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Ruhtra 07-26-2004 10:26 PM

Seems like these casual topics at some point or another all get this emotional suject in them.

*wears a Sherlock hat* :smoke:

ScorpSath 07-26-2004 10:46 PM

u stole my boyfriend bitch^^^

Foxfire 07-26-2004 10:49 PM

Emotional = Good :)

Sorry for being away, dad wanted me to fix up his website.

Crapdragoon 07-26-2004 10:50 PM

Sonna bitchy , im getting my wisdom teeth pulled tommorow. :|

Man its gonna suck , but i got some vicodin to ease then pain :naughty:

Foxfire 07-26-2004 10:50 PM


Morphine > You

Kandyman 07-26-2004 10:51 PM

Getting your wisdom teeth pulled isn't too bad. I had to get three of em pulled with one of them having to be cut out. Had a steak two days later.

Kandyman 07-26-2004 10:52 PM

Man y'all get all the good drugs. They gave me 800 mg motrins and a couple percosets.

Crapdragoon 07-26-2004 10:55 PM

yeah there gonna have to cut the bottem two in half to take em out, the surgen said that my teeth still havent made the deep roots so theres no possible chance of nerve damage or jaw cracking, like in some video they made me watch today o_O

and yeah , ill just eat ice cream or something for 3 days :lol:

ScorpSath 07-26-2004 11:02 PM

they beat me till I passed ou.... Boy did that suck


Stuff 07-26-2004 11:06 PM

[QUOTE=Kandyman]Getting your wisdom teeth pulled isn't too bad. I had to get three of em pulled with one of them having to be cut out. Had a steak two days later.[/QUOTE]
sounds like what im going to have to have done
i get mine pulled in like 2 weeks
at least i get em out farily early. but ****it i almost had room, but i only have 3 so i have to get them pulled anyway

Kandyman 07-26-2004 11:07 PM

It was weird when I went to go get mine done. The day before I took my friend to our medical clinic, which also has the dental clinic in it. So I was sitting there waiting for my friend to get finished and they call my name over the loudspeaker that they use for the prescription counter. Well I'm kind of trippin out because no one knows that I'm here and I haven't gotten seen for anything that day. So I go to the counter and they give me this bag full of drugs and I can't figure out why the hell I'm getting it. I spent the next 15 minutes asking around about these drugs and no one can give me an answer.

Fed up, I decide to go to the dental clinic to see if they know anything. I tell the guy at the counter about it and he looks at me like I'm crazy then snatched the bag out of my hand and opens it. Then he takes it and tells me I shouldn't have it yet I'll get it tomorrow.

Show up the next day to get my teeth pulled and no one could find the bag. Everyones freaking out because theres some controlled substances in it. The dentist is calling everyone that worked the day before and no one knows what happened to it. Turns up 45 minutes later, it had been sitting on a table behind the reception area the whole time.

Post count ++

Ruhtra 07-26-2004 11:09 PM

[QUOTE=Kandyman]It was weird when I went to go get mine done. The day before I took my friend to our medical clinic, which also has the dental clinic in it. So I was sitting there waiting for my friend to get finished and they call my name over the loudspeaker that they use for the prescription counter. Well I'm kind of trippin out because no one knows that I'm here and I haven't gotten seen for anything that day. So I go to the counter and they give me this bag full of drugs and I can't figure out why the hell I'm getting it. I spent the next 15 minutes asking around about these drugs and no one can give me an answer.

Fed up, I decide to go to the dental clinic to see if they know anything. I tell the guy at the counter about it and he looks at me like I'm crazy then snatched the bag out of my hand and opens it. Then he takes it and tells me I shouldn't have it yet I'll get it tomorrow.

Show up the next day to get my teeth pulled and no one could find the bag. Everyones freaking out because theres some controlled substances in it. The dentist is calling everyone that worked the day before and no one knows what happened to it. Turns up 45 minutes later, it had been sitting on a table behind the reception area the whole time.

Post count ++[/QUOTE]

That's crazy. :lol:

Crapdragoon 07-26-2004 11:15 PM

someone jacked some of your percasets yo. :p

Kandyman 07-26-2004 11:52 PM

I wouldn't doubt it. That shiznit iz gud yo.

Foxfire 07-27-2004 12:06 AM


I'ma go to bed, I ran out of animes to watch...


RushFan03 07-27-2004 01:24 AM

Everyone should check out NFL2k5. Sweetest football game EVER. And if you say it's not i'll dropkick you in the throat :p

mr_coffeekiller 07-27-2004 01:29 AM

[QUOTE=LightRaven]So I don't do any modding of any sort.. don't close threads or take care of any business around the site. Interesting.... Cause it is news to me.[/quote]

I like how you added "take care of buisness" as if to say there was anything else to do other than take care of spammers and unsutable threads/posts.

[QUOTE=LightRaven]And don't you think it is nice to get to know each other than just bass players? If you don't, then that is on you.[/quote]

The "what's your AIM/MSN" threads are a wonderful thing. Just like Madthumbs said about the comp... if you want to get in touch with someone, use AIM/MSN. Or is this the case that because it's your idea, it cant be wrong? A lot of guys jam regularly on Yahoo if you're interested.

