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Xero09 04-25-2007 11:35 AM

Hey, I was wondering. Do you guys know of any System of a down/Saosin songs that use head voice? Also, I'm sort-of curious but what vocal range would you qualify Tom DeLonge of Blink and Chris Conley of Saves The Day in? Thanks.

Oh, and what would would you say the lowest note a tenor can hit?

Merkaba 04-27-2007 01:03 AM

[QUOTE=Xero09;14605117]Hey, I was wondering. Do you guys know of any System of a down/Saosin songs that use head voice? Also, I'm sort-of curious but what vocal range would you qualify Tom DeLonge of Blink and Chris Conley of Saves The Day in? Thanks.

Oh, and what would would you say the lowest note a tenor can hit?[/QUOTE]

Um...just about every song? Saosin and system seem to ing in head voice all the time. Head voice, from my teaching, is true voice before you reach falsetto. some people would call this chest voice mechanism, in the upper range. Either way, these two bands and both cove and ant use it all the time. Any of the high runs that arent falsetto. I cant recall ever hearing ant use it, if he does he gets so much resonance on it that it doesnt matter. Maybe in some of his super high double/backing tracks. I dont listen to the other bands enough to know, let me do a little you tubing.....

Ok, the dude from blink is probably a low tenor or "bari tenor" if not a full I didnt listen enough to say for sure. He has a rather light voice I think.
The guy from saves the day is probably in the same boat....
Why does it matter? If you cant access head your singing will suffer greatly. If you can then its a matter of sounding good within your range and not like someone else. A more important questin is can you access head voice?

Merkaba 04-27-2007 01:22 AM

[QUOTE=Nick;14584046]Okay so I've been trying to sing some leonard cohen properly today, and I'm having some difficulties.

I can hit the notes, but when I go that low, I run out of air really fast, and I don't like the way it sounds (I want to get it smoother, like cohen's voice).

Singing it up an octave is more like my normal singing range, but it's just not the same.

Any advice at all? specifically on the air thing; I can't seem to control my airflow that low.[/QUOTE]

Lip trills/motor boats....

Merkaba 04-27-2007 01:24 AM

[QUOTE=Nick;14584046]Okay so I've been trying to sing some leonard cohen properly today, and I'm having some difficulties.

I can hit the notes, but when I go that low, I run out of air really fast, and I don't like the way it sounds (I want to get it smoother, like cohen's voice).

Singing it up an octave is more like my normal singing range, but it's just not the same.

Any advice at all? specifically on the air thing; I can't seem to control my airflow that low.[/QUOTE]

Go to page one of this thread....look at the "from the gut" section among others.

Grumma 04-27-2007 03:29 AM

Just a quick Q.

Is there any reason my falsetto will just cut out mid-note?
Tis rather annoying. That and I can't hit it consistently without horrifically slaughtering my tone.
Does that just mean I should give up on falsetto? Or just don't know how to use it?

Merkaba 04-27-2007 10:05 PM

[QUOTE=Grumma;14614717]Just a quick Q.

Is there any reason my falsetto will just cut out mid-note?
Tis rather annoying. That and I can't hit it consistently without horrifically slaughtering my tone.
Does that just mean I should give up on falsetto? Or just don't know how to use it?[/QUOTE]

post a sample. Be sure youre not over pushing. You dont alot of air for a decent falsetto. Just keep practicing. Make sure youre not tensing the back of the tongue and try to keep the tip slightly on your bottom front teeth.

thursdaythrice 04-29-2007 07:58 PM

hey merkaba im a 16 year old male , i have tthis little clip of me singing, it was made a while ago, it has some effects on it and its not super great, at one part i am using my head voice, is it done well or if right? and i know i go off key some parts but i did it in one take with a 10 dollar mic(excuses i know hah) This sounds bland and lack of emotion then what i want it tobe, but here it is


kdash 05-03-2007 11:14 PM

I am wondering how to sing high notes more lightly. my high notes are powerful and have plenty of resonance, but sometimes when i want to go lightly i find it hard. I think this is one of the reason my high notes doesn't sound as emotional? I put too much effort into giving the note so much resonance that it sounds bland?

