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hydraulicsandwich 01-12-2005 11:14 AM

Hydraulic Sandwich


We're hard to label... punk, pop punk, indie, rock... you make the call.

syamin 01-15-2005 04:07 AM

Hey,we're from Singapore,made up of 3 members.. Heres our songs [url]http://www.purevolume.com/unusedvalentine[/url] ..hate or love it,we welcome your constructive comments peeps :thumb: !

CrazyPetToy 01-16-2005 02:17 AM

The name of the band is Another Toy, it's just me a 17 yr old girl playing an acoustic guitar, just for fun mainly. If I had to label it I'd say it's more pop/emo if anything. I've completed a six sing EP entitled, "Post Script."

I was also the lead singer for a semi-political punk band, Half Start. Not much really to say about this except it was fun as hell and it made me appreicehite(sp?) the skill it takes to play the bass guitar lol.

the link for that band is under the Snuffy screen name on the first site.

apromisingyear 01-17-2005 12:12 AM

I'm working on some solo material under my old bands purevolume account.

GO TO: [url]www.purevolume.com/apromisingyear[/url]

Listen to "electric" and "acoustic". I don't have names for them yet so I just gave it those temp. titles. I will be doing a solo (possibly duo) acoustic band and i'm trying to see if it's a wise decision. But any way...go there and listen to those songs.

If the link doesnt work, copy and paste my friend :thumb:

Paul/Borderline 01-18-2005 08:57 AM

I play guitar and do some vocals for Borderline from Manchester UK, Its kinda post hardcore rock check it out [URL=http://www.myspace.com/borderlineband]www.myspace.com/borderlineband[/URL]
We ahev four songs from our new demo online

nixie-stayover-teamer 01-18-2005 12:10 PM

hey, im a first timer here! but anyway, i just wanna plug this really awesome band! STAYOVER


there's only one song of theirs on there, but all their stuff is amazin!

Hope you guys like em!!

Nightvision 01-20-2005 09:22 AM

...am I the only one that noticed the volume of 3-post wonders in this thread?

Goober and the Ghost Chasers 01-22-2005 03:31 AM

Ok my band is a joke band sorta, mainly due to the fact that we tried to combine metal with blues and it works to some extent but I dunno. We get played on community and uni radio around sydney a bit and we're a side project to my other band, The Goober. Its basically me playing bass and yelling and my friend playing guitar. Hes playing hard out lead blues and im just messing around with minor pentatonics and stuff in the back on bass. We dont have drums cause we dont feel like it and we know we're a bit different to anything else that ive seen on here. Anyway id really value anybodies comments...
The address is: [url]www.myspace.com/thetelephones[/url] and we have 2 songs up

Frogger based on the 80s video game
Satans blood is in my Swamp which is a piss take on cheesy metal lyrics
Tell me what you think... thanks all

chris2$mile 01-27-2005 03:00 PM

Paid 2 Smile

We are a female fronted (im a boy, singer, bassist and 2nd guitarist girls) pop-punk band from south east london.


March 29th 'Upstairs at the Garage', next confirmed gig if anyones interested..........

adam.music. 01-27-2005 03:02 PM

Acoustic Emo Punk Progressive

Just recorded these songs.


with love,



BridgeToSolace 01-27-2005 08:07 PM

[QUOTE=adam.music.]Acoustic Emo Punk Progressive

Just recorded these songs.


with love,



Not terribly original, but that's some good stuff, mate. And I like the picture. Cheers.

Jeff K 01-30-2005 07:18 PM

Hey there, check out my band, Westpoint, at:


I'd describe our sound as pretty positive sounding rock music, in the vein of Jimmy Eat World and The Juliana Theory. You should decide for yourself though.

Jason101, seems like you guys have a pretty decent community here. I'll definantly stick around.

Thanks all.

TomDelonge12117 02-02-2005 01:26 PM

What a wicked site, I posted a thread about Koopa and received three pages of compliments and abuse!!! The band now have a fan from the USA visiting their forum. As the thread is now closed I am posting again here.