[QUOTE=LightRaven]And the same thing could be said to you :rolleyes:[/quote]

I'm not the one that thinks the comunity needs changing, a thought which is mildly insulting.

[QUOTE=LightRaven]Just a bit? Jesus.. I've done more than a bit for this forum and for this entire board. You think all changes and re-arranging... getting a resources section, and a beginner section.. was done just because? No, I did that. Along with Whodo and Madthumbs. And the Bass Forum archives.. you might remember that.. I put that together, with many of the archives linking to my threads.. which might be considered lessons or articles. But they are in the resources section. [/quote]

Jesus! That would be like me telling pupils to never come again but still pay me. "right guys, that's us finnished with the lessons now but you'll still pay me because I've done all the work with you before now". I thought you were smarter than that. The whole point of what I was saying is that it's [i]recent[/i] events, not what has came before :rolleyes: or did [i]you[/i] miss that?

[QUOTE=LightRaven]It wasn't a [b]Bass[/b] compliation CD. It was for the [b]entire[/b] forum. Quite frankly, one of the reasons why it didn't come through is that all people wanted to do was submit their songs... and be done with it.... I couldn't get a hold of half the people for information that I needed... and only a few offered to help me. But guess what.. it didn't happen. [/quote]

Thanks for telling me, still doesn't explain why it was just dropped without adequate explanation. If people took the time to submit the tracks, the least you could do is let [i]them[/i] know what's going on. You wanted to do it but found it too hard, well, that's not my problem.

[QUOTE=LightRaven]I love people who bitch about what I might have not done, and forget anything I have done already.[/QUOTE]

Then you dont love me :thumb:

Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-27-2004 01:55 AM

Thanks for telling me, still doesn't explain why it was just dropped without adequate explanation. If people took the time to submit the tracks, the least you could do is let [i]them[/i] know what's going on. You wanted to do it but found it too hard, well, that's not my problem.[/QUOTE]

what about your cd Coffee? ;)

pixiesfanyo 07-27-2004 05:50 AM

Coffee's CD is going to be like hot cakes.

And when do these jam sessions happen, I'd love to listen :)

Crapdragoon 07-27-2004 06:21 AM

Weee 2 more hours till i go to the oral surgerion and get some teeth yanked out... ahhh how great its gonna be to hear my own freaking teeth crack and crunch, as they cut them in half/pull em :rolleyes:

gaslight 07-27-2004 06:35 AM



Negative vibes in here tonight :(.

morpcat 07-27-2004 10:14 AM

[QUOTE=Crapdragoon]Weee 2 more hours till i go to the oral surgerion and get some teeth yanked out... ahhh how great its gonna be to hear my own freaking teeth crack and crunch, as they cut them in half/pull em :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Try get nitrous!

mr_coffeekiller 07-27-2004 10:49 AM

My CD will be out when it's out, it's just been delayed and I've let everyone who's ordered a copy know about what's going on ;)

And the jams on yahoo? just whenever, depends on your time zone of course :p

sanray 07-27-2004 11:27 AM

simma dawn nah everyone coffee how do I order such a wonderful product as your cd MMHHH.

in my expirience girls are more trouble than there worth as girlfriends as regular friends they kakakick *** and are fun(sorry bout the stutter)tobe around especially if they are not prissy little ones who go will this break my nails to many in my town.

Chaos 07-27-2004 12:27 PM

::tip toes in to thread while hoping no one notices::

i could be wrong but im sensing just a tab bit of hostility between lr and ck..

yeah i suck at being around the forums...last week sucked for me, just nothing, thats all that needs to be said.

Chaos 07-27-2004 01:08 PM

yeah i can see i totally killed this thread. :upset:

Foxfire 07-27-2004 01:10 PM

^ 12345

Just kidding...I'm thinking of joining band at school again this year...I'm hoping maybe it'll help me stay in time better (that is, experiencing it in a band environment).

PaulSimonon 07-27-2004 01:15 PM

[QUOTE=Foxfire]^ 12345

Just kidding...I'm thinking of joining band at school again this year...I'm hoping maybe it'll help me stay in time better (that is, experiencing it in a band environment).[/QUOTE]
it helps A LOT. seriously. Casually actually, i dont want to spam.

:thumb: :thumb:

Chaos 07-27-2004 02:36 PM

what does 12345 mean?

JoeDaddio 07-27-2004 02:41 PM

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

I know you all missed me. My little excursion to Texas was pretty fun. Lots of drinking, although I didn't get into any fights. ****it. If I'd have brought my old cowboy hat though, I'm certian there would have meen many. That thing just gets me into so much trouble.

So I'm back, and I've already got my "Everything is bigger in Texas!" t-shirt on. It was hotter than hell out there, and humid. Although the last day was pretty nice. So it's good to be back in my wussy Southern California weather. Good to be back with y'all!


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