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-   -   People who commit suicide are dumbasses (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=323229)

Permanent Solution 04-02-2005 05:53 PM

This thread makes me realize how ignorant the majority of the world is about real depression, just because fake depression and teen angst is very in. It's pretty sad really.

MadBassYo 04-02-2005 06:53 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Prove it? Go for it, Tell me why someone with severe depression is dumbass.[/QUOTE]
because lots of them do drugs

MadBassYo 04-02-2005 06:58 PM

[QUOTE=KKKKKocaine]Prove it? Go for it, Tell me why someone with severe depression is dumbass.[/QUOTE]
Also many depressed people drink, the name itself is a "depressant" so when you're somewhat depressed and you take a depressant, you get more depressed therefore, the person is a dumbass

anticipatious_phoenix 04-02-2005 07:03 PM

They aren't dumbasses. They are alone and insecure and they need help and non one takes it seriously. It's a disease. Most people hide it well or let it go untreatred. Sure suicide is selfish and all that but who is completely selfless? No one.

Permanent Solution 04-02-2005 07:18 PM

[QUOTE=MadBassYo]because lots of them do drugs[/QUOTE]
That's the worst argument I've ever heard. Lots of non-depressed people do drugs too, how about this, we label drug users dumbasses and you find a reason why depressed people should be in their own category.

Also, there is research to prove the contrary, just for everyone's information. Above average people are more likely to have lower seratonin levels and real depression.

i like arab girls 04-02-2005 07:19 PM

[QUOTE=Nra4ever_17]Oh yeah, forgot to add something. As someone who has been suicidal, I hope you choke.[/QUOTE] I almost died choking on a doughnut, happy now? The point of this thread is to change suicidal people's minds, not insult them.

GreyHam 04-02-2005 07:34 PM

not that anyone will read my post, but...

a lot of people (the threadstarter included) seem to have the idea that people who commt suicide dont have valid reaons. there doing it for the sake of it, or because their feeling emo. stop and think a minute - think about how bad life CAN actually be. for some people, life is too painful. its lost its merit, everythingprecious about it. this can happen for so many reasons but calling someone a dumbass cos theyre in too much emotional pain to carry on is just harsh

im well aware of the grief it causes the family and friends. trust me - ive been through it. but when someones suffering in life, dont you think that taking 'the easy way out' is at the end of the day their own choice? and who are you to judge them (generalising all people who commit suicide like you have done just shows your ignorance)

StreetlightRock 04-02-2005 07:48 PM

[quote]The point of this thread is to change suicidal people's minds, not insult them.[/quote]

Oh. I suppose 'dumbass' is a nice happy word then, and not an insult. :rolleyes:


Nra4ever_17 04-02-2005 09:21 PM

[QUOTE=MadBassYo]Also many depressed people drink, the name itself is a "depressant" so when you're somewhat depressed and you take a depressant, you get more depressed therefore, the person is a dumbass[/QUOTE]

That's not what depressant means in that context. It means "depress" in more of the sense that you depress a button when you push it. I'm sure you've seen tons of laughing, happy people who are high on weed, which is also a depressant as it slows you down.

cbiggz5 04-02-2005 09:39 PM

People commit suicide because they don't pray enough and they listen to rock music, the sad thing is I've actually heard this argument.

gregulus 04-02-2005 10:00 PM

Don't be an ignorant fool. There are the ones who do attempt suicide as a cry for attention. The ones who cut themselves, etc. There are also those who you would NEVER expect to do anything like that, and one day...they do. Don't talk about something you know nothing about. Until suicide has been close to you or someone you care about very deeply you will not know.

Samuel 04-02-2005 11:05 PM

[QUOTE=PoWaToM] does it even cross your mind for one minute, that people are capable of deciding what they do and when they do it, regardless of how much of a certain chemical is in their blood?[/QUOTE]
Well, since many of our neural interactions are controlled by chemicals, I would say no. The chemicals which control the electronic impulses in your brain essentially are what makes your thought. You cannot seperate what seems to be mere chemical interactions from the higher order human functions. Does it even cross your mind for a second that a car would be able to run without an engine, wheels, a steering wheel and gasoline?

