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Iron Bars 11-02-2007 12:42 PM

[QUOTE=oracrest;15488738]a lot of love for Circle Takes the Square. Thats awesome to hear![/QUOTE]

Great band, but what ever happened to them. last I heard they were looking for a new drummer but that was a couple of years ago.

2muchket! 11-02-2007 12:52 PM

Orchid are ****ing amazing.

i am the robots 11-02-2007 12:56 PM

[QUOTE=Iron Bars;15488914]Great band, but what ever happened to them. last I heard they were looking for a new drummer but that was a couple of years ago.[/QUOTE]
They're just chilling and playing shows at the moment. They have a few new songs written, but I don't know about any plans for a new CD.

Eliminator 11-02-2007 12:57 PM

i have a ctts shirt and i dont even like them that much anymore

i am the robots 11-02-2007 01:01 PM

Well aren't you cool.
[QUOTE=Tyr;15488839]I must confess that I know very little about screamo. Where should I start?[/QUOTE]
I'd say Yaphet Kotto, Amanda Woodward, and Hot Cross are good bands to start with... they're a lot less noisy than most screamo.

2muchket! 11-02-2007 01:07 PM

Hmm I'm not overly keen on CttS.

As The Roots Undo is pretty good none the less.

oracrest 11-02-2007 01:26 PM

[QUOTE=Iron Bars;15488914]Great band, but what ever happened to them. last I heard they were looking for a new drummer but that was a couple of years ago.[/QUOTE]

I know they had lost their original drummer a few years back, and they had a new guy when I saw them a few SXSW's ago. They are touring now, so they must have found a new guy.

pixiesfanyo 11-02-2007 01:47 PM

This thread has only consisted of people saying Off Minor is really good and GO LISTEN TO GOSPEL.

Basically, I'll help break it down..

If you want to get a relatively strong grasp on what the emo/screamo genre is actually about I'd say go back to the original few bands that started it and grab a few albums by them. This would include stuff like:

Essentially the influences of the emo/screamo were post-hardcore bands that while sounding similar are more focused on adding a extreme melodic sound to their music.
Good early post-hardcore records are pretty well renowned records like:
Embrace - [I]Embrace[/I]
Fugazi - [I]13 Songs[/I]
Drive Like Jehu - [I]S/T[/I]

All of these post hardcore records essentially capture the sonic half of "emotional hardcore" but the blistering vocals that Guy would make present with Rites of Spring would be far off the radar of most post-hardcore bands. "1st Wave Emo" can be explored with such bands as..

Rites of Spring - [I]End on End[/I]
Gray Matter - [I]Take it Back[/I]
Rain - [I]La Vache Qui Rit [/I]

After the initial D.C. wave, we have a couple of bands that start taking up the blossoming ideas of the post-rock and math rock genres and add them to emo.. therefore making some kind of dynamically effective "emotional hardcore". City of Caterpillar was basically biting alot of these bands when they released their classic LP.

Moss Icon - [I]Lyburnum [/I]
Indian Summer - [I]Discography[/I]
Maximillian Colby -[I] Discography[/I]

Also during the early '90s "emotional hardcore" started making strong pushes into extremely aggressive hardcore almost similar to power violence but really not as sludgy. Bands that really pushed for this include..

Navio Forge - [I]As We Quietly Burn A Hole Into [/I]
Policy of 3 - [I]Dead Dog Summer[/I]
Guyver One - [I]S/T 7"[/I]

Finally the rise of the midwest scene was another effect of the early '90s with bands like Cap'n Jazz fusing a heavy melodic sound with the aggression of the "emotional hardcore" scene.

Cap'n Jazz - [I]Analphabetapolothology [/I]
Boys Life -[I] Boys Life [/I]
Ethel Meserve - [I]The Milton Abandonment[/I]

After these initial splitting of ideas we have the aggressive sounds of Navio Forge and such start paving way for the entire gravity records sound which consists of bands like..

Heroin - [I]Heroin [/I]
Swing Kids - [I]Discography[/I]
Angel Hair - [I]Pregnant with the Senior Class[/I]

From these gravity records bands come the "internet sauvy" bands or essentially most of the bands that have helped really make "emotional hardcore" popular.

Orchid - [I]Chaos is Me[/I]
Saetia - [I]Discography[/I]
Jerome's Dream - [I]Discography[/I]

Once again you have bands building on the genre that Orchid and Saetia have laid out and making it even more eclectic. City of Caterpillar brings back the post-rock influence of old and uses GYBE as the template. Where as Hot Cross starts expanding the vocabulary of what emo can be.

City of Caterpillar - City of Caterpillar
Hot Cross - Cyronics
Gospel - The Moon is a Dead World

Finally the emerging european sound steals from Envy's strong post-rock/post-hardcore backing and merges it with the aggressiveness of emotional hardcore.

Daitro - [I]Laisser vivre les squelettes [/I]
Sed Non Satiata - [I]Le ciel de notre enfance[/I]
Mihai Edrisch - [I]Un Jour Sans Lendemain [/I]

thats basically it.

pixiesfanyo 11-02-2007 01:51 PM

[B][U]My Personal Top Ten Emo/Screamo Records:[/U][/B]
Off Minor - The Heat Death Of The Universe
Off Minor - Cadaveric
In my opinion the best emo band that has ever existed. Combining early Fugazi like hardcore with the technical side of modern day emo, Off Minor is one of a kind.

