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SubtleDagger 07-14-2005 07:21 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I was ten. What do you expect? I assure you, it is much much higher now. I would even bet on it. I think 140 is more than reasonable. But as stated already, I believe I'm higher than that.[/QUOTE]
I was 135 at about 8. And I still am. I doubt you're any higher than where you were intially tested.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:23 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]No, it means IQ's don't change 20 points in two years. That is a drastic change in a very short amount of time.

Not to mention, as he said, IQ tests at 7 years have been shown to be in the correct range straight on into adulthood.

And of course, I must mention that you know next to nothing about science and love to discount everything about it, and yet you're relying on a scientific test to prove how "intelligent" you are.[/QUOTE]

This would be a lot better discussion face to face. There are certain pros to actually talking to someone as opposed to posting on a message board. If I could take an IQ test now, I would. I am not in position to do so now, but when I am, I would be glad to post the results. Even if they were low. I had the brain activity of a 5 year old when I was 2, but don't pay any attention to that either. Just throwing it out there, I'm aware I probably look a bigger idiot for putting that in here.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:23 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]I was 135 at about 8. And I still am. I doubt you're any higher than where you were intially tested.[/QUOTE]

I am predicting a 150. 135 is high. But I believe beyond all doubt that I am better than that.

SubtleDagger 07-14-2005 07:24 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]This would be a lot better discussion face to face. There are certain pros to actually talking to someone as opposed to posting on a message board. If I could take an IQ test now, I would. I am not in position to do so now, but when I am, I would be glad to post the results. Even if they were low. I had the brain activity of a 5 year old when I was 2, but don't pay any attention to that either. Just throwing it out there, I'm aware I probably look a bigger idiot for putting that in here.[/QUOTE]
You're full of sh[b][i][/b][/i]it. If you can't debate on a message board than don't debate at all, don't use your lack of arguing skills as a crutch for ignoring people.

SubtleDagger 07-14-2005 07:25 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I am predicting a 150. 135 is high. But I believe beyond all doubt that I am better than that.[/QUOTE]
I guess it's difficult for you to understand that your beliefs don't mean anything.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:26 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]I guess it's difficult for you to understand that your beliefs don't mean anything.[/QUOTE]

Subtle ruined my joke. :upset:

denboy 07-14-2005 07:27 PM

IQ tests take your age into consideration, so if you had 110 in it, when you were ten, then you still have 110

SubtleDagger 07-14-2005 07:28 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Yes. It is hard difficult. Wait? What?[/QUOTE]
I think you missed the boat on that cutting insult.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:30 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]I think you missed the boat on that cutting insult.[/QUOTE]

You were wrong Subtle.

When I take the test, I'll let you know how it goes. If I am lower than you say you are, I will make my title "SubtleDagger beats me in IQ" or something like that. Just to suggest your superior intellect. I still doubt you're higher than I am.

denboy 07-14-2005 07:31 PM

I seriously doubt someone without a grasp of his native tounge would have an iq of 150

SubtleDagger 07-14-2005 07:31 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]You were wrong Subtle.

When I take the test, I'll let you know how it goes. If I am lower than you say you are, I will make my title "SubtleDagger beats me in IQ" or something like that. Just to suggest your superior intellect. I still doubt you're higher than I am.[/QUOTE]
I'd settle for you showing me your original tests on here, where you supposedly jumped twenty points.

I guess I'm not going to see those, am I?

Riva 07-14-2005 07:35 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I don't think they should remove evolution from the classroom. I think it should be taught with a grain of salt rather than the truth. I think religion should be taught in depth, but also with a grain of salt. [/quote]

In Australian school's, both science and religion are taught as truth in primary school. The education system trusts students to use there brain and work out what they believe in.

From kindergarten on, I've been told that the dinosaurs were peace loving creatures, and that Disney propaganda was accurate in that if they were still here, we'd be best of friends.