Koopa are a pop/punk band with three members
Ollie (17) main songwriter, guitarist and singer
Joe (24) songwriter, singer, bass player, producer of recordings and most talkative
Stu (22) Drummer, muso (degree in music performance) and the bands mr reliable (and also Ollie's elder brother).

Can be heard at [url]http://www.purevolume.com/koopa[/url] (very latest recordings)
[url]http://www.koopatheband.com[/url] (other recordings and gigs and pics and stuff)
[url]http://kooparock.proboards32.com/index.cgi?board=general[/url] (forum)

Give it a go and let this thread know what u think :naughty:[/QUOTE]this koopa rocks check it out

Mista John 02-02-2005 02:39 PM

CAKECUTTER from Los Angeles

My name's Mista John, of the LA band CAKECUTTER.

We're a bunch of freaks that play loud, double-drummer fueled rock & roll.

With us, it's all about playing live. Bands shouldn't suck when they hit the stage, but unfortunately, most bands do, especially in LA.

We've recorded our debut EP with the lengendary GEZA-X (Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, The Germs, Primus, Meredith Brooks (!), he's a freak too, so it fit our sound.

You may have heard some of our stuff in Jackass, the Movie (The Cube-Truck Disco segment) or on Wild Boys (featuring Steve-O and Chris "Party Boy" Pontius on MTV). We do a lot of the drum cues on the show, and they have also used a few of our tunes...

Anyway, you can check our stuff out at [url]www.cakecutter.de[/url] and [url]www.myspace.com/cakecutter[/url]

We've toured over to Europe and would love to come to Australia. Of course this means finding a label or business to partner with.

Question: Are there cool indie labels that you know of? post a reply with whom you think are the best/coolest. With us it is not about the majors, we're too freaky for them. We just want to find a company that believes in it's artists, treats them fairly and doesn't bs. We have our passport and want to rock Down Under.

Any replies are appreciated, you can email us direct at [email]cakecutter2001@yahoo.com[/email]


Mista John

adam.music. 02-03-2005 02:56 PM

Acoustic Cover. taking back sunday: cute without the e
do you like taking back sunday?? ......if so!!!

we recorded this acoustic cover of 'cute without the e' last night. check it out...let us know what you think!


with love,



senses187fail 02-04-2005 03:14 PM


punk/pop/emo we arent together ne more but i liked the songs

defkennedys 02-11-2005 04:51 AM

these songs are older but still good, new ones comin soon

jtl900 02-12-2005 03:45 AM

element 94
element 94


if you want to say we suck it's okay i wont hold it against u. if u like us, then great! :D

Sep 02-12-2005 12:25 PM


"Person That You Are" is our newest song and also our best I think.

I am the drummer.

Rufiokicksass 02-17-2005 01:32 AM

Check this Out
hey I am in a band from Seattle called Sibilant.... check us out on purevolume [url]www.purevolume.com/sibilant[/url] and leave comments

Shredfest 02-17-2005 11:52 PM

link doesn't work

Shredfest 02-17-2005 11:54 PM

you guys are pretty **** good.

Sever Child 02-18-2005 10:54 AM

[QUOTE=PDWAB]/me starts off

This is my old band, Risk 26. We were like pop-punk with some heavier stuff. Our singer wasn't very good.


This is my solo stuff, the genres kind of range all over. The quality and the singing isn't too great, but maybe the songs are ok.


not bad

Sever Child 02-18-2005 10:55 AM

not bad

punkrocker_4992 02-18-2005 04:45 PM


this is my favorite band "my chemical romance", its punk for the most part. I suggest Helena, its my fav song, and gerard is HOT when he sings!!!!

ColdFire 02-19-2005 07:46 PM

punkrocker 4992 please leave the forums and never return.

Luxor 02-19-2005 11:36 PM

no u

ColdFire 02-20-2005 05:12 PM

[QUOTE=IhateUsernames]no u[/QUOTE]Die Ryan. You go to hell and you die.

Chimpweasel 02-23-2005 04:24 PM

Hey i'm new, how can i put something up off my band??

Sojh.com 02-23-2005 04:58 PM


Check us out we're wunk rock. we're renouned for our wunkyness

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