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christsimpson 08-12-2011 07:59 AM

Renoise is a million times better than FLS.

Ventriloquist 08-12-2011 08:16 AM

windows sound recorder or gtfo

Haz 08-12-2011 09:15 AM

[QUOTE=Morumbar;18612948]One of those days when I wonder why I'm still here.[/QUOTE]

on MX or in general

Morumbar 08-12-2011 09:47 AM

If it weren't for MX I'd just be lying in bed all day.

gilmoregirls 08-12-2011 09:51 AM

get a hobby

Jev 08-12-2011 09:52 AM

not a bad day

xMalcolmXx 08-12-2011 09:53 AM


always thought this intro was really awkward pop influenced

gilmoregirls 08-12-2011 09:54 AM

my days are pretty okay atm

i like my current cycle of sleeping during the afternoon

christsimpson 08-12-2011 10:03 AM

[QUOTE=Morumbar;18612999]If it weren't for MX I'd just be lying in bed all day.[/QUOTE]

this sounds alarming

someone send the thread 2 morumbar's mom

Haz 08-12-2011 10:06 AM

[QUOTE=Morumbar;18612999]If it weren't for MX I'd just be lying in bed all day.[/QUOTE]

how can a guy with an awesome accent like yours be so unmotivated?

xMalcolmXx 08-12-2011 10:07 AM

lately ive been sleep walking a lot and last night i woke up in a daze at like 5:45 am and thought i had to ring people out of some checkout line that didnt exist so i turned my computer to scan their groceries but realized that didnt make sense so i turned it off but was still worried that i'd get fired for letting people walk out without paying

stuff like this has been happening nightly but its cool because it gives me something to think about in the day

Morumbar 08-12-2011 10:08 AM

Lol, my Dutch or English accent?

GottaPost 08-12-2011 10:08 AM

how could you lie in bed when theres so much posting to be done

Haz 08-12-2011 10:09 AM

english, don't think i've heard you speak dutch

I would give my left leg to talk like that (well, maybe not but y'know what I mean)

Haz 08-12-2011 10:11 AM

As the Bear Culture has matured, it has subdivided itself, and many claim that discrimination has increased within the Bear community as some men who self-identify as "Bears" or "Musclebears" do not welcome higher-bodyfat men (see Chub) at their events. A common criticism of the Bear community is that some self-described Bears tend to exclude men who do not fit their standards of what a "real Bear" is. Fat (or lack of it) is a political issue among Bears, some of whom see their overweight condition as a form of self-acceptance. Some also note a lack of racial diversity in the Bear community, perceiving hirsuteness to be a standard of physical attractiveness that genetically favors white men aesthetically, socially, and sexually among Bears.[1] However, what appears as racial discrimination to some may be a result of the fact that, in the Bear context in which hairiness is prized, Native Americans, African peoples, East Asians, and Pacific Islanders, among others, tend to have less facial and body hair than men of Caucasian descent.

The AIDS devastation in San Francisco accelerated the generation gap between older and younger Bear-identified men, peaking in the early 1990s, with few connections that survived between the two. Some older survivors claim that the current Bear culture has become "shallow and catty," which is also their common criticism of mainstream gay culture. The allegation is that the younger Bear community no longer reflects the culture's original function as a social alternative for primarily rural and blue-collar, traditionally masculine gay men. Moreover, the proliferation of Bear pageants and their title winners ("sash bears") runs contrary to the early Bear community's identification with and admiration for raw, unself-conscious masculinity.

Morumbar 08-12-2011 10:13 AM

[QUOTE=Haz;18613032]don't think i've heard you speak dutch[/QUOTE]


Translation: [url]http://www.box.net/shared/xqzb1see0gab951tn53n[/url]

Here's another classic quote:

gilmoregirls 08-12-2011 10:14 AM

idk calling yourself a bear isnt really unself conscious masculinity

Haz 08-12-2011 10:16 AM


Translation: [url]http://www.box.net/shared/xqzb1see0gab951tn53n[/url]

Here's another classic quote:

oh right lol

Drugstep 08-12-2011 10:34 AM

[QUOTE=Haz;18612918]it has clearly defined rules and boundaries

what if associated artists want to evolve to renoise or something[/QUOTE]

there's totally no boundaries if you know what you're doing man

Stevie 08-12-2011 10:54 AM

8 pro plus tablets + 8 beers = ?

yeah i know WILD im like blockhead level of junkie

gilmoregirls 08-12-2011 11:15 AM

playing guitar is boring

GottaPost 08-12-2011 11:16 AM

everything is boring

SlightlyEpic 08-12-2011 11:19 AM

after having tried everything ever in the whole entire universe i can confirm that

illmitch 08-12-2011 11:19 AM

gonna take a modern art history class

Haz 08-12-2011 11:22 AM

been writing guitars for my album

i'm sort of restricted to root note melodies and chords

GottaPost 08-12-2011 11:23 AM

nah just kidding most everything is pretty cool by me

Drugstep 08-12-2011 11:23 AM

working on my album as well

I finished that ballad I showed you a few weeks ago, now I'm working on an industrial remix

SlightlyEpic 08-12-2011 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=GottaPost;18613152]nah just kidding most everything is pretty cool by me[/QUOTE]

dude you can't just back out of saying something like that :(

gilmoregirls 08-12-2011 11:25 AM

albums are stupid bands should just release 1 minute unfinished songs and tell their fans to go FUCK THEMSELFS

illmitch 08-12-2011 11:25 AM

only problem is its gonna be offered at 10 AM on friday, which could be rough

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