And when I was young, I thought Pooh bears were real, and that the movie Pete and the Dragon was definitive proof of the existance of Dragons and Wyverns. However, now that I am all grown-up, I hardly use Disney "propaganda" as a basis for my system of beliefs.

As I got older, I learned there was a whole science behind it and dinosaurs began to lose there innocence. Now dinosaurs are a burden on me. To even hear the suggestion brings back the horrible memories and when I see that there are thousands of species of dinosaurs, and books upon books explaining the science behind these dinosaurs, I am sickened. [/quote]

Science makes you sick? What kind of moron are you? I mean, grow up. The computer you use to broadcast your stupidity has loads of science behind it. Does that make you sick also?

The education system can teach you nothing. You can only teach yourself. When you begin to understand that some teachers do lie, some teachers do use propaganda, and some teachers even brainwash, you will understand anything your beloved teacher says is to be questioned.[/QUOTE]

I questioned everything my science teachers AND my religion teacher taught me. My science teachers would listen to my queries, discuss the theory with me, and direct me to any relevant sources. They shaped my mind into a thinking, inquiring ball of muscle.

All I ever got for questioning "the word of God" was a slap on the wrist, detention, or lines.

I know which teacher I'd accuse of brainwashing...

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:35 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]I'd settle for you showing me your original tests on here, where you supposedly jumped twenty points.

I guess I'm not going to see those, am I?[/QUOTE]

I don't even have them. Look, I'm getting a job pretty soon. I'll see what I can put together. When I take a test and get the results, I will post them no matter how high or low. You might not like waiting. I don't want to wait to know. But I will see what I can put together. That's the best I can do.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:39 PM

[QUOTE=HeavyRiva]All I ever got for questioning "the word of God" was a slap on the wrist, detention, or lines.[/QUOTE]

I agree with almost everything you posted. No argument here. But this statement. "The Word of God." People don't understand. If you questioned, it should have been answered. The so-called Christians who stirred you away will be punished along with the non-Believers. A true Christian wouldn't do the things you say. The only time you should be chastised for questioning the Word is if you were being a smart *** in doing so. Not condoning what they did, but suggesting that for the punishment given, there should have been at least some insolence shown.

Riva 07-14-2005 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I agree with almost everything you posted. No argument here. But this statement. "The Word of God." People don't understand. If you questioned, it should have been answered. The so-called Christians who stirred you away will be punished along with the non-Believers. A true Christian wouldn't do the things you say. The only time you should be chastised for questioning the Word is if you were being a smart *** in doing so. Not condoning what they did, but suggesting that for the punishment given, there should have been at least some insolence shown.[/QUOTE]

I questioned quite a few things, but I was sent to the principal's office for questioning why Jesus had promoted equality, then raised 12 men to a higher status by making them his "favoured" ones. I was probably 10 at the time.

Volumnius Flush 07-14-2005 07:50 PM

[QUOTE=HeavyRiva]I questioned quite a few things, but I was sent to the principal's office for questioning why Jesus had promoted equality, then raised 12 men to a higher status by making them his "favoured" ones. I was probably 10 at the time.[/QUOTE]

And it all depends on your attitude. From the way you tell your story, it sounds like you just didn't understand or you wanted a better explanation. But equally you could have just been testing them and trying to be a dick, If it was the former, then I am sorry you suffered that. Those people are not good Christians, if Christians at all. If it's the latter, I would say that they may be in the right, but there would still be better ways than punishment. They could have answered your questions or debated you. I see a lot of "Christians" with disrespectful attitudes like that.

the_uber_penguin 07-15-2005 06:16 AM

[QUOTE=Liberi]Disney has never created a movie with dinosaurs in it. The only kids Dinosaur movie was The Land Before Time which is made by Universal and portrays dinosaurs as both peaceful and violent..[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Liberi]It shows the herbivores as peaceful creatures that just want peace, it shows creatures like the T-Rex and Velociraptor as violent and harmful.

According to science this portrayal is pretty da[b][i][/i][/b]mn accurate.[/QUOTE]

Debatable, but this was probably the herbivores point of view.

