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illpressureurhinges1 12-15-2007 01:46 AM

Well now you know. Start your countdown!

And for Sponer, I've only heard A Calculated Use Of Sound, but it doesn't seem much like Kezia. But I would still say get it.

Tyler 12-15-2007 01:50 AM

[QUOTE=Sponer;15686861]Are their two EPs worth getting? I just downloaded Kezia a couple weeks ago and I've really been digging it, but I've heard their older stuff isn't as good.

But yea, cool band. Not the type of stuff I normally listen to, but it sort of grew on me. Quickly.[/QUOTE]

Not really, no. I Am Dmitri Karamazov and the World is my Father is the best thing they've ever written at it's core but it's hindered by their pubescent immaturity and rody's voice.

But yeah no.

It's really cool to hear the basic progression but they're very evident of the group's youth.

Basically, I map their progress like this:

5th Commandment > Take and Take > Is Anybody There? > Silent Genocide > Asperity of Sin > ACUOS EP > Soft Targets (added to the EP a year later for the re-release, hence why it sounds out of place - it was rush-recorded for a sampler) > Kezia > Fortress blablabla.

The most drastic changes were from the Is Anybody There/Silent Genocide-era hardcore punk songs (Search for the Truth 7") to Asperity of Sin, and then from the EP to Kezia (excluding Soft Targets, which is a great song, but obvious in it's rushed, forced "just because we had to" nature).

illpressureurhinges1 12-15-2007 01:52 AM

It's still interesting to hear what they were with the EPs and what they have become with Kezia and soon to be Fortress.

Tyler 12-15-2007 01:54 AM

[QUOTE=illpressureurhinges1;15686876]It's still interesting to hear what they were with the EPs and what they have become with Kezia and soon to be Fortress.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I just finished saying, Jesus, reading isn't hard.

The point is that unless you were around when the EP, 7" and compilations dropped, they'll probably be meaningless to you. They're very immature, albeit still enjoyable, but in the end the people still appreciating it are the ones who got to see these songs develop, all before Kezia was solidified. There was nothing quite as exciting as seeing a group of kids evolve like that, and if you missed out on the initial evolution, hindsight is not quite as favourable. That's alls I'm saying.

illpressureurhinges1 12-15-2007 01:57 AM

Ok. Well you responded to the guy with a no, so I was saying it's still worth checking out. But whatever.

Tyler 12-15-2007 02:10 AM

I merely put it in context.

Txus 12-15-2007 02:11 AM

lol, pth

Tyler 12-15-2007 02:13 AM

oh look at you mike all lol up in this bitch.

wiiiiiiiith swords to wet with the blood of their deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad *bass shred*

I hope Arif sings more, I like his backups on Bloodmeat. I know he can carry a tune, so hopefully there's more of that on the album. I already know he growls alongside Tim and Rody but yeah.

Txus 12-15-2007 02:15 AM

Rody looks like Justin Timberlake sooo ****ing much.

And yes, Arif singing is quite good....so is his tapping. ****ing bastard :mad:

Tyler 12-15-2007 02:17 AM

I dont really know what the deal was with Rody's dancing and haircut in the video but he's always been, er, flamboyant. Regardless, anything beats the days of his MEAT IS MURDER ripped jeans and long black hair, that was super lol.

heeeeeeeeeeellbent on heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevan

Txus 12-15-2007 02:22 AM

I can't stop listening to Bloodmeat, wtf

LifeInABox 12-15-2007 07:58 AM

[QUOTE=Txus;15686920]Rody looks like Justin Timberlake sooo ****ing much.

And yes, Arif singing is quite good....so is his tapping. ****ing bastard :mad:[/QUOTE]

The tapping is good, but it's far from impossible to figure out.

publicastration 12-15-2007 09:32 AM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15686924]I dont really know what the deal was with Rody's dancing and haircut in the video but he's always been, er, flamboyant. Regardless, anything beats the days of his MEAT IS MURDER ripped jeans and long black hair, that was super lol.

heeeeeeeeeeellbent on heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevan[/QUOTE]

Ahaha yeah I dig all his spinning on the music video.

illpressureurhinges1 12-15-2007 12:11 PM

What's with all the lamps in the background?

Tyler 12-15-2007 02:07 PM

lighting? set design?