Screamin_Demon_Auz 05-04-2007 07:59 PM

[QUOTE=kdash;14645108]I am wondering how to sing high notes more lightly. my high notes are powerful and have plenty of resonance, but sometimes when i want to go lightly i find it hard. I think this is one of the reason my high notes doesn't sound as emotional? I put too much effort into giving the note so much resonance that it sounds bland?[/QUOTE]

You could be pushing too much to get the powerful highs, which would explain why you can't do the same notes softly. Split your time up so your working on singing the notes above your break (probably an F or F#) in a powerful head voice half the time, and a soft falsetto or mix other times. I would definitely check out Jaime Vendera's Raise Your Voice book if you don't have it already, because theres a series of exercises that will help you very much with this. Look up the classical exercise Messa Di Voce if you cant afford Jaimes book (which is only 20 in ebook form so get it). Its pretty much the same thing.

i am the robots 05-04-2007 09:32 PM

[QUOTE=Safety Chaser;14533615]Merk, so I'm screaming for like a comple of songs during my band practice or whatever, and after that my vocals start feeling like crap. Not hurting, but just that feeling that I got to stop. I was sitting there think and wondering what the hell I'm going to do but I didn't know Melissa Cross's DVD seems a little unfocused on the actual teaching.

So, how do you think I could help my voice feel less restrained from my rasping... I've uploaded a file to stream to show you what I'm currently doing.


You're using your throat way too much dude. Just take that feeling and aim it from lower.

Merkaba 05-05-2007 05:20 AM

[QUOTE=kdash;14645108]I am wondering how to sing high notes more lightly. my high notes are powerful and have plenty of resonance, but sometimes when i want to go lightly i find it hard. I think this is one of the reason my high notes doesn't sound as emotional? I put too much effort into giving the note so much resonance that it sounds bland?[/QUOTE]Post a sample, or what note are you talking about? Some people think a note is "high" when, given there range, its not high. If you can only hit it in falsetto then its probably high, if youre a tenor then your high is more than likey gonna have more resonance as you go higher, and some things, physiologically, are gonna be harder to do.

Merkaba 05-05-2007 05:24 AM

[QUOTE=thursdaythrice;14627947]hey merkaba im a 16 year old male , i have tthis little clip of me singing, it was made a while ago, it has some effects on it and its not super great, at one part i am using my head voice, is it done well or if right? and i know i go off key some parts but i did it in one take with a 10 dollar mic(excuses i know hah) This sounds bland and lack of emotion then what i want it tobe, but here it is


Not bad. But where's the singing? lol...I think you had a few notes in head and it sounds like youre able to at least flip up into it so youre familiar with the feel. But you have a whole other level of support you could be getting into that would liven that up if you so wished. If youre interested then go to page one and look into coming from the gut.

kdash 05-05-2007 11:32 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba;14649767]Post a sample, or what note are you talking about? Some people think a note is "high" when, given there range, its not high. If you can only hit it in falsetto then its probably high, if youre a tenor then your high is more than likey gonna have more resonance as you go higher, and some things, physiologically, are gonna be harder to do.[/QUOTE]

Notes around high C. When i try to use less air to do it more lightly it just cracks and doesn't stay on note too well.

Screamin_Demon_Auz 05-05-2007 12:42 PM

You aren't supporting it correctly then if it doesn't stay on pitch and cracks. Cracking shows your out of balance with too much or too little air, so use it as your gauge to find the perfect amount of air to send up.

kdash 05-05-2007 12:57 PM

In this link it says that the larynx needs to rise as the pitch increases. This confuses me. As a rising larynx is suppose to be what damages your voices due to closing off your throat. If a rising larynx isn't damaging, then what can be damaging in singing?