[QUOTE=Liberi]Also as Trivium said, movies like The Land Before Time are just entertainment for little kids, not meant to be an accurate portrayal of prehistoric life.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I'm afraid, VF, if you feel hurt by the fact the watered down version of things that [i]has[/i] to be made in order to make things pallateble to kids was wrong and are offended by that, you are showing that you are stuck in the past; that you preffered life living in a bubble. Many Christians take the word of the Bible so seriously because of this bubble, and unknowingly shut out the real world around them, because they think it's scary.

Well, the real world is scary, but it's the world that's relevent, and its the world you live in. Sooner or later, this bubble will have to be burst and the longer you wait to let that happen, the harder you'll fall.

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Cain elementary for kinderarten and 1st grade. You know how they have the toys and friendly pictures as to not scare the children? And then Disney made movies to show that dinosaurs are our friends. Only the herbivore dinosaurs though.[/QUOTE]

I don't agree with that. The dinosaur sequence in Fantasia scared the poopers out of me!

Der Übermensch 07-15-2005 08:22 AM

I have a question for VF.
At what point does "real" recorded history end?

I think we can all agree that the middle ages happened, that the roman empire existed. But when does it stop?
You obviously don't believe Dino's roamed the earth 100 Million years ago, how about the various creatures that existed 2 million years ago? How about the neanderthals and wooly mammoths 40,000? The city of Ur, in mesopatamia 6000 years ago?
At what point does recorded history cease to be real, and the book of Genesis take precedence?

Edit: haha... I just noticed that not only did VF get a ban, but his post count is 1[I]666[/I].

Simon__Thats_All 07-15-2005 09:04 AM

My God this kid infuriates me. I started off in this thread trying to have a civilised debate with someone who was obviously misguided. It turns out that I'm arguing with an arrogant brat, who's 3 years younger than me and who thinks a 110 IQ is something to be proud of. "Never get in an argument with a moron - They'll bring you down to their level, then destroy you with experience." The quote is something like that. I've taken various IQ tests, though admittadly none were done 1 on 1 professionally, and the scores are generally around the 130-140 mark. Well... It used to ;) Before reading this thread I'd agree with everyone saying your IQ doesn't just jump around, but I think this thread has succeeded in making me significantly dumber.

Der Übermensch 07-15-2005 09:12 AM

well, 110 is above the average for the US... (I dont think its even 100).

70 is legaly retarded, 140 is genius (top 1%). I average out between 140-150 when ever I have taken em :thumb:

Simon__Thats_All 07-15-2005 09:22 AM

[QUOTE=Das Übermensch]well, 110 is above the average for the US... (I dont think its even 100).

70 is legaly retarded, 140 is genius (top 1%). I average out between 140-150 when ever I have taken em :thumb:[/QUOTE]
US must be dumb. Average I've heard is more like 109. 140 isn't [I]that[/I] great here. Granted it's intelligent, but my mate and his dad both took proper IQ tests together and he scored a few points less than his dad, but still in the 160 vacinity. Granted he's a pretty cluey guy. But still, Those stats are very different to what little experience I have with IQ..

rekker 07-15-2005 09:37 AM

[QUOTE=Das Übermensch]well, 110 is above the average for the US... (I dont think its even 100).

70 is legaly retarded, 140 is genius (top 1%). I average out between 140-150 when ever I have taken em :thumb:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've taken about 4 on the internet and always score 125 to 135, but that can't be right - I'm not that smart! :thumb:

Der Übermensch 07-15-2005 09:41 AM

100 is considered the theoretical average as far as the test goes, and on a bell curve, should be the highest point. The further you get in either direction, the more shakey results get. I think the extremes are 50 and 150. Past those points, IQ's are more estimates based on your results rather then the actual result.