Dude3 04-02-2005 11:08 PM

Dude, that Metalhead guy's life would make me really go over the edge. Wow! I've really never heard of a situation that bad. Luckily, nothing has really happened to me. My dog died, and my mom thought that she might have cancer, but she didn't. Even, if my life was that bad though, I don't think I could kill myself. I'd probably take my rage out on someone else.

And, there are definately reasons to commit suicide. Yes, its selfish, but its your life. If you are depressed to the point of wanting to kill yourself, I don't think other people's love for you will really matter. And, if you were that depressed, and there was no way out, suicide actually makes sense. But the fact is, there usually is a way out. Just move to your dream location, and live life to your fullest. If you want to be in a band(a lot of people's dreams), you can always find a way. Just do whatever it takes, to get out of depression.

Though, if you have chemical imbalances in you, there lies problems.

spitfirejunky 04-03-2005 02:00 AM

[QUOTE=PerpetualBurn]Of course suicide is selfish. Nobody commits suicide for someone else, do they?

They don't kill themself in order to help someone else (or at least it can't happen very often).

The point is, that they only do it because they feel that there is no one there to care about them. The depression has drawn them to the point at which they can no longer bear the pain. That is an incredible feeling, I'm sure.

They simply do not believe that they can be of high enough consequence to someone elses life to be worthy of living. So yes, it is a selfish act, but these are people who do not believe that anyone will (despite the reality) actually miss them enough to want to stay alive.

Selfish or not, genuinely suicidal people deserve our sympathy alongside any support that we can offer.[/QUOTE]

I typed up this long post until I decided to read the rest of the thread and found this one.


Aus_rock_god 04-03-2005 02:46 AM

[QUOTE=i like arab girls]I think it's funny how you see all these teens now who bitch that "Oh, I have no one, I want to die." or ask "What would happen if I died?" and all the other ****. People who say that **** should be slapped. Or just put them in a room with a gun or knife or on a high building where they can kill thereselves and watch them change their mind. Then they'll realize how precious life is.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I've known 7 people who have killed themselves, 3 of them close friends, and none of them were dumbasses.
When you get that depressed that you want to die, it's for a reason. Most of those reasons have to do with other people treating them disgracefully.
It's the people who treat others indignatly who are the dumbasses.

And you can go f*ck yourself, arsehole.

Anarchick 04-03-2005 08:41 AM

i have to completly agree with u i suffer from Clinical depression i don't want to i just do...not only that my mom suffers from it too...i also have a friend who tried to kill herself a couple months ago....so i think ppl should shut up about oh ppl who try to kill themself are dumbasses thing cause until u suffer from depression *which i was on medication but it made it worse, so now i'm off* u shouldn't speak at all, cause u have no clue what day-to-day life is for ppl who do!

KKKKKocaine 04-03-2005 09:44 AM

[QUOTE=MadBassYo]because lots of them do drugs[/QUOTE]

I don't do drugs.

Wow, that was my shortest pwning ever.

Also many depressed people drink, the name itself is a "depressant" so when you're somewhat depressed and you take a depressant, you get more depressed therefore, the person is a dumbass[/QUOTE]

Oddly enough, chocolate cheers you up, then brings you down. Are depressed people who eat chocolate dumbasses?

Oddly enough, I don't drink either.

You make no sense, you don't understand the reasons behind depression.

[QUOTE]People commit suicide because they don't pray enough and they listen to rock music.[/QUOTE]

I blame Slipknot.

PerpetualBurn 04-03-2005 11:19 AM

There seems to be a lot of focus on clinical depression, but the sufferers should also appreciate that suicide isn't always the cause of a chemical imbalance.

Some people are just forced to the point that suicide actually seems like the reasonable choice. I hope I never have to understand the thought process that leads you to that conclusion, but sometimes suicide can seem logically justifiable, not just be the product of a chemical imbalance.

If anything, that's worse. The fact that a healthy, sane person can be driven to the point of wanting to kill themselves worries me immensely.

Also, I find it ironic that the more developed a country becomes, the higher its suicide rate becomes. Amazing, the comforts of technology, isn't it?

Alive 04-03-2005 11:41 AM

[QUOTE=Independent_CA]Up yours.

You go through really deep depression and/or some kind of major tragedy in your life and see how you feel.[/QUOTE]

I fail to understand how killing yourself will improve things. Everything generally seems better at a later time, I seem to find.