Screamin_Demon_Auz 05-05-2007 01:21 PM

In this link it says that the larynx needs to rise as the pitch increases. This confuses me. As a rising larynx is suppose to be what damages your voices due to closing off your throat. If a rising larynx isn't damaging, then what can be damaging in singing?[/QUOTE]

Not a fan of the Complete Vocal Technique method... avoid it. Your larynx can raise a tiny bit or lower a bit, but NEVER very much at all. If it goes too high, your going to pull a lifter muscle, which is one of the muscles that causes it to raise when you swallow;thats obviously pretty painful.

kdash 05-06-2007 01:22 AM

I downloaded voiceprint and tested my pitch. I reliable do C6's and manage a Db6/D6 sometimes. Is that high enough to be considered whistle? When I tried to tested using what I for sure know is falsetto I did a reliable G5 sometimes hitting Ab5.

punknmetal4lyf 05-07-2007 03:07 PM

[QUOTE]Toungue to the roof of your mouth, push from the gut and kind of shape the words with your lips nearly closed, exxagerating the vowels. Focus mostly on the ahh and ohh vowels, and for an effect of versatality, throw in some ee sounds... try to keep gutteral, so all low end.[/QUOTE]

Dig it dude. I'm gonna start practicing as soon as I get alone in the car. Thx.

i am the robots 05-09-2007 10:28 PM

Glad I could be a help.

hardspot 05-15-2007 04:14 PM

Could you guys tell me if I'm singing wrong in any way?
I drink a lot of water while recording, warm up by singing along to "A Night At the Opera" (not perfectly, of course) andmy throat doesn't hurt as much as it... I can't really describe it, but I don't loose my voice afterwards anyway. here's a demo, I start singing about 1:40 into the song

Xero09 05-24-2007 12:55 PM

Hey Merk, I've got a big favor to ask.

I need some comments on my voice, possible range?, and tips on what I should practice on to make my voice sound more professional. I was going to record the Saosin chorus for Mookies Last Christmas and the ending to Voices to see if they were falsetto or not, but I didn't warm up until half way through my practice. So I sang for some while until I got these next two covers down, even though I forgot some lyrics in them. However, I was kind-of tired in those. Hahah.

They can be found here: [url]http://www.soundclick.com/thesellout[/url] Under "She" and "There Is".

There Is=Boxcar Racer, She= Saves The Day.

Thanks alot!

punknmetal4lyf 05-25-2007 02:19 PM

Ok, I basically got a **** range but it's improving slowly but surely as I improve my control over my voice and such. What would be some good songs to practice singing in order to improve my range and what would be some exercises to help develop my strength of voice/control/range ect?

Merkaba 06-01-2007 05:22 AM

[QUOTE=punknmetal4lyf;14744458]Ok, I basically got a **** range but it's improving slowly but surely as I improve my control over my voice and such. What would be some good songs to practice singing in order to improve my range and what would be some exercises to help develop my strength of voice/control/range ect?[/QUOTE]

Man, we internet users are getting lazier by the day. Read around first. Go to page....1 !!!!

Merkaba 06-01-2007 05:28 AM

[QUOTE=Xero09;14738893]Hey Merk, I've got a big favor to ask.

I need some comments on my voice, possible range?, and tips on what I should practice on to make my voice sound more professional. I was going to record the Saosin chorus for Mookies Last Christmas and the ending to Voices to see if they were falsetto or not, but I didn't warm up until half way through my practice. So I sang for some while until I got these next two covers down, even though I forgot some lyrics in them. However, I was kind-of tired in those. Hahah.

They can be found here: [url]http://www.soundclick.com/thesellout[/url] Under "She" and "There Is".

There Is=Boxcar Racer, She= Saves The Day.

Thanks alot![/QUOTE]

You've got work to do. Practice singing "She" with just the vowel AH, so you can work on keeping the throat open. Plus youre not singing much in that sample. Gotta get some breath support. Everything you need to know is on page one of this thread.

Dinosawesome 06-10-2007 09:07 AM

You merkaba, my post in the other thread did crap all (I think it's cause I changed site urls =/) so I'd greatly appreciated some feedback on:


Especially on Dance With Me.

I know this isn't the audio arena, but I'll gladly rep you for it =)

p.s: i give lots of repz

Merkaba 06-11-2007 05:25 AM

[QUOTE=Nath;14812399]You merkaba, my post in the other thread did crap all (I think it's cause I changed site urls =/) so I'd greatly appreciated some feedback on:


Especially on Dance With Me.