Can't find a source on the average of the US, but I remember seeing a chart that went state by state. Overall, the number got lower the further south you went :p

Simon__Thats_All 07-15-2005 09:56 AM

:lol: There was a national IQ test broadcasted on Australian television and my whole family took it. If I was as clever as they say i am i would have looked up the national results when they were published, but I didn't. The thing is I remember during the test there were questions to challenge ones mathematics skills and things like that, which I don't think have anything to do with IQ. Well, maybe have [I]something[/I] to do with it, but I thought IQ was meant to be more about problem solving etc., not addition and subtraction..

BludgeonySteve 07-15-2005 10:11 AM

[QUOTE=Das Übermensch]
Can't find a source on the average of the US, but I remember seeing a chart that went state by state. Overall, the number got lower the further south you went :p[/QUOTE]

That's because Canada has less influence in the south :)

Just kidding, i'm surprised Canada hasen't blown itself up yet :/

And Can this forum go one thread without arguing over who has the higher IQ or what the average is? Shut the **** up about it. If you're educated (and that's all that debating requires) then IQ doesn't matter very much.

denboy 07-15-2005 10:20 AM

[QUOTE=RNR]And Can this forum go one thread without arguing over who has the higher IQ or what the average is? Shut the **** up about it. If you're educated (and that's all that debating requires) then IQ doesn't matter very much.[/QUOTE]

Wtf? This is the first topic in ages I've seen where IQ has even been mentioned

BludgeonySteve 07-15-2005 10:24 AM

This one did yesterday [url]http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=365563&page=1&pp=25[/url]

Fine, I guess 2 isn't anything to complain about. But when I find a thread that I would have liked to contribute to and it's already off topic by the time I find it, that's annoying.

Carry on with your IQing and such.

rekker 07-15-2005 10:31 AM

[QUOTE=RNR]That's because Canada has less influence in the south :)

Just kidding, i'm surprised Canada hasen't blown itself up yet :/


What, on God's green earth, would we blow ourselves up with? A giant keg that was sloshed around too much?

BludgeonySteve 07-15-2005 10:32 AM

Pfft yes, we have enough beer to do it. :chug:

Smokey D 07-15-2005 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=RNR]This one did yesterday [url]http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=365563&page=1&pp=25[/url]

Carry on with your IQing and such.[/QUOTE]

I believe that was a reference to [i]this[/i] thread.

Volumnius Flush 07-22-2005 02:31 AM

[QUOTE=Simon__Thats_All]My God this kid infuriates me.[/QUOTE]

You believe in God?

[QUOTE=Simon__Thats_All] I started off in this thread trying to have a civilised debate with someone who was obviously misguided.[/QUOTE]

That's you're problem right there. You have no idea who's right here. Nor do I. But you came in here, Mr. Know-It-All going to show me the light so I won't be misguided. You were wrong.

[QUOTE=Simon__Thats_All]It turns out that I'm arguing with an arrogant brat, who's 3 years younger than me and who thinks a 110 IQ is something to be proud of. [/QUOTE]

And in all my youthfulness and arrogance and brattiness, I don't resort to name-calling? Or at least not as much as you.

I've taken various IQ tests, though admittadly none were done 1 on 1 professionally, and the scores are generally around the 130-140 mark. Well... It used to ;) Before reading this thread I'd agree with everyone saying your IQ doesn't just jump around, but I think this thread has succeeded in making me significantly dumber.[/QUOTE]

And I'll leave it there to say this. I find it funny how abundantly I'm told, "HAHA your IQ isn't 140!!" Then they go on to say, "But I often make in the 160 range."

It's a ridiculous double standard. I suppose you doubt my claims are accurate? But you expect everyone to believe your scores are true? You fools make me sick.

tuck down torso 07-22-2005 03:32 AM

Hey look I'm a dinosaur I don't exist.
Hey look I'm Bob Saget I do exist.

Amit 07-22-2005 05:50 AM

2000 years ago a jew was born who changed the world of spirituality

12 years ago a movie was directed by a jew and changed the world of blockbuster standards

one had dinosaurs

one had guys with wings



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