Gospel - The Moon Is A Dead World
Progged out screamo produced by Kurt Ballou of Converge fame. A ridiculously original and stoned view of hardcore.

Ampere - All Our Tomorrows End Today
Orchid breaking up was certainly a blow to the hardcore scene as a whole but due to the creation of Ampere because of that split, I can't say I'm that upset. This is one of the fastest and most technical performances of music I've ever heard regardless of genre.

Navio Forge - As We Quietly Burn A Hole Into
Early emo that basically was the best version of its time. Haloed Eyes is quite possibly the finest hardcore song ever written and the vocal performance on this album is one of the best in emo history.

Ten Grand - This Is The Way To Rule
Midwest emo that had a singer who literally sounded like he was going to break down after every performance. The success to this album is the casual influence of post-punk in the guitar playing that At the Drive-In would use to gain their notorious popularity.

Jerome's Dream - Completed
This band is ridiculous. If you don't know them, **** you.

Guyver-One - 7"
Basically, Grandmaster Flash plus Indian Summer.

Mesa Verde - [I]Amor Fati[/I]
Excellent blend of clean tones, the euro sound, and some instrumental post rock. Vocals are passionate, lyrics are excellent, and overall just a great screamo record from a little known band.

Birds Are Spies, They Report To The Trees - 7"
The continual development of the Cap'n Jazz sound is brought to its epitome on this Norway based band's second release.

2muchket! 11-02-2007 01:51 PM

I'd go with with most of that actually.

pixiesfanyo 11-02-2007 01:52 PM

Of course this isn't all the "emotional hardcore" out there. If you really dig any of this stuff you should search around and find some records that personally relate to you. Its a fantastic genre, and probably the most solid in my opinion in terms of creative work.

2muchket! 11-02-2007 01:59 PM

Yeah. I see the lack of Ocrhids in your top 10.

Not a fan ?

pixiesfanyo 11-02-2007 02:01 PM

I just think Jerome's Dream did their sound better.

Plus I like Ampere more and they came out of that break up.

i am the robots 11-02-2007 02:03 PM

Thanks pixies.

Txus 11-02-2007 02:36 PM

I've been listening to a lot of Drive Like Jehu lately, one of the greatest bands ever. Also in constant play I've had Comadre, Sinaloa and Raein.

Btw, a friend of mine gave me her copy of La Quiete and Louise Cyphre split, it's ****ing awesome.

RetiredAt21 11-02-2007 02:41 PM

[QUOTE=i am the robots;15488967]Well aren't you cool.

I'd say Yaphet Kotto, Amanda Woodward, and Hot Cross are good bands to start with... they're a lot less noisy than most screamo.[/QUOTE]

Yaphet Kotto is awesome. The song "Torn Pictures" is so ****ing good.

i am the robots 11-02-2007 02:43 PM

My favorite by them is probably Circumstantial Evidence, but yeah, Torn Pictures is damn good.

team_racket 11-02-2007 03:11 PM

[QUOTE=Txus;15489347]I've been listening to a lot of Drive Like Jehu lately, one of the greatest bands ever. Also in constant play I've had Comadre, Sinaloa and Raein.

Btw, a friend of mine gave me her copy of La Quiete and Louise Cyphre split, it's ****ing awesome.[/QUOTE]

the split is immense, la quiete are beautiful. check out their last 7''. good call on comadre too.

thanks to pixies for putting all that up too.

Tyr 11-02-2007 03:46 PM

Thanks, Mappy and pixies. I'll check some of those out.

Eliminator 11-02-2007 09:33 PM

funeral diner

StreetlightRock 11-02-2007 09:53 PM

needed to have a better drummer.

okay 11-02-2007 09:58 PM

so good

edit: are you trying to be ironic

StreetlightRock 11-02-2007 10:17 PM

Was i trying to be sarcastic? No. I just think that because the Funeral Diner relied so heavily upon heavy/soft dynamics, the soft parts really needed the drums to just add just that extra layer of awesomeness, a la City of Caterpillar. I don't think the drums are bad at all - i reckon there damn good - but i think they could have been even [I]better[/I], not technically even, but just playing to fit the songs more appropriately. But I'm being stupidly picky here, and its just a thought i had on the train the other day while listening to the Underdark =)

Eliminator 11-02-2007 10:18 PM

yeah but u c city of caterpillar aren't that good

StreetlightRock 11-02-2007 10:20 PM

yeah but u c u smell funny

Eliminator 11-02-2007 10:21 PM


Apocalyptic Raids 11-03-2007 06:14 AM

mappy I think you should edit pixies' posts into your first post.

Iron Bars 11-03-2007 06:37 AM

[QUOTE=oracrest;15489077]I know they had lost their original drummer a few years back, and they had a new guy when I saw them a few SXSW's ago. They are touring now, so they must have found a new guy.[/QUOTE]

I hope they'll release some new material soon then.

RetiredAt21 11-03-2007 11:28 AM

I'm listening to Neil Perry right now. I love this band.

Neoteric 11-03-2007 11:38 AM

[QUOTE=Eliminator;15490892]yeah but u c city of caterpillar aren't that good[/QUOTE]Hey look, we agree.

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