I know this isn't the audio arena, but I'll gladly rep you for it =)

p.s: i give lots of repz[/QUOTE]

You need breath support. Theres a section on page one of this thread. That and you need to work on resonance. Youre not singing as much as you are melodic speaking. Got to get the feel for keep the cords buzzing with proper support. Once you get this you can probably increase your vocal musicality 100% Realize you may have to do some dead boring stuff like what I talk about on page one. Look through there. Maybe it will click and you just "get i" soon, but you've got to get it. Relax and form your words by moving your bottom jaw. Do some single vowels. You should be able to hold a good note for at least ten seconds if you have proper support. Be sure to practice "motor boats" (lip trills, etc), which I explain in the aforementioned threads. Go to page one. Post again soon.

Dinosawesome 06-11-2007 05:40 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba;14816901]You need breath support. Theres a section on page one of this thread. That and you need to work on resonance. Youre not singing as much as you are melodic speaking. Got to get the feel for keep the cords buzzing with proper support. Once you get this you can probably increase your vocal musicality 100% Realize you may have to do some dead boring stuff like what I talk about on page one. Look through there. Maybe it will click and you just "get i" soon, but you've got to get it. Relax and form your words by moving your bottom jaw. Do some single vowels. You should be able to hold a good note for at least ten seconds if you have proper support. Be sure to practice "motor boats" (lip trills, etc), which I explain in the aforementioned threads. Go to page one. Post again soon.[/QUOTE]
Alrighty, thanks heaps bro- I'm gonna run through your strength/flexibility/something else which I cannot remember excersises and I'll get back to you in... I dunno, how long should it take me to hear some improvement?

However long that is, I'll get to you then, haha.

adz_18 06-15-2007 11:59 AM

Hey Merk,

I've got two separate questions here.

1. About vocal lessons. What would you suggest doing first? Going to an actual teacher, or spending money on one of the Jamie Vendera books (also, is there any online support here or do you just buy the book and learn it yourself with no visual or aural aids?). I'm going for a rock oriented voice btw.

2. Are you very familiar with DragonForce? I've been getting into them a fair bit and their vocalist seems awesome. I was wondering, in this clip, at the 6 mins 17 second mark (the high note he holds for a second or so), is that falsetto or head voice? I think it's falsetto, but it seems very full etc. I suppose he could be using lots of support etc if it is? [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLf1E8IgkQQ&mode=related&search=[/url]


Merkaba 06-15-2007 11:10 PM

[QUOTE=adz_18;14838244]Hey Merk,

I've got two separate questions here.

1. About vocal lessons. What would you suggest doing first? Going to an actual teacher, or spending money on one of the Jamie Vendera books (also, is there any online support here or do you just buy the book and learn it yourself with no visual or aural aids?). I'm going for a rock oriented voice btw.

2. Are you very familiar with DragonForce? I've been getting into them a fair bit and their vocalist seems awesome. I was wondering, in this clip, at the 6 mins 17 second mark (the high note he holds for a second or so), is that falsetto or head voice? I think it's falsetto, but it seems very full etc. I suppose he could be using lots of support etc if it is? [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLf1E8IgkQQ&mode=related&search=[/url]


1. The same as guitar or any other instrument. It will at least help you get some fundamentals down. Most teachers don't go into falsetto much and especially dont deal with rock styles. So be sure to ask ahead of time. If you can't find a rock friendly teacher then just go with the best general teacher.

2. Sounds like a supported falsetto. At that pitch its gonna be hard to tell if he doesnt hold it. But you do whatever you have to do to make the best note, falsetto or true voice. His voice is kinda light but still baritonish. He definitely doesnt sound like a typical tenor...more like a baritenor, if not just a baritone.

Chrisman69 06-29-2007 05:50 PM

heyy man

ive got a problem with my voice getting right hoarse after like 5 minutes of singing in my higher register, its pretty brutal

after a while it just sounds like a really bad scream, 100% rasp.

also, it only effects by higher register, the rest of my voice is, more or less, the same. and what might be the weirdest thing of all... is its a very short term "hoarseness" if i stop singing for 10-15 mintues, i can go back and hit those high notes without any problems..... for another 5 minutes

its rediculously frusterating

how can i gain consitancy with hitting those high notes without sounding like a cow before long?

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