Well, it's true. You tell 'em Bass about all the liberal secularists teaching at seminaries nowadays.

RouteOne 06-23-2005 11:23 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Well, it's true. You tell 'em Bass about all the liberal secularists teaching at seminaries nowadays.[/QUOTE]
She isn't liberal in the least. She believes gays are evil, she's pro-life and condemns sex as a act of hatred towards god. She may be strict, but she does have common sense about bible meanings.

Hive 06-23-2005 11:26 PM

the whole dinosaurs being a hoax thing was blown away with the invention of carbon 14 dating.

Trivium 06-23-2005 11:27 PM

but these christian retards say that its fake

everything they learn in science are lies by satan

(If you agree with a word of that, I recommend suicide)

Volumnius Flush 06-23-2005 11:27 PM

[QUOTE=Hive]the whole dinosaurs being a hoax thing was blown away with the invention of carbon 14 dating.[/QUOTE]

C14 Dating doesn't prove dinosaurs exist. It contradicts the Bible.

[QUOTE=Trivium]but these christian retards say that its fake

everything they learn in science are lies by satan

(If you agree with a word of that, I recommend suicide)[/QUOTE]

For you I recommend the death penalty.

Hive 06-23-2005 11:29 PM

[QUOTE]C14 Dating doesn't prove dinosaurs exist. It contradicts the Bible.[/QUOTE]
Of course it does. It tells you the EXACT age of anything. How could dinosaurs be a hoax if the bones they left behind have been around for millions of years?

Hive 06-23-2005 11:30 PM

[QUOTE]For you I recommend the death penalty.[/QUOTE]
for you, I recommend a grade 8 science text book and a hearty dose of reality.

maxiscool 06-23-2005 11:31 PM

Dinosaurs = real - Go to a muesem if you dont belive me.

Pangea = real - There is ton of evidence to back this up and you could test it yourself put a stake in the ground buy a gps mark the stake on the gps wait a year and it should move a couple inches.

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