RouteOne 04-03-2005 11:50 AM

Lets say I have just seen my whole family slaughtered in front of me. I will obviously have flashbacks and severe depression afterwards. Now to all of you who think people with depression are "dumbasses", do you think I need to "suck it up" and stop feeling sad?

Slash4040 04-03-2005 12:04 PM

[QUOTE=Anarchick]i have to completly agree with u i suffer from Clinical depression i don't want to i just do...not only that my mom suffers from it too...i also have a friend who tried to kill herself a couple months ago....so i think ppl should shut up about oh ppl who try to kill themself are dumbasses thing cause until u suffer from depression *which i was on medication but it made it worse, so now i'm off* u shouldn't speak at all, cause u have no clue what day-to-day life is for ppl who do![/QUOTE]
i r teen-e bopper hoo spell 3 letr word wit 1 2, i r sad, i tyrd o stuf, u dun no wtf iz goin on her, my bf lef me n i r sad, i no live no more, i yooz my "clinical depression" az n x-cse 4 my winin!

RouteOne 04-03-2005 12:08 PM

[QUOTE=Slash4040]i r teen-e bopper hoo spell 3 letr word wit 1 2, i r sad, i tyrd o stuf, u dun no wtf iz goin on her, my bf lef me n i r sad, i no live no more, i yooz my "clinical depression" az n x-cse 4 my winin![/QUOTE]

anticipatious_phoenix 04-03-2005 12:10 PM

My great aunt had breat cancer that spread to her entire body and she told the doctors to not help her. I mean, it's suicide in a way but there is no reason to help prolong death. You shouldn't.

My mother, grandmother and I are all depressed. I tried to kill myself a couple of times and obviously they didn't work. Both times I was 13. But I don't think there is a day that goes by where I don't think about speeding into a brick wall. But I am able to control myself. Sure everyone needs a little therapy. People need help and no one is willing to help them because they are making stupid arguments such as "they do drugs" or "they are a teenager" or "they want attention". Your ignorance is appalling.

anticipatious_phoenix 04-03-2005 12:11 PM



Slash4040 04-03-2005 12:17 PM

I've thought about it, but anyone who actually does it is retarded.

Magicaltroll 04-03-2005 12:19 PM

I'm at a pretty low time right now... I feel like "ending it" alot of times, but I tend to try and block things from my mind. Like when somehting bad happens... I go for a walk and jsut think about it, and try to think how things could be better.

and Kocaine, I think you need to calm down a bit man, I mean, you have some really good points, but you sounding like a major ******* makes them sound really dumb.

And my "low time" right now, isn't really for a reason. I don't know, I jsut feel down all the time, I don't have fun playing guitar and stuff anymore. WhenI used to love playing guitar, now its just lost its fun. I don't know.
I wanna go to a doctor or something, but we're kinda broke and my mom has enough stuff goin on, so I don't wanna bug her.

anticipatious_phoenix 04-03-2005 12:20 PM

I don't think that's a good argument. I mean, is there a point to living? No not really. You spend everyday working for the machine and trying to make a living and do what you like, only to end up dead anyway. Killing yourself is just cheating. Forgive my being cynical.

thedeadwalk! 04-03-2005 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=anticipatious_phoenix]I don't think that's a good argument. I mean, is there a point to living? No not really. You spend everyday working for the machine and trying to make a living and do what you like, only to end up dead anyway. Killing yourself is just cheating. Forgive my being cynical.[/QUOTE]
What you need is a revolution.

Stevie 04-03-2005 12:25 PM

What? Dare you call Dead a dumbass?

KKKKKocaine 04-03-2005 01:50 PM

[QUOTE=Slash4040]i r teen-e bopper hoo spell 3 letr word wit 1 2, i r sad, i tyrd o stuf, u dun no wtf iz goin on her, my bf lef me n i r sad, i no live no more, i yooz my "clinical depression" az n x-cse 4 my winin![/QUOTE]

Wow. You are really smart.
Try making a point next time instead of showing ignorance and inability.

and Kocaine, I think you need to calm down a bit man, I mean, you have some really good points, but you sounding like a major ******* makes them sound really dumb.[/QUOTE]

Sorry but it's a combination of,
A) Being suicidal when I wrote those things
B) Having done threads like this before full of ignorant children with about as many valid points as a Nazi support rally.

I'm calm now though.
Sorry. :)

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