NemesisDivina 12-15-2007 02:53 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15686915]oh look at you mike all lol up in this bitch.

wiiiiiiiith swords to wet with the blood of their deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad *bass shred*

I hope Arif sings more, I like his backups on Bloodmeat. I know he can carry a tune, so hopefully there's more of that on the album. I already know he growls alongside Tim and Rody but yeah.[/QUOTE]

hmmmm... i think those lyrics are wrong tyler.

isn't it

'Sword still wet with, sword still wet with the blood of their DEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD'

PS: don't freak out if i'm wrong :(

Tyler 12-15-2007 02:56 PM

Yeah probably. I'm really bad at picking apart some words, so I have to rely on what I know conceptually.

My buddy and I have figured most of it out though. Him being a linguistics major (and currently studying for a phonetics exam) really helped.

They're playing it so safe with this album, I think I know why I'm still waiting. All CD copies that were sent out late November were individually watermarked and beeped, which is why it hasn't leaked and probably wont until someone snabs a mastered or retail copy. I think that's why they're holding off on the secure-streams. Makes sense now. I don't mind waiting, really.
"Tomorrow we will fly high, like our children free of sin, we will meet them at the morning, protected only be our skin. Tomorrow we will fight them (some back up vocal) and we will crush them with our fury."[/I]

NemesisDivina 12-15-2007 03:01 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15688083]Yeah probably. I'm really bad at picking apart some words, so I have to rely on what I know conceptually.

My buddy and I have figured most of it out though. Him being a linguistics major (and currently studying for a phonetics exam) really helped.

They're playing it so safe with this album, I think I know why I'm still waiting. All CD copies that were sent out late November were individually watermarked and beeped, which is why it hasn't leaked and probably wont until someone snabs a mastered or retail copy. I think that's why they're holding off on the secure-streams. Makes sense now. I don't mind waiting, really.
"Tomorrow we will fly high, like our children free of sin, we will meet them at the morning, protected only be our skin. Tomorrow we will fight them (some back up vocal) and we will crush them with our fury."[/I][/QUOTE]

That line ****ing rules. I think it's 'protected only BY our skin' though. I noticed that they have a tendancy to play the song a lot faster live from their videos.

Tyler 12-15-2007 03:04 PM

yeah it's by, that was a typo.

They usually play faster live, yeah. Makes it more energetic. Moe tends to always start off faster than they'd like though, which I sometimes think is partially to piss the band off. I remember a few years back, the crowd wanted an encore (something the band, Luke in particular, are vehemently opposed to) and so after some bitching by Luke, they were like, "okay, we're going to play the fastest cover of Linoleum you've ever heard" and it really was.

NemesisDivina 12-15-2007 03:06 PM

I figured it was a typo, I'm just being a jackass :p

Why are they so opposed to encores? Encores can make a show if they're good.

Tyler 12-15-2007 03:08 PM

[QUOTE]Why are they so opposed to encores? Encores can make a show if they're good.[/QUOTE]
They want to leave the crowd wanting more. It makes sense.

They did used to play encores though, way, way back when they were just young kids playing a couple shows in town a month.

Sponer 12-15-2007 03:38 PM

Made this for myself to use, but I figure some guys here might be interested...

Tyler 12-15-2007 03:41 PM

The intricacies on the cover are pretty awesome. But it's still kind of silly.

AA-12 12-15-2007 03:42 PM

That's really good man.

NemesisDivina 12-15-2007 03:43 PM

/set as background

...cool :cool:

publicastration 12-15-2007 03:47 PM

Thanks for the new wallpaper. :thumb:

duckies 12-15-2007 04:07 PM

Nice wallpaper thanks! :)

illpressureurhinges1 12-15-2007 04:15 PM

Thanks for the background!

GenuineImitation 12-15-2007 05:02 PM

When is the release date for the new album? Has anything leaked yet or been officially released by the band?

Tyler 12-15-2007 05:07 PM

Reading helps but Sequoia Throne is on MySpace, Bloodmeat is on iTunes Canada and the video can be seen here:[url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=bcNWXDfKMnM[/url]

Nothing will leak anytime soon. Promos that have been sent out in CD form were individually watermarked and are easy to trace back to whoever leaks them.

Other people, such as myself, are expected to receive a streamed copy of the album sometime in the near future, though it will be a secure site so expected anti-leaking measures will most likely be taken.

GenuineImitation 12-15-2007 05:09 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15688512]Reading helps but Sequoia Throne is on MySpace, Bloodmeat is on iTunes Canada and the video can be seen here:[url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=bcNWXDfKMnM[/url]

Nothing will leak anytime soon. Promos that have been sent out in CD form were individually watermarked and are easy to trace back to whoever leaks them.

Other people, such as myself, are expected to receive a streamed copy of the album sometime in the near future, though it will be a secure site so expected anti-leaking measures will most likely be taken.[/QUOTE]

I would have read the entire thread Tyler, Im just not supposed to be on the internet at my job.

For now I'll check out the Bloodmeat video on youtube.

Thanks for the help :chug:

Tyler 12-15-2007 05:11 PM

No worries, I'm just being a dick because I'm bored and cranky.

The songs both rule, but they'll rule twice as hard in context. Sequoia Throne especially seems more reliant on the other three parts of the movement.

GenuineImitation 12-15-2007 05:16 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15688525][B]No worries, I'm just being a dick because I'm bored and cranky.
The songs both rule, but they'll rule twice as hard in context. Sequoia Throne especially seems more reliant on the other three parts of the movement.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, I was going to be one back but I couldnt because it was you. I have been up since 7...I had work at 8 and got off at 12. From 12 to 4 I was studying for my accounting final (which is enough to make any sane man want to kill himself) and now Im back at work until 8. I have an hour and a half to go before I go into Manhattan with my girlfriend to meet her sister for the first time.

Anyway, how has life been treating you?

I just listened to a bit of Bloodmeat by the way. I like it alot, maybe more than just liked it alot and it was only my first listen...this cd will own so hard if the other tracks are like this.

Tyler 12-15-2007 05:28 PM

[QUOTE]I just listened to a bit of Bloodmeat by the way. I like it alot, maybe more than just liked it alot and it was only my first listen...this cd will own so hard if the other tracks are like this.[/QUOTE]
The ending of the track is better than the first for sure.

I've been told enough and lead to believe that each track is much more enjoyable in context of the whole album. Since it was split into movements, each section should ultimately be its strongest when together.

I'm doing okay I guess. Just finished exams and was hoping to have this album by now, but no complaints overall.

duckies 12-15-2007 05:32 PM

[QUOTE=GenuineImitation;15688539]Hahaha, I was going to be one back but I couldnt because it was you. I have been up since 7...I had work at 8 and got off at 12. From 12 to 4 I was studying for my accounting final (which is enough to make any sane man want to kill himself) and now Im back at work until 8. I have an hour and a half to go before I go into Manhattan with my girlfriend to meet her sister for the first time.

Anyway, how has life been treating you?

I just listened to a bit of Bloodmeat by the way. I like it alot, maybe more than just liked it alot and it was only my first listen...[B]this cd will own so hard if the other tracks are like this.[/B][/QUOTE]

Exactly. I've been listening to the two new tracks a lot now and they really are so f[I]u[/I]cking great.

I'm gald, in a way, that Fortress won't leak for a long while because it will force me to buy it. I haven't bought a CD in ages and I need to start again. This will be my first for 2008 for sure.

GenuineImitation 12-15-2007 05:36 PM

You just described to me, what I feel makes a perfect album. I can no longer wait for this...Kezia is one of my favorite albums and they seem to be getting better so Im rather excited.

I have 4 finals this week, it will be madness =/

screamin4u2hear 12-15-2007 09:16 PM

Glad you meet folks that love this band as well! I randomly found them one day being bored on the internet and since that time (about 5 months ago) I've been pretty obsessed with Kezia :)

Thanks for the link to the vid.. Bloodmeat is amazing. Just made me even more excited for the albulm.

LifeInABox 12-15-2007 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;15688568]The ending of the track is better than the first for sure.

I've been told enough and lead to believe that each track is much more enjoyable in context of the whole album. Since it was split into movements, each section should ultimately be its strongest when together.

I'm doing okay I guess. Just finished exams and was hoping to have this album by now, but no complaints overall.[/quote]Penis

Dr. Jake Destructo 12-16-2007 12:51 PM

I appreciated Blood Meat far more than any other PTH stuff the first time around.

Static 12-16-2007 01:00 PM

What Jake said.

Bloodmeat has me hooked.

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